Dialog Congratulation Hope And Wish

Dialog Congratulation Hope And Wish

Dialog congratulation , wish and hope

Daftar Isi

1. Dialog congratulation , wish and hope


happy b'day wish you all the best

2. Contoh dialog congratulation hope and wish?

1. Congratulation for win the karate competition, that was a great move.

2. I hope you win this competition

3. Wish me luck

3. Tuliskan dialog congratulation hope and wish sama artinya​


Bambang : Hey Ardi Congratulation for being the student of the year!

Ardi : Thanks Bambang! I hope you will be the one next year.

Bambang : I wish man, it's hard you know.

Ardi : Its not that hard, you just need to be lucky.

4. Tlong buatlah dialog tentang congratulation, hope, and wish minimal 2 orang.

b."halo, I hear you won the olimpiad sains at school yesterday,congratulation for it and I hope you will win the next olimpiad"
a."thank you , iwill do the best"

5. Brainly, tolong bantuin:( Tuliskan sebuah dialog sederhana tentang hope,wish, and congratulation...


DIALOGUE 1(Congratulation)

DONI: Congratulations for graduate from law major from Oxford University, Rambo.

RAMBO: Thank you, Doni.

DONI: You are welcome. By the way, I have a special gift for you.

RAMBO:What gift will you give me?

DONI: Tara..! This is a special flower and chocolate package for you.

RAMBO:Wow, thank you, Doni. I like it.

DONI: okay.


1. DIALOGUE 2 (Wish)


JOE :Hi Tina, it’s Joe.

 TINI :Hi Joe.

JOE :How’s the weather there today?

TINI :It’s really cold. It snowed all day and the schools closed early.

JOE :What’s the temperature?

 TINI :It’s 30 degrees now. It was even colder this morning.

JOE :Have you heard what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?

 TINI :I was watching the news a little earlier. They said it’s probably going to snow tomorrow.

JOE :I really don’t like the winter. I wish it were summer.

TINI :Me too. How’s the weather where you are?

JOE :It’s not too bad, but it’s pretty cold here too. It was about 45 today and it rained this afternoon. I heard it’s going to be a little warmer tomorrow.


#DIALOGUE 3 (Hope)

RINI: Aldo, where are you going?

ALDO: I want to go to the pharmacy.

RINI: why, Do?

ALDO: My mother has a fever so I have to buy medicine for my mother.

RINI: Geez, since when was your mother sick, Do?

ALDO: This morning, Rin.

RINI: I hope your mother gets better soon, Do.

ALDO: I hope so too.



6. Dialog tentang hope,wish,congratulation


A: I'm going to Brazil for honeymoon!!

B: I hope you will have a good holiday!

A: And also I will get married there too!!

B: I also wish for your safety and congratulations for your happy marriage. Because I think I can't go there..

7. Membuat dialog hope wish congratulation


hope wish =

budi : I heard you are going to participate in the cooking contest

nana : yes I am

budi : nice! I hope you will win the contest

nana : thanks I hope soo too


Jenny : lisa! I have a good news

lisa : well I think I know it, I have heard that your boyfriend propose you last night

Jenny: yes lisa, you're right i am so happy

lisa : congratulation on your relationship

Jenny : thank you lisa

lisa : all the best for both of you

8. dialog tentang congratulation hope wish 4 orang yang agak panjang

siti:"thank God,i've got an A for my English test"
dayu:"oh, really??congratulation situ but,how about your math test? "
edo:"I just do it this morning,it's quite difficult but,i can do it"
beni:"I wish we get an A for the math test"
edo:"of course yes! I don't want get a bad score :( "
dayu:"all of us don't want to get a bad score too edo..but I'm sure we will get an A score"
siti:"you really confident dayu ,but I hope so too"
dayu:"of course!!"

