Rumus Verbal Simple Present Tense

Rumus Verbal Simple Present Tense

Apa itu simple present tense verbal? apa kegunaan simple present tense verbal? tuliskan rumus simple prensent tense verbal! tuliskan contoh kalimat simple present tense!

Daftar Isi

1. Apa itu simple present tense verbal? apa kegunaan simple present tense verbal? tuliskan rumus simple prensent tense verbal! tuliskan contoh kalimat simple present tense!

1. Tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kondisi atau kejadian yang berlangsung saat ini atau juga sebuah kebiasaan yang berulang dan juga kebenaran umum

2.-Menyatakan kegiatan sehari hari ( Daily Activity)

-Menyatakan peristiwa yang umum

-Menyatakan permintaan atau perintah kepada lawan bicara

-Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sudah pasti terjadi

-Menunjukkan kemampuan,watak, atau sifat seseorang

-Mengutip berita atau informasi

3. (+) : S + V1 + O

(-) : S + Do/Does + Not + V1 + O

(?) : Do/Does + S + V1 + O?

4. (+) : She opens the door ( Dia membuka pintu )

(-) : She does not open the window ( Dia tidak membuka jendela)

(?) : Does she open the door? ( Apakah dia membuka pintu? )

Semoga membantu ☺

2. 1. Apakah Simple Present Tense Verbal? 2. Tuliskan rumus Simple Present Tense Verbal! 3. Tuliskan contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense Verbal! 4. Apa kegunaan Simple Present Tense Verbal?

Kalimat Verbal itu hanya punya satu ciri. Apa itu? Sesuai dengan namanya yaitu adanya VERB alias kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk setiap tenses, kata kerjanya berbeda-beda. Ada yang menggunakan Verb 1 atau kata kerja present, ada yang menggunakan Verb 2 atau Verb 3.

Sering saya tekankan di sini, nggak usah pusing-pusing dengan segala macam istilah kedengarannya ribet di telinga. Padahal jika kamu mempelajarinya dengan serius, semua itu jadi gampang banget.

Sekarang kita bahas tentang kalimat Verbal berpola Simple Present Tense. Jadi, Verb yang digunakan adalah kata kerja present atau dikenal dengan Verb 1.

VERB 1 alias Kata Kerja Present

Verb 1 itu apa dan apa saja termasuk Verb 1?

Verb 1 adalah kata kerja “original” yang digunakan untuk kalimat Verbal, Simple Present Tense. Apa maksudnya kata kerja original? Artinya nggak mengalami perubahan, kecuali untuk subyek SHE IT HE.

Subyek dibedakan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu si Dewi_Aiyu (They We I You) dan si Shiithi (She It He). Nah, masing-masing kelompok punya Verb 1 yang berbeda. Biar lebih jelas, yuk kita lihat dengan 30 contoh Verb beserta artinya berikut ini.

Subyek Dewi_Aiyu

They We I You

Arti Kata Kerja

Subyek Shiithi

She It He

wake up bangun tidur wakes up

play bermain plays

go pergi goes

like suka likes

dream bermimpi dreams

live tinggal lives

give memberi gives

know mengetahui knows

meow mengeong meows

run berlari runs

have mempunyai has

speak berbicara speaks

swim berenang swims

see melihat sees

cook memasak cooks

sleep tidur sleeps

want ingin wants

watch menonton watches

love mencintai loves

thank berterimakasih thanks

understand mengerti understands

tell bercerita tells

sing bernyanyi sings

study belajar studies

catch menangkap catches

let membiarkan lets

make membuat makes

listen mendengarkan listens

read membaca reads

believe mempercayai believes

Jadi, penggunaan Verb 1 dalam kalimat Verbal Simple Present Tense itu tergantung pada subyeknya. Subyek si Dewi_Aiyu (They We I You) menggunakan Verb “original” tanpa perubahan apa-apa. Sedangkan untuk subyek Shiithi (She It He), kata kerja yang digunakan harus ditambahkan akhiran s/es.

