Drama Bawang Merah Bawang Putih Bahasa Inggris

Drama Bawang Merah Bawang Putih Bahasa Inggris

naskah drama bahasa inggris tentang bawang merah dan bawang putih

Daftar Isi

1. naskah drama bahasa inggris tentang bawang merah dan bawang putih

lagenda /cerita rakyat

2. Bahasa teks drama bawang merah bawang putih

bahasa yg digunakan lugas atau tidak bermakna ganda

3. apa bahasa inggrisnya bawang merah,bawang putih,daun bawang

bawang merah = shallot
bawang putih = garlic
daun bawang = scallion/spring onionbawang merah = onion
bawang putih = garlic
daun bawang = leek

4. Kesan dari drama bawang merah & bawang putih?​


Lebih Goodlooking Bawang Putih


jdi sirik klo jadi orang apa lagi sama saudara.


maaf kalau salah

5. legenda bawang putih dan bawang merah dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya

legenda bawang putih dan bawang merah
the legend onion white and onion red

6. Tulislah cerita tentang bawang putih bawang merah menggunakan bahasa inggris

Bawang Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih’s mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih’s life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.

One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother’s clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.

Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor.

Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. “Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin,” the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih’s experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores.

She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. “Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn’t like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih,” said Bawang Merah.

Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.

7. Monolog drama bawang merah dan bawang putih

maaf saya bingung ini pertanyaan atau bukan


ibu dan anaknya


karna ada dua anak bawang merah dan bawang putih

8. Ringkasan cerita bawang merah bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village with her mother. The little girl’s name was Bawang Putih and she was very beautiful. Everyone in the village loved her, including her mother.

One day, Bawang Putih’s mother became very ill and she passed away. Bawang Putih was very sad and she didn’t know what to do. She decided to go into the forest to find some help.

On her way into the forest, she met a kindly old woman who asked her what was wrong. Bawang Putih told her about her mother and how she was feeling. The old woman said that she could help Bawang Putih if she would do something for her.

The old woman gave Bawang Putih a basket of food and told her to take it to her house. Bawang Putih did as she was told and when she arrived at the old woman’s house, she found a big pot of soup cooking on the stove.

The old woman told Bawang Putih to take some of the soup back to her village and share it with the people there. Bawang Putih did as she was told and when she arrived back in her village, she found that her mother was no longer ill and everyone was healthy again.

The old woman had used her magic to help Bawang Putih and her village. From then on, Bawang Putih always helped others in need and she was loved by everyone.

9. konflik cerita bawang merah bawang putih bahasa inggris

1. Bawang Putih always be a slave and being forced to do house work
2. Bawang Putih often being tortured by his step mom and her step sister

10. membuat teks narrative tentang bawang merah bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris​


Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Bawang Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih’s mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih’s life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.

One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother’s clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.

Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. “Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin,” the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih’s experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. “Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn’t like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih,” said Bawang Merah.

Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.

11. cerita singkat cerita bawang putih bawang merah bahasa inggris

Garlic & Onion
(Bawang Putih&Bawang Merah)

Long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih (garlic). They are a happy family. Although the father Bawang Putih (garlic) traders only normal, but they are harmonious and peaceful living. But one day the mother Bawang Putih (garlic) sick and eventually died. Bawang Putih (Garlic) very similarly in his father’s sorrow.

Live in the village is also a widow who has a child named Bawang Merah (Onion). Since the mother’s Bawang putih died, Bawang Merah mother often went to the Bawang Putih house. He often brings food, Bawang Merah help tidy the house or just keep Bawang Putih and shoot the father. Finally Bawang Putih father thinking that it may be best if he just married mother Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih not so lonely anymore. Then Bawang Putih’s father and Bawang Merah’s mother married. Originally Bawang Merah mother’s and Bawang Merah is very good to Bawang putih. However, the nature of long run they began to look authentic. They often bristle Bawang Putih and gave her a job if the father of Bawang Putih are going to trade. Bawang Putih must do all homework, while Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang Merah just sit only. Of course Bawang white father did not know about it, because Bawang Putih never tell to her father.

One day Bawang Putih’s father fell ill and then died. Since that time Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang merah more powerful and haphazardly against to Bawang putih. Bawang Putih almost never rest. She should wake up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Bawang Merah and her mother. Then he had to feed the livestock, watering thegarden and wash clothes to the river. But he still must iron the clothes, tidy house, and many other jobs. But Bawang Putih always happy to do the work, because she hopes one day the stepmother will love such as her child own.

