Dialog Services

Dialog Services

Contoh dialog offering help/services

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh dialog offering help/services

Wht would you like to drink sir?

Lana: I don’t think I will pass chemistry this semester. (Sepertinya aku nggak akan lulus pelajaran kimia semester ini.)

Mia: What? Why? (Apa? Kenapa?)

Lana: I got C- for my last assignment. As well as for my other assignments. (Tugas terakhirku dapat nilai C minus. Tugas-tugasku yang lain juga dapat nilai segitu, sih.)

Mia: Well, there will still be a final test, right? What did you get for the midterm test? (Nah, kan masih ada ujian akhir. Memang kamu dapat apa waktu ujian tengah semester kemarin?)

Lana: B-. (B minus.)

Mia: Well, that’s a start. Don’t give up just yet. We still have three weeks before finals. Can I help you with anything? (Nah, itu nggak jelek, kan. Jangan menyerah dulu. Kita masih punya tiga minggu sebelum ujian akhir. Ada yang bisa aku bantu?)

Lana: I suppose I could have a little tutoring with chemistry. (Rasanya aku butuh les kimia sedikit- sedikit, deh.)

Mia: I can help you with that! Would you like me to tutor you? (Aku bisa membantumu! Maukah kamu kuajari belajar?)

Lana: If you could, and if you don’t mind… (Kalau kamu bisa, dan kalau kamu nggak keberatan…)

Mia: Of course, I don’t mind! I would love to! Let’s start with three days a week, just an hour each after school. You pick the days. How about that? (Nggak lah! Aku malah senang! Kita mulai dengan tiga kali seminggu ya, sejam saja sepulang sekolah. Kamu pilih harinya. Gimana?)

Lana: Thank you so much, Mia! (Terima kasih banyak, Mia!)

2. tolong buatkan dialog offering services...

Clare : Are you tired toby?
Toby : im Pretty tired, why?
Clare : I can give you a back massage if you want me too but you have to pay for it
Toby : Sure, How much?
Clare : 2 dollar per Hours
Toby : 2 dollar? thats too expensive
Clare : Okay 1,5 Dollar..
Toby : That is much better okay, give me a back massage for 2 hours
Clare : Okay toby.

Maaf kalau salah, saya juga masih pelajar :)

3. contoh dialog offering things and services

A : Hiii... can i help you to take your bag.
B : Ok. you can, thanks a lot.
B : not at all

4. maintenance services......

artinya "jasa pemeliharaan"

5. tolong buatin dialog dong ttg Asking for and Giving services/Help. pliisss.. bsok dikumpulin

Ben: Hey Alex, what are you doing?

Alex: I want to open this jar but it won't open. Could you please help me?

Ben: Sure!

(ben opens the jar)

Alex: Thank you, Ben.

Ben: No problem, see you later Alex.

Alex: Bye, Ben.

6. 1. Create a dialog about offering helps/services2. Write your captions based on the following pictures :​


Penjelasan:Contoh Dialog Offering Help 1

dr. Nahda: Hello…

Fafa: Hello, doctor.

dr. Nahda: You look terrible.What can I do for you?

Fafa: I can’t go to school today.

dr. Nahda: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.What’s the problem?

Fafa: My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.

dr. Nahda: Okay, let me check your stomach. (The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa’s belly and strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here?

Fafa: Not that one.

dr. Nahda: Here?

Fafa: Yes, that’s really terrible.

dr. Nahda: Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three times a day, okay?

Fafa: Okay, doctor.

dr. Nahda: Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye.

Fafa: Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.

7. Contoh dialog offering services mawar dan shop assistant


wait a minute my guets Hans come yet

8. write a dialog based on the following picture use the expression of offering help or services​


Tuliskan dialog berdasarkan gambar berikut menggunakan ekspresi menawarkan bantuan atau layanan


itu artinya

semoga bermanfaat

9. contoh dialog giving help or services

Dialogue 1

Hanny : Hai Mom, What are you doing?
Mom : I’m cooking fried banana?
Hanny : May I help you Mom?
Mom : Yes, please, that would be very lovely. Take knife on the table
Hanny : Ok Mom. Anymore?
Mom : Peel the banana, and don’t forget slice the banana longwise
Hanny : Yes mom, I have finished it.
Mom : Thank you my pretty daughter.
Hanny : you’re welcome Mom…

Terjemahan :

Hanny : Hai Bu, Apa yang sedang ibu lakukan?
Ibu : Saya sedang memasak pisang goreng
Hanny : Bisa saya bantu Ibu?
Ibu : Ya, silakan, itu akan sangat indah kedengaranya. Ambilkan pisau di atas meja
Hanny : Ok Mom. Lagi?
Ibu : Kupas pisang tersebut, dan jangan lupa iris memanjang.
Hanny : Ya ibu, saya telah selesai.
Ibu : Terima kasih putri cantikku
Hanny : sama-sama bu…..