Pengen tahu contoh kalimat Verbal dalam Bahasa Inggris? Lihat poin 3 ya. Kamu juga bisa praktek membuat contohnya dengan kata kerja yang telah tersedia dalam tabel.

Contoh kalimat Verbal Positif

She wakes up at 5:00 in the morning.

He plays the piano every Monday and Thursday.

They go to school on foot.

We like swimming and traveling.

Alicia dreams of being rich and famous.

Hastuti and Hendru live in London.

I give her a hundred dollars every month.

You know everything about Science.

My cat always meows at a newcomer.

My mother runs one kilometre every morning.

Contoh kalimat Verbal Negatif

She does not wake up at 4:00 in the morning.

He doesn’t play the piano at Sunday.

They do not go to school by car.

We don’t like dancing.

Alicia doesn’t dream of being an artist.

Hastuti and Hendru do not live in Paris.

I don’t give her a thousand dollars every month.

You do not know everything about Geography.

My cat doesn’t always meow at me.

My mother does not run three kilometres every morning.

Contoh kalimat Verbal Interogatif

Does she wake up at 5:00 in the morning? / Yes, she does.

Does he play the piano at Sunday? / No, he doesn’t.

Do they go to school on foot? / Yes, they do.

Do we like dancing? / No, we don’t.

Does Alicia dream of being an artist? / No, she doesn’t.

Do Hastuti and Hendru live in London? / Yes, they do.

Do I give her a hundred dollars every month? / Yes, you do.

Do you know everything about Geography? No, I don’t.

Does your cat always meow at a newcomer? / Yes, it does.

Does your mother run three kilometers every morning? / No, she doesn’t.

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya dan berterimakasih

3. apa definisi dari "simple present tense : verbal" dan "simple present tense:non verbal" ? dan berilah rumusnya...

simple present tense verbal : kalimat present yang melibatkan kata kerja ( terdapat kata kerja di dalamnya )
rumus : Subject + V1 

simple present tense non verbal : kalimat present yang tidak melibatkan kata kerja , ( tdk terdapat kata kerja di dalamnya ) melainkan seperti kata sifat ( adjective ) , kata benda ( noun ) dll .
rumus : Subject + to be + Non Verb


4. apakah perbedaan antara verbal simple present tense dan nominal simple present​


Pada Simple Present Tenses kita bagi menjadi dua kalimat verbal dan nominal. Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang menggunakan verb. Kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang tidak menggunakan verb tetapi menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) dari kelompok “to be“, diantaranya is, am, are, was, were, dan be.


semoga membantu

5. rumus simple present verbal(+)(-)(?)​


(+) Subject + Verb.1 + Object

(-) Subject + do not/does not + Verb.1 + Object

(?) Do/does + Subject + Verb.1 + Object


(+) Subject+Verb1+Object

(-)  Subject+Do/Does+Not+Verb1+Object

(?) Do/Does+Subject+Verb1+Object+?

Semoga Membantu Ya...

6. buat satu kalimat verbal simple present tense (memakai 1 verbal sentence in English using simple present tense) pakai bahasa Inggris​


We go to school by bus


Maaf kalo salah

Semoga bermanfaat

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas

Selalu semangat belajar yak

Salam dari melan

7. buatlah 5 kalimat verbal menggunakan rumus simple present tense dengan bentuk verb (+),(-),(?)

kalimat verbal simple present :
1. (+) he goes to school every morning
(-) he doesn't go to school every morning
(?) Does he go to school every morning?
2. (+) she does her homework.
(-)  she doesn't do her homework.
(?) Does she do her homework?
3. (+) Futaba cooks in the kitchen.
(-)  Futaba doesn't cook in the kitchen.
(?) Does Futaba cook in the kitchen?
4.  (+) They study English every week.
(-) They don't study English every week.
(?) Do they study English every week? 
5.  (+) Purnomo and Ojak read a magazine.
(-) Purnomo and Ojak don't read a magazine.
(?) Do Purnomo and Ojak read a magazine?