9. Tlong buatkan dialog tentang congratulation, hope, and wish yaa..

a."congratulation for your new villa, I hope the guess will like it"
b.", I hope to,I think it` is not bad.1. A→Congratulation for you my best
B→Thank you my best

2. A→I hope you're succes and you can make your parent's happy
B→amin, thank you my best

3.A→Happy Birth Day My best, Wish you all the best.
B→Thank you my best

10. I hope i wish congratulation dialog dan artinya


Aku berharap aku bisa menang berdialog


Karena dari kata congratulation itu ada ucapan selamat/menang

11. membuat dialog (congratulation, hope, wish, compliment)​


Selina: "lia,how are you? i heard you won the cooking competition? congrats lia"

Lia: " thank you very much Selina, my parents are also proud of me..."

Selina: "I hope you can also win the another competition!"

Lia: " thanks Selina, by the way do you want to continue your studies?"

Selina: " I'll continue in Universitas Indonesia"

Lia: " great job! i wish you can study well"

Selina: " i think so Lia. ohhh i forget something, i bought it for you, please drink..."

Lia: " you are very kind, thanks Selina"

Selina: " sorry Lia, i have to go home at 7 PM, bye"

Lia: " yeah, see you soon Selina!"


Semoga membantu... jadiin jawaban terbaik ya:)

12. Dialog bhs inggris tentang congratulation,wish,hope 2orang

A : Hay B, I am winning the biology competition

B: Really? Congratulation of your win A

A: Thank You B


A: B do you have free time today?

B: Yes , but i am not well now

A: Ooh sorry. I wish you will get well soon


A : I hope we get another vacation

B: Yeah I hope so

13. Buatlah dialog singkat dengan menggunakan :- congratulation- hope / wish​



1.Congratulations on your victory in the race

2.Congratulations on your graduation


1.I hope next year we can meet again

2.I hope you get a lot of rest so you get well soon

3.I wish you are well on your way

4.I wish we can be good friends in the future

14. membuat dialog singkat mengenai expression congratulation,hope,and wish​


Putra: Hi Tia

Tia: Hi also Putra

Putra: Introduce, my name is Putra Class X High School

Tia: Yes, also introduce my name is class X high school too

Putra: I hear you win in an English debate competition

Tia: Yes, it's very true

Putra: Congratulation, Tia. I hope you can get better in the debate

Tia: Thank you very much Putra, you are very good


This dialogue tells congratulations on the success of Tia and hopes the best.

Simak lebih lanjut di Brainly.co.id - https://brainly.co.id/tugas/30252535#readmore

Tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :)

15. Buatlah dialog dan tentang hope wish congratulation


Dany: Hi, i heard that you have a fever

Tony: Yeah, i wish i could play outside with you

Dany: Instead of play with me, you should take a rest, anyway i hope you get better soon

Tony: Thank you Dany

1 week later

Tony: Hi, Dany i've recovered from fever

Dany: Really, congratulation Tony

16. buatlah minimal 10 kalimat dialog congratulation, hope, and wish​


May I congratulate you on the competition

I must congratulate you on the contest

Please accept my sincerest congratulations

Congratulations on winning the English speech contest!

Congratulation Adi on being the champion!

I’m happy for you.Congratulations!

Congratulations Shidi, you become the winner!

Congratulations you passed the exams!

Congratulations for your graduation!

That’s a very beautiful handycraft!

Zeti,That’s a beautiful picture!

Wow, your menu is delicious!

Good on you Fay!

You sing like a real singer.

I knew you can do it.

I’m so happy for you.

17. dialog bhs inggris congratulation , wish , hope

Lisa :  hi, Andy. i'd like to congratulate you on your success to be the winner of singing competition. you must be really happy about it. i hope you can be a successful singer in the future and i wish you can win the next competition too.
Andy : thank you Lisa. by the way, i know you like to play piano and I think you are a great pianist.
Lisa : Thanks. Andy, i think have to go. I have to meet my mom now. good bye.
Andy : good bye.

18. Berikan masing-masing 3 contoh dialog expression of congratulation, hope and wish!​


Expressing congratulations, hope, and wish

John: Congratulations, Sue.

Sue: Thank you, but, what for?

