Contoh Soal Intention Pilihan Ganda

Contoh Soal Intention Pilihan Ganda

Contoh soal pilihan ganda identification dari materi intention

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh soal pilihan ganda identification dari materi intention

Samantha: Lionel, are you busy today?
Lionel : No, I just feed my cat. What's up?
Samantha: My uncle is in hospital. He is sick.
Lionel: Why don't you say earlier to me? I will happy to accompany you there.
What does Lionel mean in his last dialogue?
a. He wants to cure Samantha's uncle
b. He wants to accompany Samantha to hospital
c. He wants Samantha's uncle in hospital
d. He can't accompany Samantha to hospitalIntention = Sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan di masa depan / sudah dilakukan di masa lalu

A: You don't recognized me, do you?
B: What do you mean?
A: I meet you with make up this morning in the mall!
B: Ha, really?
A: I want you to choose which dress best for me... So, I don't buy the dress because I don't know which dress should I wear tonight in C's party...
B: Then, let's go to the mall now!
A: Wouw, okay! Thanks B! I love you! Ah, (....)
B: Hahaha! Hey, I think you're much beautiful without that! But I'll wait you...

The best sentence to fill up the blank is...

a. I will wait you
b. I will go to the toilet
c. I will put up my make up (ANSWER KEY)
d. I will wait you in the mall

A: Where are you going this holiday?
B: ..... That my hobby.
A: Oh, nice hobby! That's why your muscle's bigger than mine...

What did B say?

a. I think, I'll just go to the cinema
b. Nothing to do
c. I will go to Australia to meet Kangaroos and Koalas
d. Hiking in a mountain (ANSWER KEY)

2. soal intention pilihan ganda

Kate :"it will be a long weekend,do you have plan?"
jane :"i do................"
kate:"i think you must go to the bromo mountain,it have a beautiful view"
what is the best dialog for jane?
a.i will have a cooking class
b.i will go to the beach
c.i am going to Japan
d.i am going to the waterboom
e.i will hiking a mountain with my fatherr

3. 5 contoh soal expression intention pilihan ganda beserta jawabanya

Intention expression adalah ekspresi untuk menyatakan suatu rencana atau sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.

Beberapa phrase yang sering digunakan dalam intention expression :

I would like toI willI am going toI would rather than

Ada dua cara untuk menyampaikan intention expression

1. Menggunakan will/would

Subject + will/would + V1 + Object/Complement

contoh :

I will go to the water park todayI will cook for dinner tonightI would rather stay at home than go shopping

2. Menggunakan +be going to untuk menyampaikan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan.

Subject+be going to+V1+ Object/Complement

contoh :

She is going to Japan next month.My daughter is going to join robotic class.She is going to Canada to visit her family.

Setelah kita memahami mengenai intention Expression kita akan belajar mengenai bagaimana merespon eskpresi tersebut .

Contoh phrase yang sering digunakan untuk merespon :

That's sound great!That's a good idea!Good luck for your plan!Pembahasan

1. Andi: "I'm going to Japan for holiday next month."

  Maya : ___________________

  The correct responded expression for the above dialog is :

   a. Congratulation

   b. That's sound great!

   c. No problem

   d. Warm regards

2. Maya: _________________________

   Maya: I am going to the cinema tonight.

   Complete the dialog above with the correct expression!

  a. Where are you going tonight?

  b. Are you busy tonight?

  c. Can i join you to the cinema?

  d. Do you have any plan?

3. Preposition of time used in expression of intention, except :

  a. Tomorrow

  b. Next week

  c. Tonight

  d. Yesterday

4. Betty: Ben, have you find the books?

   Beni: Sorry, I have searched for it, but I couldn't find it.

   Betty: ________________________

   Beni: Thank you

   Complete the dialog with the correct expression

   a. Keep searching the book!

   b. Don't give up!

   c. I will help you to search for it

   d. Will you help me?