This morning as usual Bawang Putih bring basket containing the clothes in the river will wash. She sang with the small paths in the forest edge of a small regular she walk. Today the weather was very bright. Bawang Putih immediately wash all the dirty clothes brought. She fell very happy, Bawang putih not realize that one of the clothes have been brought out flow. Unfortunately the shirt is a lovely shirt her stepmother.

When the think that, clothes’s stepmother was too far away. Bawang Putih, try the river to search for it, but did not succeed to find it. With the despair he returned to the house and told to his mother.

12. buatlah pertanyaan bawang putih dan bawang merah dengan bahasa inggris?

Who name sister Bawang Putih ?
Maaf klu slh what the meaning of union?

what the meaning of garlic

gatau juga deh

13. Cerita bawang merah bawang putih bahasa Inggris singkat


Cerita singkat bawang merah dan bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris.

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

One day, Bawang merah and her mother told Bawang putih to wash their clothes in the river, suddenly her mother's favorite red colored clothes were washed away by the river, then Bawang putih panicked and chased after her mother's favorite clothes that were carried away by the river and because of exhaustion Bawang putih was desperate and the clothes were also carried away by the river.

On the way home, Bawang putih saw an old house and Bawang putih went to the house, it turns out there was an old woman in the house. Days have passed, it's been three days since Bawang putih helped the old woman. The old woman was very grateful and gave a gift in the form of fruit to Bawang putih, after Bawang putih split the fruit it turned out that it was a jewelery inside the fruit, then Bawang putih brought the fruit to her home.

When Bawang putih arrived at home, Bawang merah and her mother were jealous of Bawang putih, then Bawang merah followed what Bawang putih did to get that jewelery, but there was a difference between Bawang putih and Bawang merah, is that Bawang merah helped that old woman sincerely. After that, Bawang merah asked for a gift from the old women and brought the gift home. It turned out that after Bawang merah and her mother split the fruit there was a poisonous snakes inside and Bawang merah and her mother was killed by the snake.

The end.






14. pesan moral dari cerita bawang merah dan bawang putih? dalam bahasa inggris.​

we as humans must not arbitrarily treat others, because it could be that the people we make arbitrarily are those who help us in distress

"always enjoy"(◍•ᴗ•◍)

15. dalam drama bawang putih dan bawang merah. bawang putih berperan sebagai?

Tokoh protagonis berupa anak yang baik, sopan, dan penurut. Namun sayangnya ibu tiri dan saudari tirinya menjadikannya seperti pembantu di rumahnya sendiri.

Semoga membantu :)tokoh protagonis/baik

16. Ringkasan cerita bawang putih dan bawang merah dalam bahasa inggris

Once upon a time there lived a rich widow who had two children: Bawang Putih (garilic) and Bawang Merah (onion). Bawang Putih was her step daughter. Bawang Putih was a good child, while Bawang Merah was lazy.

One day Bawang Putih washed her stepmother's cloth, but the cloth was washed away in the river. Bawang Putih continued down the river until she finally met an old woman who found the cloth. The old woman would return the cloth on the condition that Bawang Putih had to help her work.

Bawang Putih helped her work. The old woman gave two gifts to choose: a small pumpkin or a large pumpkin. Then Bawang Putih took the small one.

Coming home with a small pumpkin, her stepmother grabbed the pumpkin and slammed it angrily. It turned out that the pumpkin contained gold, gems and diamonds.

The stepmother then told Bawang Merah to do as Bawang Putih did, to wash the cloth in the river. Until finally met the old woman. But Bawang Merah didn't want to help her and asked for a big pumpkin. At home she split the large pumpkin which turned out to be a poisonous snake and  scorpions. Soon they realized their bad deeds.


Cerita di atas merupakan salah satu folktale (cerita rakyat). Setiap negara mempunyai folktale masing-masing yang unik. Pada umumnya tema folktale itu sama: bahwa kebaikan akan mengalahkan kejahatan.