10. saya mau betanya, apa itu services ?, services bisa di lihat di task manager yang saya ingin tanyakan apakah fungsinya dan pengertian services itu sendiri

Service di Windows adalah program yang berjalan dibalik layar (background) dan tidak memiliki tampilan apapun.

Fungsinya ialah melayani operasional dari sistem operasi serta software–software yang berjalan.

11. berikan contoh dialog singkat tentang asking for and giving services , beserta artinya

Asking services :
Can you help me ?
bisakah kamu membantuku ?

Giving service :
May i help you ?
Bisakah aku membantumu ?

12. membuat 2 dialog singkat tentang asking for and giving services

Percakapan 1

Shanti : Rina, are you free this evening? (Rina, apakah kamu memiliki waktu luang sore ini?).

Rina : Yes, I don’t have any plan to go out. What’s going on? (Ya, aku tidak memiliki rencana untuk pergi keluar . Ada apa?).

Shanti : Could you help me for a second? (Bisakah anda membantu saya sebentar?).

Rina : Sure. I would love to. What can I do for you Shanti? (Tentu saja. Saya akan senang membantu. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untukmu Shanti?).

Shanti : Yesterday, my English teacher gave me a task, but I really don’t understand it. I need your help. (Kemarin, guru Bahasa Inggrisku memberi sebuah tugas, namun aku sungguh tidak memahaminya. Aku butuh bantuanmu). 

Rina : Okay. No problem. What is it about? (Oke. Tidak masalah. Tentang apa?)

Shanti : It is about simple present tense. I’m still confused. (Tentang simple present tense. saya masih bingung).

Rina : Just come to my house Shanti. What time will you come this evening? (Datang saja kerumahku Shanti. Jam berapakah kamu akan datang sore ini?).

Shanti : Maybe around 7 P.M. Is that okay? (Mungkin sekitar jam 7 malam. Apakah tidak masalah?)

Rina : Yes, that’s okay. (Ya, tidak masalah).

Shanti : Thanks Rina. See you. (Terima kasih Rina. Sampai jumpa).

Rina : You are welcome Shanti.  (Terima kasih kembali Shanti).

You : Good morning, Ma'am.
Your teacher : Good morning.
You : Yesterday I heard about English story telling contest and I would like to join it. Where do I get the form, Ma'am? (asking for service)
Your teacher : Oh I see. Let me help you. (giving service)
You : Thank you, Ma'am. 
Your teacher : Don;t forget to give your parent's sign on the form.
You : Yes, Ma'am. 

13. pengertian guest services

guest services:orang yg memberikan pelayanan kepada tamu
semoga membantu.

14. buatlah dialog tentang asking for and giving services

salesman:can I help you?
customer: yes,thank you. how much are these gloves?
salesman:the gray ones?they're $18.
customer: oh.that's not bad.do they come in black?
salesman: no,sorry, just gray.
customer: OK.um,how much is that scarf?
salesman: which one?the blue and orange one?
customer: no, the yellow one.
salesmen: lets see ...it's $24.95.
customer: it's really pretty. I'll take it.

15. Dialog about Offering services or a help .....

Jessica : it took us quite a long time just to hear Madame Grace talk about her family, huh?

Michael : yeah but it was a biology class so I don’t mind.

Jessica : yeah. about that, we couldn’t even learn anything. Tomorrow is a biology test. Have you learned anything?

Michael : Of course I have not. Biology is least thing I would want to learn alone. Plus, I can’t afford a tutor.

Jessica : Well, I would do a tutor for free, though. Would you like to go to the café in front of my house and we would learn Biology there?. Sasha is coming too tonight.

Michael : I totally would, though. Thank you. You always been The greatest friend ever, Jessica.

16. contoh dialog asking giving and rejecting services 3 orang

1. Hannah said, " This is my favorite book and I want to give it to...... (yours/you). Now it's...... (yours/you). 
2. Alia was sobbing when..... (she/her) read This line In the novel...... (she/her) got from saidah: They know The land is not..... (they/theirs) anymore. The two brothers said to themselves, " we Will work very Hard to collect money. Someday...... (we/us) Will return to buy his land, and it(its/it) Will become..... (our/ours) forever." 
3. The teacher tells..... (we/us) to make friends with students from english speaking countries so that..... (we/us) can improve our english

17. buat lah dialog dalam bahasa inggris untuk 2 orang , masing masing 10 dialogtentang Offering help or services​


a : *cough* *cough*

b : hey (name a), are you okay?

a : yeah, it's just i don't feel so good right now, my throat hurts

b : do you need anything? you can drink my water if you want to

a : that would be great, thanks

b : no problem, here you go. by the way, are you going to (other name) birthday party tomorrow?

a : i don't know yet, my driver isn't coming tomorrow, and both of my parents are busy

b : can i give you a hand? i can pick you up so we could go together

a (acceptance)* : what a good idea! thank you (name b) i'll see you tomorrow

a (refusal)* : that's very kind of you, but i don't think it's necessary, maybe i'll just order gojek

b : okay then, see you tomorrow!