5. Which one of the following sentences is not an expression of intention?

   a. I am going to Jakarta next week

   b. I will help you finish this project

   c. I am cooking soup right now

   d. I am going to join dance class next semester

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh soal intention expression. Semoga bermanfaat. Untuk belajar mengenai ekspresi ini lebih lanjut, bisa belajar di link berikut ini :


Detail Tambahan :

Kelas: X

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Expressing Intention

Kata Kunci: expressing intention, responding to expression

Kode: 10.5.3


Berikut adalah contoh-contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi expressing intention.


1. A: ………………

B: I will be staying at home

What is the proper question for this answer?

a. How are you doing?

b. What are you doing tonight?

c. How are you today?

d. Do you like the party?

e. What’s going on?

2. Below are the expression of intention, except…

a. I’m planning to get married soon

b. I would like to take a shower

c. Would you like a cup of coffee?

d. I’ll go for a vacation

e. I’m going to renovate the house

3. Oh look! It …….. snow soon.

The correct answer is

a. is going to

b. will

c. will not

d. is not going to

e. just

4. In 300 years people …….. (travel) with flying cars instead of airplanes.

a. will

b. is going to

c. are going to

d. am going to

e. will not be

5. A: What would you like to eat?

B: …………. a piece of cheesecake, please.

a. I like

b. I don’t want

c. I’m planning

d. I wouldn’t like

e. I’d like


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Stating intention / future plan

Kata kunci : Intention, Multiple choice questions

Kode: 10.5.3


1. A: ………………

B: I will be staying at home

What is the proper question for this answer?

a. How are you doing?

b. What are you doing tonight?

c. How are you today?

d. Do you like the party?

e. What’s going on?

2. Below are the expression of intention, except…

a. I’m planning to get married soon

b. I would like to take a shower

c. Would you like a cup of coffee?

d. I’ll go for a vacation

e. I’m going to renovate the house

3. Oh look! It …….. snow soon.

The correct answer is

a. is going to

b. will

c. will not

d. is not going to

e. just

4. In 300 years people …….. (travel) with flying cars instead of airplanes.

a. will

b. is going to

c. are going to

d. am going to

e. will not be

5. A: What would you like to eat?

B: …………. a piece of cheesecake, please.

a. I like

b. I don’t want

c. I’m planning

d. I wouldn’t like

e. I’d like


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ✨✨


5. Contoh soal Expressing intention

Contoh 1 :

Fera: Hy Elvi!
(Hai Elvi!)
Elvi: Hy Fera!
(Hai Fera!)
Fera: Do you already have any plan for this holiday?
(Apa kamu sudah punya rencana untuk liburan kali ini?)
Elvi: Not really. How about you?
(Tidak juga. Bagaimana denganmu?)
Fera: I am planning to spend my holiday at my hometown.
(Aku berencana untuk menghabiskan waktu kiburan di kampung halamanku.)
Elvi: Your hometown? Where is it?
(Kampung halamanmu? Dimana itu?)
Fera: Lampung. I missed my hometown so much. It has been a year since the last time I visited my hometown.
(Lampung. Aku sangat merindukan kampung halamanku. Sudah satu tahun sejak terakhir kali aku mengunjunginya.)

Contoh 2 :

Adi: What are you doing Tio?
(Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan Tio?)
Tio: Nothing. I am just listening to music.
(Tidak ada. Aku hanya mendengarkan musik.)
Adi: Have you heard that Budi’s house was on fire?
(Sudahkah kamu mendengar bahwa rumah Budi kebakaran?)

Tio: Yes, I have.
(Ya, aku sudah dengar.)
Adi: Don’t you want to help him? I thought you two quite close.
(Apakah kamu tidak ingin menolongnya? Aku pikir kalian berdua cukup dekat.)
Tio: I intended to help him, but he said that he is fine and he doesn’t need my help.
(Aku bermaksud membantunya, tapi dia berkata kalau dia baik-baik saja dan tidak butuh bantuanku.)
Adi: He really said that?
(Dia benar-benar mengatakan itu?)
Tio: Yes, he did.
(Ya, dia mengatakannya.)
Adi: Maybe he got emotional and said that to you. Just let him alone for now.
(Mungkin dia menjadi emosional dan mengatakan hal seperti itu padamu. Biarkan saja dia sendiri untuk sekarang.)
Tio: Yes I know.
(Ya aku tahu.)