Folktale termasuk bagian dari narrative text yang isinya menceritakan kejadian, baik fiksi atau non fiksi, dalam bentuk urutan seperti ini:

Orientation, pendahuluan yang mengenalkan siapa yang terlibat dalam cerita. Dalam cerita bawang putih di atas adalah paragraf pertama.Complication, mulai munculnya masalah. Dalam teks di atas mulai paragraf kedua.Resolution, pemecahan masalahnya.Re-orientation, bagian penutup, biasanya berupa kesimpulan, bisa ditambahkan atau tidak.Pelajari lebih lanjut

Tentang narrative text:

brainly.co.id/tugas/5961190brainly.co.id/tugas/2746332brainly.co.id/tugas/23078311Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: 5 Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 4

Kode: 10.5.4


17. cerita bawang putih dan bawang merah dalam bahasa inggris

Long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih (garlic). They are a happy family. Although the father Bawang Putih (garlic) traders only normal, but they are harmonious and peaceful living. But one day the mother Bawang Putih (garlic) sick and eventually died. Bawang Putih (Garlic) very similarly in his father’s sorrow.

Live in the village is also a widow who has a child named Bawang Merah (Onion). Since the mother’s Bawang putih died, Bawang Merah mother often went to the Bawang Putih house. He often brings food, Bawang Merah help tidy the house or just keep Bawang Putih and shoot the father. Finally Bawang Putih father thinking that it may be best if he just married mother Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih not so lonely anymore. Then Bawang Putih’s father and Bawang Merah’s mother married. Originally Bawang Merah mother’s and Bawang Merah is very good to Bawang putih. However, the nature of long run they began to look authentic. They often bristle Bawang Putih and gave her a job if the father of Bawang Putih are going to trade. Bawang Putih must do all homework, while Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang Merah just sit only. Of course Bawang white father did not know about it, because Bawang Putih never tell to her father.

One day Bawang Putih’s father fell ill and then died. Since that time Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang merah more powerful and haphazardly against to Bawang putih. Bawang Putih almost never rest. She should wake up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Bawang Merah and her mother. Then he had to feed the livestock, watering thegarden and wash clothes to the river. But he still must iron the clothes, tidy house, and many other jobs. But Bawang Putih always happy to do the work, because she hopes one day the stepmother will love such as her child own.

This morning as usual Bawang Putih bring basket containing the clothes in the river will wash. She sang with the small paths in the forest edge of a small regular she walk. Today the weather was very bright. Bawang Putih immediately wash all the dirty clothes brought. She fell very happy, Bawang putih not realize that one of the clothes have been brought out flow. Unfortunately the shirt is a lovely shirt her stepmother.

When the think that, clothes’s stepmother was too far away. Bawang Putih, try the river to search for it, but did not succeed to find it. With the despair he returned to the house and told to his mother.

18. Cerita bawang merah bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris singkat


In the morning, garlic was making food for her mother. then red onion make bread for his mother, because today is their mother's birthday. red onion want their food or bread to be preferred over garlic food.but instead garlic food is preferred by the mother. Red onion was disappointed to see her mother said it was delicious when she ate garlic food so that the red onion really hates garlic At that time, Red Onion expressed his feelings to his mother and Garlic. finally garlic and his mother understand and become a happy family.




19. teks drama bawang merah dan bawang putih

A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father , mother , and a young girl named Garlic. They are a happy family . Although father Garlic just ordinary traders , but they live in harmony and peace . But a Mother's Day Garlic ill and eventually died . Garlic is very similarly bereaved father .

Garlic : " Dad , why mothers leave us so soon ?

Dad : " It had been his destiny , boy! "

Garlic : " Yes , it was , yeah ! "

Dad : " Yes , my son had already biarkah "

In the village lived a widow who had a son named Onion . Since the mother's mother died Garlic Onion Garlic frequent visits home . He often brought food , garlic help clean the house , or simply accompany his father Garlic and chat

Mother Onion : " Garlic, there is little food for you "

Garlic : " Thank you ma'am ! "

Mother Onion : " Yes , you're welcome, yes already mother to go home first , yes ! "

Dad : " Oh , yes greetings for Shallot yes !

Mother Onion : " Yes ! "

Garlic 's father eventually thought that it might be better if he married the mother alone with shallots . In consideration of the garlic, then the father 's father was married to the mother of garlic onion

Dad : " Garlic if the father is married to the mother of onion what you agree , do not ? "

Garlic : " I agree the father "

Dad : " Well then , how about the Red Onion ?