8. buatlah 5 kalimat verbal menggunakan rumus simple present tense dengan bentuk verb (+),(-),(?)

1. a. (+) We learn english everyday
     b. (-) we dnt learn english everyday
     c. (?) are we learn english everyday?
2. a. (+) He answers his questions
    b. (-) he did not answer the question
    c. (?) wht he said whn answering the question?

maaf klo salah

9. simple present tense (verbal dan nominal)​

Simple Present Tense

(verbal dan nominal)

PembahasanSimple Present Tense

Sebuah tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan berulang, kebiasaan/rutinitas dan kebenaran umum/FAKTA.

Rumus Present Tense:

1. Verbal Sentence

➡️ kalimat yg ada KATA KERJA (verb)

(+) S + VERB 1 (-s/es) + O(-) S + DO/DOES + VERB 1 + O(?) DO/DOES + S + VERB 1 + O?

➡️ Subject + Auxiliary

I, you, we, they + DOHe, She, it + DOES

2. Nominal Sentence

➡️ Kalimat yg TIDAK ada KATA KERJA

(+) S + is/am/are + Adj/Adv/Noun(-) S + is/am/are + NOT + Adj/Adv/Noun(?) is/am/are + S + Adj/Adv/Noun?

➡️ Subject + To Be

I + amHe, She, it + isYou, we, they + are

Pelajari Lebih LanjutSimple Present Tense: Simple Present tense: kalimat Simple Present Tense:

Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Present Tense Level: JHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

Kata Kunci: Verbal Sentence, Verb-1, Verb+sNominal Sentence, To be, is, am, are, Adjective, Adverb, Noun

10. rumus kalimat verbal simple present tense

positive: subject + v1+s/es + object.
negative: i/you/they/we + do not + verb1 + object
she/he/it + does not + object

do + i/you/they/we + verb1 + object?
does + she/he/it +verb1 + object?

11. rumus the simple present tense verbal and nominal

(+) Verbal  [s+verb-1(+s/es)]
(+) Nominal [s+is/am/are + nominal]

(-) Verbal [s+do/does+not+infinitive]
(-) Nominal [s+is/am/are+not=nominal]

(?) Verbal [do/does+s=infintive]
(?) Nominal [is/am/are+s+nominal]

12. buatlah rumus simple present tense dalam bentuk kalimat nominal dan verbal beserta contohnya ​


Simple Present Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan:

Kegiatan berulang/rutin,Kebiasaan (habitual) danhal-hal bersifat umum atau kebenaran umum (fakta).

Ket. waktu Present TenseEveryday /Every morningalwaysusuallyOften

Rumus Present Tense

1. Verbal Sentence

➡️ Kalimat yang ada kata kerja (verb) di dalamnya.

(+) S + V1 (-s/es) + O/C(-) S + Do/Does + not + V1 + O/C(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O/C?

=> Subject + Auxiliary

I, you, we, they + doHe, She, it + does

➡️ Contoh:

(+) they go to school every morning(-) they do not go to school every morning(?) do they go to school every morning?

2. Nominal Sentence

➡️ Kalimat yg tidak ada kata kerja di dalam kalimatnya.

(+) S + Tobe (is/am/are) + Adj/Adv/Noun(-) S + Tobe (is/am/are) + not + Adj/Adv/Noun(?) Tobe (is/am/are) + S + Adj/Adv/Noun?

=> Subject + Tobe

I + amYou, we, they + areHe, She, it + is


(+) They are students(-) They are not students(?) are they students ?