Contoh 3 :

Lia: Eva, have you heard that “Music Bank” concert will be held in Indonesia?
(Eva, sudahkah kamu mendengar bahwa konser “Music Bank” akan digelar di Indonesia?)
Eva: No, I haven’t heard that. Really?
(Belum, aku bekum dengar. Benarkah?)
Lia: Yes, really. I intend to save some money from now to buy the ticket.
(Ya, benar. Aku bermaksud untuk menabung dari sekarang untuk membeli tiketnya.)
Eva: I also will do it. So, we can watch the concert together.
(Aku juga akan menabunng. Jadi, kita bisa menonton kensernya bersama-sama.)
Lia: Yeah. That’s great!
(Ya. Itu bagus!)

dalam tenses nya menggunakan kata kerja bentuk ke 3 ,plus ed dan object melakukan suatu oekerjaan dan subjek menjadi objek


6. Contoh soal dan jawaban expresing intention


He will (Dia akan)

I aanm going to (aku akan melakukan)

I am planning to (Aku berencana untuk)

I am thinking of (Aku memikirkan tentang)

I fully intended to (Aku sangat ingin melakukan)

May be I will (Mungkin aku akan)

I would like to (aku ingin melakukan)


semoga menbantu

7. tolong bantu saya buat soal bahasa inggris pilihan ganda intention beserta jawaban abcde nya

1. A : Do you think the new student body president........ make a total improvement in our school?
B : I don't think so. He is not that great.

a. will have
b. could
c. will be able to
d. will have been
e. has been

The correct answer is C.

2. A : Hi B, next week is holiday. Do you have any plans?
B : Of course. My dad and I ........ fishing next week.

a. plan to go
b. will go
c. thinking of go
d. intention to go
e. going to go

The correct answer is E.

3. I don't really like fishing. I ......(stay) at home than go fishing.

a. would rather stay
b. will stay
c. will be stay
d. am going to
e. plan to stay

The correct answers is A.
A: Hi, you look like thinking about something.
B: Yes, I'm __________ for my best friend's birthday party.

a. thinking about homework
b. thinking about a present
c. thinking about the movie

The answer is: B 

8. soal pilihan ganda intention ( 20 soal)

soalnya mana … klok nggak ada soal, apanya dijawab … Mana soalnya dik??

9. Buat contoh soal bahasa inggris tentang expression intention

1. do you have a plan for tomorrow?
punya rencana untuk besok?
2. i wanna merried with her?
3. i thing i have adea for party to night

10. buatlah 2 soal pilihan ganda tentang "intention to do something" beserta jawabannya.

1.Amir: “I don’t know, but I think I will spend the holiday at home with my parents. What about you?”

Budi: “I _________ go to Bali Island. I have never been there before.”

kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan diteks adalah...

A.Are going to

B.Is going to

C.Am going to

D.Have gone to

E.Has gone to

2.Ellen: What will you do after graduating from college?

Dinda:I ______ go to Singapore.It's beautiful there.






11. Pilihan ganda materi congratulition,co dolance,gope,intention,complimerting

mana pilihan ganda yah?

12. apa saja contoh soal dan jawaban dari intention...?

Teacher :Attention, please. Are you ready to learn English now?
Students : Yes, Sir. A : Hey, you look so serious. What is the matter ? B : oh….I am just thinking about something A: What is it about ? B: I am thinking that I am gonna hold a birthday party in our class in this year. A: Wow, Sounds Great ! B: Really ? You think so ? A: yeah. But what is the purpose of that party ? B : I am just thinking that is the best idea to gathering all of our class members. A: I think it would be nice if we also make some compositions. B : Ok. Now. I need to have permission from head master. I need his permit to use class room and talk to our mother class to ask her to come and participate in that party. A : Is there anything that I could do ? B : we also need to make permission’s letter to give to our parents. It would be helpful if your make it. A: Sure. With my Pleasure.

13. contoh dialog intention dan arti intention

artinya niat dalam indonesia

14. soal pilihan ganda materi intention

ksik jawaban terbaik donk

15. contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas x tentang expressing intention..?