Onion : " I agree , yes it bu ? "

Mother Onion : " Yes ! "

Originally mother onion and shallot very good to BAWAG white . But over time their true nature began to appear . They often scold White onions and often gave him a tough job if dad garlic being traded . Of course Dad did not know because Bawamg White Garlic never told

Mother : " White you have to mop , wash dishes , and all the homework you must finish "

Garlic : " Okay mom ! "

Onion : " You have to clean my room White cluttered "

Garlic : "Yes ..... yes kak

A Father's Day Garlic fell ill and later died

Dad : " Garlic seems dad is not strong anymore due to father's illness that almost the entire body menyebr father "

Garlic : " White Daddy please daddy do white lef yah ! "

Dad : "Son if dad went baik2 ya , boy! "

Garlic : " Yes , father ! "

Dad : "Mom , I'm white huh buddy ? "

Mother Onion : " Yes , father ! "

Garlic : " ....... a ..... well , do not lef white , well " ( crying )

Since that time his mother Shallots and more powerful and semna - mena against Garlic is almost never rested .

Mother : " White you have to get up before dawn , to prepare water for my shower and breakfast and garlic , then you have to feed livestock, watering gardens and washing clothes to the river , then you should be ironing, and cleaning the house , get it! "

Garlic : " understand , mom ! "

Garlic : " I got this gem from the golden ...... "

Onion : " Where ? "

Garlic : "I was looking for maternity clothes in the sink , then stay at home grandmother benighted riverbank , and I was told to menemanix for a week , even a week after I was given this gift "

After hearing the story BawangPutih , Onions merahpun plan to do the same thing but this time the onion will do .

Mother : " Onion you must do what the damn kid "

Onion : " Okay mom ! "

Mom : "Then , tomorrow morning you must go to the river "

Onion : " Well ma'am ! "

The next day Merahpun Onions washed clothes into the river , after which he got home grandma
H ......

20. Akhir cerita dari bawang merah dan bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris


Bawang Merah and her stepmother realized her mistake and apologized to Bawang Putih

21. dongeng bahasa inggris bawang merah bawang putih

Bawang Merah Bawang putih            Bawang putih lived with her stepmother and her step sister, Bawang merah. Bawang putih’s mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, bawang putih’s life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated bawang putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.            One morning, bawang putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother’s clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally, she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to bawang putihif she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave bawang putih a gift. The old woman had to pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang putih had to choose one.            Bawang putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, bawang putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and bawang putih were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed to the floor. Suddenly, they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. Bawang merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember you have to take the big pumpkin, “the step mother asked bawang merah to do exactly the same as bawang putih’s experience.  Bawang putih immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretenden to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked bawang merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin. They were really scared. They were afraid she snakes would bite them. “ Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to bawang putih. And God didn’t like that. We have to apologize to bawang putih, “ said bawang merah.