John: For winning the art competition. You did win, didn't you?

Sue: No, I didn't, or more correctly, I haven't. The announcement is not until next month.

John: Oh, dear. Silly me. What's tonight's party for, then?

Sue: Oh. It's my little sister birthday. She's turning five.

John: I wish her a happy birthday, then.

Sue: Thank you. I'm sure she appreciate it.

John: I like your sister. She's very cute. I hope she'll have a great birthday party.

Sue: Wait. Aren't you coming?

John: No, I'm not. I have a deadline for tomorrow. I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.

Sue: Oh. I hope you can finish your deadline on time. Good luck, John.

John: Thanks.


"Congratulations" is the word we often use when we want to congratulate someone on their achievements.

The word "congratulations" itself can stand alone as an interjection or we can elaborate it using phrases like "for your achievement" or "on your getting a new job", etc.

Other expressions to use to congratulate someone:

1. I knew you can do it.

2. I'm so happy for you.

3. May I congratulate you on…  

4. I must congratulate you on...

5. Please accept my sincerest congratulations

6. etc.

When you want to wish someone something, we can use expressions using "S+wish+someone+interjection"


1. I wish you a happy new year.

2. He wishes her good luck.

Or we can just say the interjection.


1. Good luck!

2. Happy birthday!

3. Godspeed!

When expressing hope for the future, we can use the construction "S+hope+present simple/present future".


1. I hope Indonesia wins the World Cup someday.

2. We hope he will come back safely.

3. etc.

19. buatlah contoh dialog yang mencakup kalimat congratulation,hope,and wish​


itu singkat cerita nya okay

20. Tolong buatin dialog tentang congratulation,hope and wish temanya pemenang juara lomba dong​

congratulations I'm very happy for you i hope you're parents are proud of you and I wish I can like you


semoga membantu

21. dialog bhs inggris congratulation , wish , hope, and praising

semoga benar ya,,.............

22. Contoh dialog congratulation hope dan wish


Boby : Hi, Don. I heard that you got the best grades in this year exams, didn’t you?

Dony : That’s right.

Boby : Congratulations!

Dony : Thank you.

Dony’s father : Well done, Don. I’m very proud of you.

Dony’s mother : I’m glad to hear that.

Dony : Thank you, Dad, Mom

Riska: Is it true what the newspaper’s headline said?

Andi : What news?

Joko : The news about you winning the national novel writing competition. Is it really you?

Andi : Yeah. It is me.

Riska: Congratulations! We’re happy for you.

Andi : Thanks a lot guys.

Joko : It’s a terrific job, Andi.

Andi : Oh, no, I guess it’s just my luck

Semoga membantu yaa..

Jadikan jawaban terbaik.


23. contoh dialog yang berisi agreement,hope and wish,obligation,congratulation,must

setau ongiee contoh dialog yang berisi hope,wish dan congratulation itu bisa di gabung cth:
A="hi....mentari.i heard you passed the audition in cooking competition.congratulations!!!"
B="thank you,nadya.i still have to practice.there are many good competitors.wish me luck!"
A="i hope you win this competition.you have great cooking skill"
B="thanks nadya.that's very kind of you"

a="where are we do the disscussion of math?"
b="its up to you"
c="how about at shifa's house on saturday?"
a="ok,no problem"
b="ok,I agree"

obligation dan must ongiee gatau maaf ya:(bisa kamu tambah juga kok dialognya.terima kasih.

24. Tuliskan contoh dialog congratulation, hope,and wish!


Congratulation for you get the rank 1, i hope cant win this gAME, what is the wish?


Love you ❤️

25. Make dialog using congratulation, hope and wish expressions!tolong buatkan dialog​

Congratulation   : Congratulations you got the trophy

Hope                   : I hope you get well soon!

wish expressions: I wish you luck on your debate competition

Cmiiw (:

sorry if im wrong



John: Hey Ricky! I hear from Lyla if you get some award, Congratulation! Can i see the award?