Present Tense:

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Present TenseLevel: JHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

Kata Kunci: Present Tense, Verbal Sentence, Nominal Sentence

13. contoh simple present tense, verbal dan nominal

Simple Present Tense : Subject + V1 + keterangan waktu yang biasa dilakukan.ex : usually, every, always, often, sometimes,once, a week, a twice, etc.
Contohnya : he runs very quickly

14. jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan present simple tense verbal​


s + v1 + o

simple present ialah kata yang digunakan dalam aktivitas masa sekarang/aktivitas rutin


every morning i go to school

on friday i do my laundry

Simple Present tense : salah satu tenses yang digunakan pada masa saat ini atau sekarang


Subject (subjek) -I ,You,We,They,She,He,It

Verb1: kata kerja pertama dengan catatan subject she he it dan nama orang ditambahkan s atau es kata kerjanya

Contohnya: She GOES to school

Nah goes itu ditambahkan es dari bentuk kata kerja awal GO

Object/Complement: pelengkap kalimat

Biasa ditemukan setelah verb (kata kerja)


15. buatlah 5 kalimat simple present tense verbal​



Berikut ini contoh kalimat simple present tense.

He loves to play basketball.

He goes to work everyday.

Does he go to school?

She Writes a book for her best friend.

He thinks he is very stupid.

It usually rains every day here.

It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.


He loves to play basketball.

He goes to work everyday.

Does he go to school?

She Writes a book for her best friend.

He thinks he is very stupid.

16. contoh simple present tense kata sifat verbal (+-?)​


Verbal : S + V1 + s/es + O

(+) He plays volleyball

(-) She does not play piano

(?) Do you eat pizza?

kalo yang kata sifat itu masuknya ke simple present tense nominal ya. Kalo yang verbal itu tentang kata kerja.

contoh yang nominal :

(+) I am beautiful

(-) She is a teacher

(?) Are you a doctor?


17. 5 contoh kalimat simple present tense nominal dan 5 contoh kalimat simple present tense verbal !!!

• i am happy
•i am not happy
• are you happy?
•he usually go to office at six o'clock every morning
•aren't you happy

18. cerita menggunakan present tense, simple past, past continuous? Ket: Present tense : Nominal Verbal Simple past: Nominal Verbal continuous: Present continuous Pasti continuous

kategori : Bahasa Inggris - Recount Text
kelas : SMA X


My name is Gumanti (nominal present tense). I Live in Yogyakarta (verbal present tense). I work as an English teacher (verbal present tense). I was graduated from Diponegoro University (passive past tense). I was studying at there (past continuous tense) when i was seventeen years old (nominal past tense). and then, I taught as a computer teacher after graduating (verbal past tense).

Now, i am teaching English in elementary school (present continuous). Beside that, i am a brainly moderator. my job is moderating english and indonesian subject.

19. Make the sentences of these tenses! (Total 45) 1. Take (Present Continous Tense) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Diligent (Simple present Tense non verbal) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sing (Simple Present Tense verbal) ________________________________________________________________________


1. she is taking her medicine

2. my brother is so diligent

3. I sing every day

20. kalimat verbal dan rumus Simple Present S + Vi ses + O terse Simple Past tense 5+ V₂ +0 Present Perfect tense Present Continuous tense Past Continuous tense​


1.Simple Present tense: Subject + Verb (infinitive) + Object

Contoh: I eat rice every day. (Saya makan nasi setiap hari)

Rumus: S + V1 + O

2.Simple Past tense: Subject + Verb (V2) + Object

Contoh: She watched a movie last night. (Dia menonton film tadi malam)

Rumus: S + V2 + O

3.Present Perfect tense: Subject + have/has + Verb (V3) + Object

Contoh: They have studied English for three years. (Mereka telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama tiga tahun)

Rumus: S + have/has + V3 + O

4.Present Continuous tense: Subject + am/is/are + Verb (ing) + Object

Contoh: He is watching TV right now. (Dia sedang menonton TV saat ini)

Rumus: S + am/is/are + Ving + O

5.Past Continuous tense: Subject + was/were + Verb (ing) + Object

Contoh: They were playing football when it started to rain. (Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola saat hujan turun)

Rumus: S + was/were + Ving + O

Semoga Membantu

21. jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan present simple tense verbal​

Simple present tense berasal dari gabungan kata simple yang artinya sederhana, present yang artinya sekarang dan tense yang artinya waktu. Jadi simple present tense bisa diartikan sebagai kata kerja bentuk sederhana yang menjelaskan kejadian di waktu sekarang.