Bawang Merah Bawang putihBawang putih tinggal dengan ibu tirinyadan saudara tiri perempuannya, Bawang merah.Ibu Bawang putih meninggal ketika dia masih bayi. Ayahnya menikah lagi dengan wanita lain dan kemudian adiknya lahir. Sayangnya, tidak lama setelah itu ayahnya meninggal. Sejak itu,kehidupan bawang putih selalu sedih. Ibunyadan saudara tiri perempuannya memiperlakukanbawang putih buruk dan selalu memintanya untuk melakukan semua pekerjaan rumah tangga.Suatu pagi, bawang putih sedang mencuci pakaian di sungai. Tidak Sengaja,pakaian ibunya hanyut oleh sungai. Dia benar-benar khawatir sehingga dia berjalan di sepanjang sisi sungai untuk menemukanpakaian. Akhirnya, ia bertemu dengan seorang wanita tua. Dia berkata bahwa dia menemukanpakaian dan akan memberikan kembali kebawang putih jika dia membantu wanita tuamelakukan pekerjaannya. Bawang putihmembantunya, dia bahagia. Setelah semuanyaselesai, wanita tua mengembalikan pakaian. Dia juga memberikan bawang putih hadiah. Wanitatua itu member labu, labu satu kecil dan satunyabesar. Bawang putih harus memilih salah satu.Bawang putih bukan gadis serakah . Jadi dia mengambil yang kecil . Setelah berterima kasih kepada wanita tua , bawang putih kemudian pulang . Ketika dia tiba di rumah , dia ibu tiri dan bawang putih marah . Mereka telah menunggunya sepanjang hari . Bawang putih kemudian memberitahu tentang pakaian , wanita tua , dan labu . Ibunya benar-benar marah sehingga dia meraih labu dan menghancurkan ke lantai . Tiba-tiba , mereka semua terkejut . Di dalam labu mereka menemukan perhiasan . Bawang merah , cepatlah . Pergi ke sungai dan melemparkan pakaian ke dalam air . Setelah itu , menemukan wanita tua . Ingat kamu harus mengambil labu besar , " kemudian  ibu meminta bawang merah untuk melakukan persis sama seperti pengalaman bawang putih itu . Bawang merah segera pergi ke sungai . Dia melemparkan pakaian . Tidak lama setelah itu, dia bertemu dengan wanita tua . kemudian dia bertanya kepada bawang merah untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga . Dia menolak dan meminta wanita tua untuk memberinya labu besar . Wanita tua itu kemudian memberinyalabu besar . Bawang merah sangat gembira . Dia berlari sangat cepat . Ketika dia tiba di rumah , ibunya tidak sabar . Dia langsung menghancurkan labu ke lantai . Mereka berteriak-teriak . Ada banyak ular di dalam labu . Mereka benar-benar takut . Mereka takut ular akan menggigit mereka . " Bu, aku pikir Tuhan hanya menghukum kita . kita telah melakukan hal-hal buruk untuk bawang putih . Dan Allah tidak suka itu . Kita harus meminta maaf kepada bawang putih , " kata bawang merah .Bawang Merah Bawang putih            Bawang putih lived with her stepmother and her step sister, Bawang merah. Bawang putih’s mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, bawang putih’s life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated bawang putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.            One morning, bawang putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother’s clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally, she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to bawang putihif she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave bawang putih a gift. The old woman had to pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang putih had to choose one.            Bawang putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, bawang putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and bawang putih were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed to the floor. Suddenly, they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. Bawang merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember you have to take the big pumpkin, “the step mother asked bawang merah to do exactly the same as bawang putih’s experience.  Bawang putih immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretenden to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked bawang merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin. They were really scared. They were afraid she snakes would bite them. “ Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to bawang putih. And God didn’t like that. We have to apologize to bawang putih, “ said bawang merah.

22. amanat cerita bawang merah bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris

-kita tidak boleh semena mena kepada orang
-orang yang sudah jahat kepada orang akan mendapat karmanya
-orang yang tamak akan mendapat akibatnyaGreedy people will get in return

23. Penjelasan karakter yang ada dalam cerita bawang putih dan bawang merah dalam bahasa inggris

Bawang Putih : Kind, Patient, Protagonist
Bawang Merah : Evil, Antagonist

24. teks drama bawang merah dan bawang putih​

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25. cerita bahasa Inggrisnya bawang putih dan bawang merah​


In a village, there lived a widow who lived with her two beautiful daughters, Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih's biological father who was also the husband of Bawang Merah's mother had died, so Bawang Putih was Bawang Merah's half-brother.

Shallots and Garlic have different traits and personalities. Garlic has a diligent, kind, honest, and humble nature. Meanwhile, Shallots are lazy, arrogant, jealous.While Bawang Putih did all the housework, washing, cooking, cleaning the house, and she just did it herself. Meanwhile, Bawang Merah and her mother just spent time for themselves.

When they need something, they just ask for Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih never complained about the bad luck she faced. He always served his stepmother and sister happily.

One day, Bawang Putih, washed the clothes of her stepmother and Bawang Merah in the river. Bawang Putih did not realize that a piece of cloth belonging to her mother drifted in the river. He also felt sad, thinking that if the cloth was not found, he would be blamed, punished, or kicked out of the house. Fearing that his mother's cloth could not be found, Bawang Putih continued to search and walked along the river. Whenever he saw someone by the river, he always asked about his mother's cloth being washed away, but no one saw where it was.

Finally Bawang Putih came to a place where the river flowed into a cave. Strangely, he saw a very old woman in the cave. Bawang Putih also asked the old woman if she saw the cloth belonging to her mother.

The old woman knew where the cloth was, but she made a condition before handing it over to Bawang Putih. The condition is that he has to work to help the woman. Because before that he used to work hard, so he helped the old woman. When it was evening, Bawang Putih said goodbye to the old woman then the woman also handed her the cloth. Because of Bawang Putih's kindness, the old woman offered a pumpkin as a gift.

There are two pumpkins, one bigger than the other. Bawang Putih was asked to choose the pumpkin she wanted. Because Bawang Putih was not greedy, she chose a small pumpkin. After that Bawang Putih returned to her house.