*untuk jawaban si a bisa dipilih mau menerima (accept) atau menolak (refusal) sesuai keinginan saja :)

semoga bermanfaat!

18. write a dialog based on the following picture use the expression of offering help or services​

Tuliskan dialog berdasarkan gambar berikut menggunakan ekspresi menawarkan bantuan atau layanan

19. write a 2 dialog using expressions of offering help or services.​


artinya =

tulis 2 dialog menggunakan ekspresi menawarkan bantuan atau layanan.

20. apa yang dimaksud for services

Yg di maksud dengan sevice adalah layanan yang dimaksud for service adalah untuk layanan

21. Contoh dialok yang berisi tentang asking services , giving services dan respon


A : Excuse me sir, why do you look so confuse?

B : I'm a tourist, I don't know where is the location of a restaurant somewhere around this airport.

B : Would you like to give me a map or something?

A : Let me guide you sir, it's not too far from the main road.

B : What a kind human. Thank you.

22. tolong buatkan dialog asking for services or help

Woman: Excuse me sir, can you help me?
Mechanic: Yes Ma'am, what can I do for you?
Woman: It seems to me that the engine in my car is broken, can you fix it?
Mechanic: I can try Ma'am.
Woman: Thank you oh so very much.
Mechanic: Always a pleasure Ma'am

maaf klo jelek hehe

23. buatlah dialog 2 orang farah dan aisyah yang panjang tentang ofering help/services berdasarkan situasi gambar tersebut... tolong di jawab yang panjang dan jelas karena jwbn anda sangat membantu saya. terimakasih​


Farah : Finally, my history project is done

Aisyah : Really? So cool. I haven't finish it

Farah : Hmmmm... what is the problem? May I help you?

Aisyah : Sure, I need it. Thanks Farah

Farah : Ahhh dont mention it. We are friend

24. Write a dialog using expressions of offeringhelp or services.​

Lana: I don’t think I will pass chemistry this semester.

Mia: What? Why?

Lana: I got C- for my last assignment. As well as for my other assignments.

Mia: Well, there will still be a final test, right? What did you get for the midterm test?

Lana: B-.

Mia: Well, that’s a start. Don’t give up just yet. We still have three weeks before finals. Can I help you with anything?

Lana: I suppose I could have a little tutoring with chemistry.

Mia: I can help you with that! Would you like me to tutor you?

Lana: If you could, and if you don’t mind…

Mia: Of course, I don’t mind! I would love to! Let’s start with three days a week, just an hour each after school. You pick the days. How about that?

Lana: Thank you so much, Mia!

maaf kalo salah

soalnya aku lihat dari buku

semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

Contoh Dialog Offering Help

dr. Nahda: Hello…

Fafa: Hello, doctor.

dr. Nahda: You look terrible. What can I do for you?

Fafa: I can’t go to school today.

dr. Nahda: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?

Fafa: My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well.

dr. Nahda: Okay, let me check your stomach. (The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa’s belly and strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here?

Fafa: Not that one.

dr. Nahda: Here?

Fafa: Yes, that’s really terrible.

dr. Nahda: Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three times a day, okay?

Fafa: Okay, doctor.

dr. Nahda: Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye.

Fafa: Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.

Artinya =

dr. Nahda: Halo …

Fafa: Halo, dokter.

dr. Nahda: Anda kelihatan tidak sehat. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda?

Fafa: Saya tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah hari ini.

dr. Nahda: Oh, saya prihatin mendengarnya. Apa masalahnya?

Fafa: Perut saya sakit sekali. Saya pikir saya juga kena demam.

dr. Nahda: Oke, biar saya periksa perut Anda. (Dokter meletakkan stetoskop di perut Fafa dan memukulnya dengan ringan). Apakah sakitnya disini?

Fafa: Bukan yang itu.

dr. Nahda: Disini?

Fafa: Ya, disitu sangat sakit.

dr. Nahda: Baiklah, saya akan memberi Anda resep. Anda harus minum pil ini tiga kali sehari, oke?