Ricky: oh John, you're exaggerating. You can see it, here take a look

John: Wow, that's a nice award! I hope I can also be like you

Ricky: Yeah, i know. By the way, do you want to come at my home? we can play something

John: Sure! Lets go Ricky!

26. dialog 2 orang congratulation hope wish​

Jawaban :

Lia = Hi, Bryan. What's up?

Bryan = Amazing. How about you?

Lia = This day is so cool. But wait... Why you look so happy today?

Bryan = Well... Actually I just won the Math Olympiad yesterday.

Lia = WOW. Unbelievable. Congratulations, Bro.

Bryan = Thank you, Lia. I hope you can join this Math Olympiad too.

Lia = Thank you. But I think No thanks. I will get sick if join that. Hahaha..

Bryan = Hahaha. Sorry I must to go now.

Lia = OK. No problem. See you later.

Bryan = See you later.


Dian : Hi tika! how are you today?

Tika : I'm good, just a little bit tired

dian : Tired, why?

Tika : my teacher choose me to join English debate competition, and I need to practice

Dian: Oh! congratulations ! I hope you can get the 1st place

Tika : uhh... I wish I'm just a normal student.. I don't like to do this kind of stuff

Dian : Ohh please don't say that, I know you can do it!

27. make dialog using expression " wish ,hope and congratulation!​

I wish I can singing as good as you.

I hope you can win the first prize.

Congratulations for your best mark!

28. Tolong bantu buat dialoghope,wish and congratulation dikumpulkan nya besok!​

1. Me : "Hey Lina, I heard you won the singing competition at your school?"

Lina : "Yeah, that's right. "

Me : "Please accept my warmest congratulations."

Lina : "Thank you so much"

Me : "And I heard that you want to go to Bandung?"

Lina : "Yup, you're right"

Me : "Oh my god! You such have a angelic voice. I hope you can win this competition."

Lina : "Thank you. I wish I can win again in this competition"

2. Me : "Oh my god! Here comes the champion!"

Azra : "Haha, I'm just a swimmer"

Me : "You were so good last time. How you can swim so fast like that. "

Azra : "Just training of course."

Me : "I hope you can be a national athlete. "

Azra : "Yeah I hope so. "

3. Me : "Hey Hilda, why you're looking so nervous?"

Hilda : "I'm waiting for my science test and I'm so nervous."

Me : "What about you're English test. May I look at it?"

Hilda : "Of course. There you go."

Me : "Well a perfect score. That's good. You are such a brilliant kid."

Hilda : "Haha, thank you. "

Me : "I wish your science test will go like your English test. Perfect."

Hilda : "Yeah, I wish so too."

4. Me : "Hello,Tika. I saw that you won reading contest in your class?"

Tika : "Yes I am."

Me : "That's cool. Are you going to represent you class for the school contest?"

Tika : "Yup, you're right."

Me : I wish you could win it even you're not from my class, because you're poetry is so beautiful."

Tika : "Thank you for your support."

29. contoh dialog congratulation dan hope/wish​


1.congratulation you have win the nobel prize

2.I hope you will won the nobel prize


Dialog congratulations=

Vidya:Hey Riko, I'm going to have a birthday party at my house this Sunday. I'm thirteen now.

Riko : Happy birthday Vidya. Congratulations, you're a teenager now.

Vidya:Thank you. I'd very much like you to come.

Dialog Hope/wish=

Mr.Leo: What is the matter,Viola?You look sad today?

Viola. :My father is very ill and he has been hospitalized since yesterday

Mr.Leo:I hope he will get better soon

Viola. : Thank you.

30. Dialog bhs inggris congratulation , wish , hope


•congratulations dad for the new car you got, i hope you are happy to get it

•congratulations Alfi for the scholarship you got to USA, i hope you have many friends there

semoga membantu,maaf kalo salah



Vina : Congratulation Max

Max : Thanks Vina


Mom : I wish you got a perfect score Lia

Lia : Ok thanks Mom


Ruby : My hope is to be a good doctor

Nasya : Hope your hopes are reached Ruby

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