22. apa rumus simple present tense bentuk verbal?

S + Verb1 (s/es) + O + P + T

1. Untuk "He,She dan It" ditambahkan (s/es) , tetapi pada "I, You, We dan They" tidak ditambahkan
2. Apabila Subjectnya "He, she dan it" digunakan does dan jika subjectnya "I, you, we dan they" maka digunakan do
3.Dalam bentuk verba (-) dan (?) tidak digunakan (s/es)

23. simple present tense (verbal)1.mereka sedang menunggu saya​


they are waiting for me

gitu setahuku hehe


They are waiting for me


mereka sedang menunggu saya

kita menggunakan simple present tense(verbal)

dimana simple present tense ini adalah pola kalimat untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan kita lakukan atau sedang kita lakukan jadi dalam artian mereka sedang menunggu saya → they are waiting for me.

24. simple present tense (verbal)dia mencuci pakaian di sungai( + )( - )( ? )​


(+) he/she washes clothes in the river

(-)he/she doesn't wash clothes in the river

(?)does he/she wash clothes in the river?

Jawaban :

( + ) She/he washes clothes at river

( - ) She dosent wash clothes at river

( ? ) Does she/he wash clothes at river ?

25. 1) definisi/ pengertian dari Simple Present Tense2) Kapan Simple Present Tense digunakan3) Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud kalimat verbal simple present tense4) Tulislah rumus kalimat verbal simple present tense + ( positive) , - ( negative), dan ? ( introgative) Berikan masing- masing contoh kalimatnya5) Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud kalimat nominal simple present tense6)Tulislah rumus kalimat nominal simple present tense + ( positive) , - ( negative), dan ? ( introgative) Berikan masing- masing contoh kalimatnya​


1.Simple Present Tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang kali atau permanen, pernyataan atau suatu hal yang selalu benar.

2.Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi di masa kini

3.Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja (verb). Kata kerja tersebut bisa berupa present form (v1), past form (v2), present participle form (v3) maupun verb-ing.


5.Kalimat nominal adalah kalimat yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (verb) tetapi menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) dari kelompok “to be”, diantaranya is, am are, was, were dan be.

26. tulislah rumus simple present tense a.simple peresnt tense verbal(+)(-)(?)b.simple presnt tense nominal(+)(-)(?)​

1. Is 2. Was 3. Were 4. Why 5. How 6. What 7. Where? hope it helps bro sorry if wrong

27. Tuliskan contoh kalimat verbal simple present tense !



(+) We go to school every morning.

(-) We do not go to school every morning.

(?) Do We go to school every morning?

Yes, We do.

No, We do not.

(+) She often goes to Bandung.

(-) She does not often go to Bandung.

(?) Does she often go to Bandung?

Yes, She does.

No, She does not.


Semua kalimat di atas mengikuti Rumus Simple Present Tense:

Kalimat Positive (+)  :

Verbal     :  Subject + Verb1/Verb1+s/es + Object + adverb of time (every day / every morning)

Kalimat Negatif (-)    :

Verbal     :  Subject + do/does not +Verb1 + Object + adverb of time (every day / every morning)

Kalimat Interrogative (?)  :

Verbal    :  Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + Object + adverb of time (every day / every morning) + ?

Semoga membantu ya.

28. Apa rumus verbal dari simple past tense?

subjek+did not+ v1+ objek

+) S + v₂ + o
-) S + didn't + v₁ + o
?) Did +s +v₁ + o ?

Semoga Berhasil

29. apakah ada kesalahan simple present tense di verbal dan non verbal pada gambar dibawah ini?​



maaf jawaban nya singkat

Tidak Ada. Pernyataannya sudah tepat!

30. 2 contoh kalimat verbal simple present tense dan 2 contoh kalimat nominal simple present tense​


kalimat verbal:

1. He goes to school today.

2. I read a book everyday.

kalimat nominal:

1. They are from Bali

2. She is lazy

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