His stepmother and Bawang Merah were very angry because Bawang Putih was late. Bawang Putih then told what happened. Her stepmother was still angry because Bawang Putih was late and only brought one small pumpkin. So, his mother slammed the pumpkin on the ground. Prakk…” and the pumpkin broke.

But strangely, it turns out that in the pumpkin there is a beautiful and sparkling gold jewelry. Her stepmother and Bawang Merah were very surprised. They then feel they will be very rich if they have so much jewelry.

But because of their greed, they even shouted at Bawang Putih and shouted why Bawang Putih didn't take the big pumpkin. In the minds of Bawang Merah and her mother, if the big pumpkin was taken, they would definitely get more jewelry.

To fulfill their greed, Bawang Merah followed the steps told by Bawang Putih. He was willing to wash away his mother's cloth, walked along the river, asked people and finally came to the cave where the old woman lived. However, unlike Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah refused to help the old woman with her work and even arrogantly ordered the old woman to give her a bigger pumpkin.

semoga membantu, maaf jika kualitas gambarnya kurang jernih :)

26. contoh drama tentang bawang putih dan bawang merah

Sinopsis Drama Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

Pada dahulu kala tinggalah sebuah keluarga disebuah desa. Mereka terdiri dari ayah, ibu, dan seorang gadis remaja dengan nama Bawang Putih. Mereka adalah sebuah keluarga yang hidup bahagia. Kendati ayah Bawang Putih hanyalah seorang pedagang biasa, namun mereka bisa hidup dengan sangat rukun dan sentosa hingga pada suatu hari ibu Bawang Putih sakit parah yang akhirnya meninggal dunia. Bawang Putih sangat berduka dengan meninggalnya ibunda tercintanya itu, begitu juga dengan ayahnya, ia merasakan duka yang sangat mendalam harus menerima kenyataan itu.

Dialog drama Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

Bawang Putih:
Ayah, kenapa sih ibu harus pergi meninggalkan kita dengan begitu cepatnya?

Ini memang sudah menjadi kehendak yang maha kuasa, nak.

Bawang Putih:
Ya, sudah lah, yah.. memang sudah menjadi ketentuan yang maha kuasa.

Ya, benar anakku. Biarlah, ini memang sudah ditentukan-Nya.

Di desa itu terdapat seorang janda yang memiliki anak bernama Bawang Merah. Semenjak ibu Bawang Putih meninggal ibu Bawang Merah sering menyempatkan diri untuk berkunjung kerumah Bawang Putih. Ibu Bawang Merah sering membawakan makanan untuk Bawang Putih dan ayahnya, membantu Bawang Putih bersih-bersih rumah, dan juga menemani Bawang Putih dan ayahnya untuk berbagi lewat obrolan.

Ibu Bawang Merah:
Bawang Putih... ini saya bawakan makanan untuk kamu.

Bawang Putih:
Iya, terima kasih banyak bu sudah membawakan makanan untuk Bawang Putih.

Ibu Bawang Merah:
Ya, sama-sama, ibu cuman nggak pengen lihat kamu kurang makan. Ya sudah, kalau gitu ibu pamit pulang dulu. 

Ayah Bawang Putih : Bu, nitip salam ya buat Bawang Merah.

Ibu Bawang Merah: Iya, nanti aku sampaikan ke Bawang Merah.

Kedekatan Ayah Bawang Putih dengan ibu Bawang Merah yang dirasanya sangat baik hati membuat ayah Bawang Putih kepikiran untuk menikahi ibu Bawang Merah. Dengan meminta pertimbangan dari Bawang Putih, kemudian ayah Bawang Putih menikah dengan ibu Bawang Merah.

Ayah Bawang Putih:
Bawang Putih, andai saja ayah menikahi dengan ibu Bawang Merah, apakah kamu setuju, nak?

Bawang Putih: Aku hanya ngikut kemauan ayah, kalau ayah memang menginginkannya, kenapa aku harus menghalanginya. Lagian ibu Bawang Merah itu kan baik hati.

Ayah Bawang Putih:
Baiklah nak kalau begitu, terimakasih atas izin kamu. Bagaimana denganmu Bawang Merah? apakah kamu juga setuju?

Bawang Merah:
Aku juga setuju, ibu setuju juga kan? 

Ibu Bawang Merah:
Ya, ibu juga setuju dengan niatan ayah Bawang Putih untuk menikahi ibu.