-My family and I are going to visit my grandma's house at Lembang.
- I would rather to spend my holiday at home. etc

16. Contoh soal pilihan ganda expressing intention beserta jawabannya a-e

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi expressing intention.


1. A: ………………

B: I will be staying at home

What is the proper question for this answer?

a. How are you doing?

b. What are you doing tonight?

c. How are you today?

d. Do you like the party?

e. What’s going on?

2. Below are the expression of intention, except…

a. I’m planning to get married soon

b. I would like to take a shower

c. Would you like a cup of coffee?

d. I’ll go for a vacation

e. I’m going to renovate the house

3. Oh look! It …….. snow soon.

The correct answer is

a. is going to

b. will

c. will not

d. is not going to

e. just

4. In 300 years people …….. (travel) with flying cars instead of airplanes.

a. will

b. is going to

c. are going to

d. am going to

e. will not be

5. A: What would you like to eat?

B: …………. a piece of cheesecake, please.

a. I like

b. I don’t want

c. I’m planning

d. I wouldn’t like

e. I’d like

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang expressing intention:

__________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Stating intention / future plan

Kata kunci : Intention, Multiple choice questions

Kode: 10.5.3

17. Soal expressing intention

1. Harry : Would you like to go camping with us next holiday ?
Donny : …………………but I have to take care my mom.shehas been hostipalized for a week
a. It’s sounds interesting d. I am sorry to hear that
b. Thank you e. Don’t mention it
c. I don’t care about it

2. B. Vita : …… Jakarta to find the job?
Dewi : It’s nice of you to ask.
a. Do you mind my migrating d. Do you think I could
b. Would you like to go e. Do you have
c. Would you go

3. Jane : Would you like to go to a concert on Saturday night ?
Tia : Ehm, yes………..
a. anyway d. I can’t
b. I’d like e. I’d be delighted
c. I’m busy

4. Hendra : We are going to have a research for many days. Will you join us ?
Farhan : ……………….

a. I am convinced d. I don’t know about it
b. There is no doubt e. I can’t say that for sure
c. I’m certain

5. Budi : It’s boring. We’ve to do something
Dina : What about watching film ?
Budi : Wow, cool !…………….
a. It’s a pity d. I am deeply sorry to hear that
b. Let’s watch it e. Oh, congratulation
c. You are wrong

18. contoh contoh expressing intention . beserta latihan latihan soalnya, tolong jawab :)

Expressing Intention adalah sebuah ekspresi harapan dari seseorang. Berarti expressi ini secara tidak langsung merupakan sebuah kejadian yang belum terjadi karena masih berupa harapan. Tenses yang digunakan adalah tenses future.

Contoh Expressing Intention

1.       I am going to ….

2.       I am planning to ….

3.       I will make an effort to ….

4.       I am thinking of …..

5.       I reckon I will ….

6.       I have every intention of ….

7.       I fully intended to ….

8.       It is my intention to ….

19. buatlah 3 soal pilihan ganda abcde tentang intention dan jawaban nya

you sit up

20. soal pilihan ganda expressing intention

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh soal pilihan ganda dengan materi expressing intention.


1. A: ………………

B: I will be staying at home

What is the proper question for this answer?

a. How are you doing?

b. What are you doing tonight?

c. How are you today?

d. Do you like the party?

e. What’s going on?

2. Below are the expression of intention, except…

a. I’m planning to get married soon

b. I would like to take a shower

c. Would you like a cup of coffee?

d. I’ll go for a vacation

e. I’m going to renovate the house

3. Oh look! It …….. snow soon.

The correct answer is

a. is going to

b. will

c. will not

d. is not going to

e. just

4. In 300 years people …….. (travel) with flying cars instead of airplanes.

a. will

b. is going to

c. are going to

d. am going to

e. will not be

5. A: What would you like to eat?

B: …………. a piece of cheesecake, please.

a. I like

b. I don’t want

c. I’m planning

d. I wouldn’t like

e. I’d like

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang expressing intention:

__________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Stating intention / future plan

Kata kunci : Intention, Multiple choice questions

Kode: 10.5.3

21. Contoh soal pilihan ganda a-e Expressing intention beserta jawaban

where does mr gilang meat and mrs dayu yesterday a jugle hospital the garden supermarket. restaurant answer is restaurant sefood

22. soal pilihan ganda intention beserta jawabanya dan 5 essay beserta jawabannya

apasih coeg, ngelem yah!