Fafa: Oke, dokter.

dr. Nahda: Baiklah. Cepat sembuh, Fafa. Selamat tinggal.

Fafa: Terima kasih banyak. Selamat tinggal, dokter.

25. Buat kan satu contoh dialog dua orang tentang asking and refusing services

A : Excuse me, sir. What is the problem?
B : This, my car is broken and I can't go home right now.
A : How about visit my workshop? It just about 150 meters from here.
B : No thanks.
A : Are you sure? My mechanics are professional. They can repair your car quickly.
B : Yes, I'm sure. My son will be arrive soon and fetch me. While my car will be pick by the crane car.
A : Okay. I think I have to go now, sir. Good bye.
B : Yeah. Thank you.

semoga membantu^^

26. D.dialog offering help/services task 1 observe the dialog​


Hmm, mksudny ap y kaka^^?!?

27. contoh dialog meminta dan memberi jasa (asking for and giving helps/services)

Horton : "Fiuh, these bags are heavy.... what is the misses carrying in these things anyways? Rocks?
.... huh... huh...
Ohh look at that, a luggage boy...."
Alfred : "What a lovely day...."
Horton : "Excuse me my good man, but can you please take care of my families belongings in the car? It is very heavy and i am not a very strong and fit person."
Alfred : "Why yes of course, sir!!! Please be seated in the lobby while i pick up your luggage"
Horton : "Thank you kind man, here is my token of gratitude...."
Alfred : "A tip? Why thank you sir..."

28. Buat 10 kalimat/dialog singkat menggunakan ungkapan asking and giving services! #kak tolong ya aku belum mengerti tentang ini tolong jawab besok di kumpulkan:(


apa sih asking and giving service?

asking service itu maknanya meminta bantuan

giving service itu maknanya memberikan bantuan

jadi asking and giving service maknanya meminta dan memberikan bantuan.

contoh dialog

Mother :" are you busy Kayla?".

Kayla :" no i'm not mom, what can i do for you?"

Mother:" i want to make a Nastar cake for eid fitri tommorow, but we run out of eegs. could you give me a hand to buy some eegs?".

Kayla:" Sure mom, i will help you to buy some eegs".

mother:" i know i can always count on you. you can buy the eegs at the minimarket".

Kayla:" ok mom, i will go there and got the eegs. how much that we need?".

mother:" 16 eegs, here's the money".

Kayla:" ok mom i will be right back".

semoga membantu:)

29. buatlah percakapan dialog 2 orang tentang ofering help/services berdasarkan situasi gambar berikut ini..... ​


A: I see that you aren't finished yet, B.

B: This is so hard, i really don't understand a single thing.

A: Would you like some help? We can do it together.

B: Really?

A: Of course, we're friends.

B: That's so kind of you, thank you.

A: No problem. Feel free to ask for my help from now on.

B: Okay


A: Kamu belum selesai, B?

B: Ini susah sekali, aku benar-benar tidak mengerti.

A: Mau aku bantu? kita bisa mengerjakanya bersama.

B: Benarkah?

A: Tentu, kita kan teman.

B: Baik sekali kamu, terima kasih ya.

A: Tidak apa-apa. Lain kali jangan sungkan untuk minta tolong ke aku.

B: Okay

Semoga membantu :)

30. buatlah 5 dialog tentang offering help and services!tolong bantuannya ya teman teman​


Dialog 1

Seller: Good morning, do you need help?

Buyer: Yes, I need to buy a bread for breakfast. Can you give me a recommend?

Seller: Sure! Cheese bread with blueberry sauce is popular here. do you want to try?

Buyer: Okay, I will buy it

Seller: Do you need a paper bag?

Buyer: No, thank you

Dialog 2

Fara: Wow, this soup is so spicy.

Kay: Should I bring a glass of water for you?

Fara: No, thank you. I still have something to drink.

Kay: Alright, then.

Dialog 3

Mom: You look sick. Do you need to see a doctor?

Raya: Yes, my head really hurts. Can you take me to the hospital, Mom?

Mom: Sure, I'll get the car ready.

Raya: Thank you, Mom.

Dialog 4

Nabil: May I help you, Mam?

Pila: Yes, I need to go to Bekasi. Where is the nearest train station?

Nabil: The nearest train station is across that restaurant.

Pila: Okay, thank you.

Nabil: Do you want me to take you there, Mam?

Pila: No need, I can go by myself. Thank you for helping me.

Nabil: You're welcome

Dialog 5

Stranger: Are you looking for something?

Ray: Yes, I lost my dog here a few hours ago.

Stranger: Do you mind if I help to find your dog?

Ray: It would be great help! Thank you.

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