Diawal-awal pernikahan, ibu Bawang Merah dan Bawang Merah bersikap sangat baik kepada Bawang Putih. Namun, lama-kelamaan tabiat sesungguhnya mereka akhirnya mulai kelihatan. Bawang Merah dan ibunya sering kali memarahi Bawang Putih dan tidak jarang memberinya pekerjaan yang berat manakala ayah Bawang Putih sedang tidak ada dirumah. Karena Ayah Bawang Putih sedang berdagang, maka ayah Bawamg Putih tidak tahu-menahu perihal perlakukan ibu tirinya itu karena Bawang Putih sendiri tidak pernah menceritakan perlakukan ibu tirinya itu kepada ayahnya.

Putih.. kamu harus membersihkan lantai ya, cuci piring, dan semua pekerjaan rumah harus kamu bereskan!

Bawang Putih:
Iya, Baik bu, akan Putih kerjakan.

Bawang Merah:
Putih, kamu harus membersihkan kamarku biar terlihat rapi dan nggak berantakan.

Bawang Putih:
Baik kak, akan Putih bersihkan.

Pada suatu hari ayah Bawang Putih jatuh sakit hingga kemudian meninggal dunia. Kini Bawang Putih tidak lagi punya ayah dan juga ibu.

Bawang Putih, sepertinya ayah sudah tidak kuat lagi. Penyakit ayah tidak mungkin bisa disembuhkan lagi.

Bawang Putih:
Ayah, Putih mohon sama ayah, jangan tinggalin Putih, yah! Putih akan sama siapa lagi, yah?

Maafkan ayah, nak. Jika ayah pergi, kamu baik-baik saja ya, nak. 

Bawang Putih:
Iya, ayah.

Bu, aku titip Putih ya? Tolong jagain Putih, dan aku mohon ibu bisa menganggap dia seperti anak ibu sendiri.

Ibu Bawang Merah:
Ya, baik ayah. 

Bawang Putih:
Ayah.. jangan tinggalkan Putih, yah! (Bawang Putih bercucuran air mata)

Sejak saat itu Bawang Merah dan ibunya semakin leluasa dan bertindak semena-mena terhadap Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih seperti menjadi buruh Bawang Merah dan ibunya.

27. cerita bawang merah dan bawang putih dalam bahasa Inggris

Garlic & Onion
Long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih (garlic). They are a happy family. Although the father Bawang Putih (garlic) traders only normal, but they are harmonious and peaceful living. But one day the mother Bawang Putih (garlic) sick and eventually died. Bawang Putih (Garlic) very similarly in his father’s sorrow.

Live in the village is also a widow who has a child named Bawang Merah (Onion). Since the mother’s Bawang putih died, Bawang Merah mother often went to the Bawang Putih house. He often brings food, Bawang Merah help tidy the house or just keep Bawang Putih and shoot the father. Finally Bawang Putih father thinking that it may be best if he just married mother Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih not so lonely anymore. Then Bawang Putih’s father and Bawang Merah’s mother married. Originally Bawang Merah mother’s and Bawang Merah is very good to Bawang putih. However, the nature of long run they began to look authentic. They often bristle Bawang Putih and gave her a job if the father of Bawang Putih are going to trade. Bawang Putih must do all homework, while Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang Merah just sit only. Of course Bawang white father did not know about it, because Bawang Putih never tell to her father.

One day Bawang Putih’s father fell ill and then died. Since that time Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang merah more powerful and haphazardly against to Bawang putih. Bawang Putih almost never rest. She should wake up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Bawang Merah and her mother. Then he had to feed the livestock, watering thegarden and wash clothes to the river. But he still must iron the clothes, tidy house, and many other jobs. But Bawang Putih always happy to do the work, because she hopes one day the stepmother will love such as her child own.

This morning as usual Bawang Putih bring basket containing the clothes in the river will wash. She sang with the small paths in the forest edge of a small regular she walk. Today the weather was very bright. Bawang Putih immediately wash all the dirty clothes brought. She fell very happy, Bawang putih not realize that one of the clothes have been brought out flow. Unfortunately the shirt is a lovely shirt her stepmother.