23. 15 soal tentang intention.


• going to ( terencana )

• Will ( tidak terencana / Rapid Decision )

answer :

1.) will you come with me tomorrow ?

2.) will you help me finishing my homework?

3.) what are you going to do this sunday?

4.) what's your planing on Friday?

5.) will you marry me ?

6.) what are you going to have fun this summer?

7.) will you join Mr. Sania class?

8) what they will plan for Vocation?

9) Are She Will came with Smith?

10) will you change your mind?.

11.) you wont stay still, aren't you?

12) what are you going to in Mira House?

13.) are you will come tomorrow?

14.) how they will vacation ?

15.) you willn't join us, aren't you?

24. Contoh soal pilihan ganda expressing intention beserta jawabannya a-e

Expressing Intention

Intention expression adalah ekspresi untuk menyatakan suatu rencana atau sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.

Beberapa phrase yang sering digunakan dalam intention expression :

I would like toI willI am going toI would rather than

Ada dua cara untuk menyampaikan intention expression:

1. Menggunakan will/would

Subject + will/would + V1 + Object/Complement

contoh :

I will go to the water park todayI will cook for dinner tonightI would rather stay at home than go shopping

2. Menggunakan +be going to untuk menyampaikan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan.

Subject+be going to+V1+ Object/Complement

contoh :

She is going to Japan next month.My daughter is going to join robotic class.She is going to Canada to visit her family.

Setelah kita memahami mengenai intention Expression kita akan belajar mengenai bagaimana merespon ekspresi tersebut .

Contoh phrase yang sering digunakan untuk merespon :

That's sound great!That's a good idea!Good luck for your plan!Pembahasan

Contoh soal pilihan ganda expressing intention beserta jawabannya :

1. Andi: "I'm going to Japan for holiday next month."

  Maya : ___________________

  The correct responded expression for the above dialog is :

   a. Congratulation

   b. That's sound great!

   c. No problem

   d. Warm regards

   e. You are the best.

2. Maya : _________________________

   Maya: I am going to the cinema tonight.

   Complete the dialog above with the correct expression!

 a. Where are you going tonight?

  b. Are you busy tonight?

  c. Can i join you to the cinema?

  d. Do you have any plan?

  e. Are you join us?

3. Preposition of time used in expression of intention, except :

  a. Tomorrow

  b. Next week

  c. Tonight

  d. Yesterday

  e. Next Friday

4. Betty: Ben, have you find the books?

   Beni: Sorry, I have searched for it, but I couldn't find it.

   Betty: ________________________

   Beni: Thank you

   Complete the dialog with the correct expression

   a. Keep searching the book!

   b. Don't give up!

   c. I will help you to search for it

   d. Will you help me?

   e. Do it your best!

5. Which one of the following sentences is not an expression of intention?

   a. I am going to Jakarta next week

   b. I will help you finish this project

   c. I am cooking soup right now

   d. I am going to join dance class next semester

   e. My mother is going to pick me up tonight

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar mengenai expression of intention lebih lanjut, bisa belajar di link berikut ini :


Detail Tambahan :

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Expressing Intention

Kata Kunci: expressing intention, responding to expression

Kode: 10.5.3

25. contoh soal dan jawaban expressing intention

Would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? Yes, I would

26. Berikan 2 contoh soal beserta jawabannya tentang expressing plan/intention/purpose?


We can use simple future tense to express a plan or intention or purpose.
The structure: S + will + V1 + O
For example:
- I will go to the library tomorrow.
- She will visit the art museum next week.

Beside using simple future tense, we also can use the following expressions to express a plan or intention or purpose.
- I am going to ...
- I'm planning to ...
- I reckon I'll ...
- I'm thinking of ...
- I intend to ...

Here are 2 example questions of expressing plan or intention or purpose.

1. Tomorrow is mother's day. I ________ a bouquet of roses for my mom.
a. am giving
b. have given
c. are going to give
d. will give
The correct answer is d

2. A: What are you planning to do on weekend?
B: I _______ my grandmother's house on Saturday.
a. am planning to visit
b. have visited
c. is going to visit
d. will be visited
The correct answer is a

I hope the explanation and answer are clear enough. In addition, I suggest you visit the link below as a reference to improve your understanding related to the topic:

Detil tambahan:
Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: Bahasa inggris
Kategori: Talking about plans

27. Contoh expressing intention verbal [Soal Ujian Akhir Semester UAS 2015]

Anscombe on Expression of Intention Of course in every act of this kind, there remains the possibility of putting this act into question – insofar as it refers to more distant, more essential ends.... For example the sentence which I write is the meaning of the letters I trace, but the whole work I wish to produce is the meaning of the sentence. And this work is a possibility in connection with which I can feel anguish; it is truly my possibility...tomorrow in relation to it my freedom can exercise its nihilating power. –Sartre, Being and Nothingness, p. 74 There might be a verb with the meaning: to formulate one=s intention in words or other signs, out loud or in one=s thoughts. This verb would not be equivalent in meaning to our Aintend.” There might be a verb with the meaning: to act according to intention; and this would also not mean the same as Ato intend.@ Yet another might mean: to brood over an intention; or to turn it over and over in one=s head. Wittgenstein, Remarks on Philosophical Psychology I, 830

28. contoh soal tentang expressing intention?

what do you want to actieve by the end of this term

29. Contoh Soal & Jawaban Tentang expressing intention 4 Saja

Contoh Expressing Intention
1.       I am going to ….2.       I am planning to ….3.       I will make an effort to ….4.       I am thinking of …..5.       I reckon I will ….6.       I have every intention of ….7.       I fully intended to ….8.       It is my intention to ….

30. Contoh soal pilihan ganda expressing intention beserta jawabannya a-e

Expressing Intention

Intention expression adalah ekspresi untuk menyatakan suatu rencana atau sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.

Beberapa phrase yang sering digunakan dalam intention expression :

I would like toI willI am going toI would rather than

Ada dua cara untuk menyampaikan intention expression

1. Menggunakan will/would

Subject + will/would + V1 + Object/Complement

contoh :

I will go to the water park todayI will cook for dinner tonightI would rather stay at home than go shopping

2. Menggunakan +be going to untuk menyampaikan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan.

Subject+be going to+V1+ Object/Complement

contoh :

She is going to Japan next month.My daughter is going to join robotic class.She is going to Canada to visit her family.

Setelah kita memahami mengenai intention Expression kita akan belajar mengenai bagaimana merespon eskpresi tersebut .

Contoh phrase yang sering digunakan untuk merespon :

That's sound great!That's a good idea!Good luck for your plan!Pembahasan

Contoh soal pilihan ganda expressing intention beserta jawabannya :

1. Andi: "I'm going to Japan for holiday next month."

  Maya : ___________________

  The correct responded expression for the above dialog is :

   a. Congratulation

   b. That's sound great!

   c. No problem

   d. Warm regards

   e. You are the best.

2. Maya: _________________________

   Maya: I am going to the cinema tonight.

   Complete the dialog above with the correct expression!

 a. Where are you going tonight?

  b. Are you busy tonight?

  c. Can i join you to the cinema?

  d. Do you have any plan?

  e. Are you join us?

3. Preposition of time used in expression of intention, except :

  a. Tomorrow

  b. Next week

  c. Tonight

  d. Yesterday

  e. Next Friday

4. Betty: Ben, have you find the books?

   Beni: Sorry, I have searched for it, but I couldn't find it.

   Betty: ________________________

   Beni: Thank you

   Complete the dialog with the correct expression

   a. Keep searching the book!

   b. Don't give up!

   c. I will help you to search for it

   d. Will you help me?

   e. Do it your best!

5. Which one of the following sentences is not an expression of intention?

   a. I am going to Jakarta next week

   b. I will help you finish this project

   c. I am cooking soup right now

   d. I am going to join dance class next semester

   e. My mother is going to pick me up tonight

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Detail Tambahan :

Kelas: X

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Expressing Intention

Kata Kunci: expressing intention, responding to expression

Kode: 10.5.3

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