When the think that, clothes’s stepmother was too far away. Bawang Putih, try the river to search for it, but did not succeed to find it. With the despair he returned to the house and told to his mother.

sumber: cerita-inggris-indonesia.blogspot.com

28. cerita rakyat bawang merah dan bawang putih dengan bahasa inggris​

once upon a time, there lived a beatiful and kind girl named Bawang Putih. Bawang putih lived along with his father that she loved so much in a Village, somewhere in Yogyakarta. Bawang putih biological mother wash long dead as a result of serious illness that she suffered. Bawang putih lived in a very modest family, his father was only small traders. Even though, they were always grateful for the blessingss that had given by God.

cuma itu yang saya tahu semoga bermanfaat ^_^

Long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih (garlic). They are a happy family. Although the father Bawang Putih (garlic) traders only normal, but they are harmonious and peaceful living. But one day the mother Bawang Putih (garlic) sick and eventually died. Bawang Putih (Garlic) very similarly in his father’s sorrow.

Live in the village is also a widow who has a child named Bawang Merah (Onion). Since the mother’s Bawang putih died, Bawang Merah mother often went to the Bawang Putih house. He often brings food, Bawang Merah help tidy the house or just keep Bawang Putih and shoot the father. Finally Bawang Putih father thinking that it may be best if he just married mother Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih not so lonely anymore.

Then Bawang Putih’s father and Bawang Merah’s mother married. Originally Bawang Merah mother’s and Bawang Merah is very good to Bawang putih. However, the nature of long run they began to look authentic. They often bristle Bawang Putih and gave her a job if the father of Bawang Putih are going to trade. Bawang Putih must do all homework, while Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang Merah just sit only. Of course Bawang white father did not know about it, because Bawang Putih never tell to her father.

One day Bawang Putih’s father fell ill and then died. Since that time Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang merah more powerful and haphazardly against to Bawang putih. Bawang Putih almost never rest. She should wake up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Bawang Merah and her mother. Then he had to feed the livestock, watering thegarden and wash clothes to the river. But he still must iron the clothes, tidy house, and many other jobs. But Bawang Putih always happy to do the work, because she hopes one day the stepmother will love such as her child own.

29. cerpen bawang merah dan bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris

Garlic & Onion
Long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih (garlic). They are a happy family. Although the father Bawang Putih (garlic) traders only normal, but they are harmonious and peaceful living. But one day the mother Bawang Putih (garlic) sick and eventually died. Bawang Putih (Garlic) very similarly in his father’s sorrow.
Live in the village is also a widow who has a child named Bawang Merah (Onion). Since the mother’s Bawang putih died, Bawang Merah mother often went to the Bawang Putih house. He often brings food, Bawang Merah help tidy the house or just keep Bawang Putih and shoot the father. Finally Bawang Putih father thinking that it may be best if he just married mother Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih not so lonely anymore. 
Then Bawang Putih’s father and Bawang Merah’s mother married. Originally Bawang Merah mother’s and Bawang Merah is very good to Bawang putih. However, the nature of long run they began to look authentic. They often bristle Bawang Putih and gave her a job if the father of Bawang Putih are going to trade. Bawang Putih must do all homework, while Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang Merah just sit only. Of course Bawang white father did not know about it, because Bawang Putih never tell to her father.
One day Bawang Putih’s father fell ill and then died. Since that time Bawang Merah’s mother and Bawang merah more powerful and haphazardly against to Bawang putih. Bawang Putih almost never rest. She should wake up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Bawang Merah and her mother. Then he had to feed the livestock, watering thegarden and wash clothes to the river. But he still must iron the clothes, tidy house, and many other jobs. But Bawang Putih always happy to do the work, because she hopes one day the stepmother will love such as her child own.This morning as usual Bawang Putih bring basket containing the clothes in the river will wash. She sang with the small paths in the forest edge of a small regular she walk. Today the weather was very bright. Bawang Putih immediately wash all the dirty clothes brought. She fell very happy, Bawang putih not realize that one of the clothes have been brought out flow. Unfortunately the shirt is a lovely shirt her stepmother.
When the think that, clothes’s stepmother was too far away. Bawang Putih, try the river to search for it, but did not succeed to find it. With the despair he returned to the house and told to his mother.

30. kesimpulan cerita bawang merah dan bawang putih dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya

conclusion of a story called bawang merah and bawang putih

jealousy is the main issue in their relationship where bawang putih was more fortunate than bawang merah

bawang merah was envy and was not able to control her emotional tools towards bawang putih


kesimpulan dari sebuah cerita yang disebut bawang merah dan putih

kecemburuan adalah masalah utama dalam hubungan mereka di mana bawang putih lebih beruntung daripada bawang merah

Bawang merah iri dan tidak mampu mengendalikan alat emosionalnya terhadap bawang putih


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