Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Persuading And Convincing

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Persuading And Convincing

contoh soal materi expressions used in persuading and convincing

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal materi expressions used in persuading and convincing

Learn some expressions to show persuasions.
- If I were you, I would just stay at home.
- I think you ought to...
- You’d better...
- It might be a bad idea if...
- You should...
- My advice would be to...
- I would... if I were in your position.

Learn some expressions to convince others.
- I assure you, I can do the job well.
- I convince you, i’m the right person to do job.
- I believe I am the only person who can finish this job on time.
- I assure you, we can make it real.
- I convince you to do what I say.
- I believe you should decide your own decision.
- I ensure you to believe me.

2. pengertian persuading and convincing contoh soalnya dan latihan pakai bahasa Indonesia dan inggris

Persuading adalah mengajak.
Convincing adalah mencoba meyakinkan.

3. pengertian persuading and convincing

Ungkapan-ungkapan untuk meyakinkan dan membujuk oranglain agar menerima pendapat atau usulan yang diajukan
Persuading : exp
- I think you ought to...
Convincing : exp
-I assure you, I can do the job well.

4. contoh dialog expressions used in persuading and convincing

-Please help me
-Youre going to love it
-Don't worry
-Its fine

5. Contoh soal tentang persuading

apa yang dimaksud persuading?

6. mohon berikan contoh soal mengenai persuading

Persuading adalah mempengaruhi lawan bicara untuk melakukan atau mengerjakan sesuatu seperti yang diharapkan pihak pertama

Mengajak bermain basket
Hi my brother, would you be so kind to accompany me playing basketball? I will give you a chocolate if you would like to play it with me. when do you go to school about 10 minutes later?

7. Pengertian expressions of convincing and persuading people

ekspresi dari meyakinkan dan membujuk orang
insya allah benar

8. Contoh kalimat persuading dan convicton

kalimat persuading itu adalah kalimat membujuk
jadi contohnya"Let US go to school"
kalimat conviction adalah kalimat keyakinan gitulah...

9. pengertian tentang convincing beserta contohnya

artinya meyakinkan

contoh :
His reasons were really convincing.
(= Alasan alasannya sangat meyakinkan.)

semoga membantu :))

10. contoh dialog expressions used in persuading and convincing

You: Good morning!
Mina:Good morning too!
You: How are you?
Mina:Fine and do you know that i won the contest?
You: Really? Congratulations! i knew you are really talented for swimming.
Mina: Thank you... But do you know that yesterday mister Carlos...
You: I knew...Mister Carlos wife has died yesterday..
Mina:So you know... It is really sad..
You:Yeah mister Carlos is your advisor in swimming club right?
Mina: Yes.. But why do people must die?
You: Silly, It's because humans will die someday you know...
Mina: But.. I feel bad for mister Carlos..
You:Yeah his wife is really kind to all of the swim club member right?
Mina: I hope she is in heaven now.
You: Me too. Because she is a nice person.
Mina: Oh is it the time now? 
You: What do you mean?
Mina:I mean it's extracurricular time right?
You: Ok! See you later?
Mina: Obviously! Good bye.

11. perbedaan convincing dan persuading beserta contohnya

Persuading dari kata dasar to persuade yang baerarti membujuk. Persuade  him to go. Bujuk ia untk pergi. Convincing dari kata dasar to convince yang berarti meyakinkan: Don’t try to convince me.(Jangan coba meyakinkan saya). I am convinced that she is wrong (saya yakin bahwa dia salah)
Learn some expressions to show persuasions.
-          If I were you, I would just stay at home.
-          I think you ought to...
-          You’d better...
-          It might be a bad idea if...
-          You should...
-          My advice would be to...
-          I would... if I were in your position.

Learn some expressions to convince others.
-          I assure you, I can do the job well.
-          I convince you, i’m the right person to do job.
-          I believe I am the only person who can finish this job on time.
-          I assure you, we can make it real.
-          I convince you to do what I say.
-          I believe you should decide your own decision.
-          I ensure you to believe me.
Persuading is an expression to persuade someone. It means to make someone decide to do something by giving them reasons why they should do it, asking them many times to do it, or to make someone believe something or feel sure about something.

Here are some expressions to persuade someone to do something:
– Can’t I persuade you to…? -> Tidak bisa kah saya membujuk kamu untuk …?
– Let’s join… You won’t regret it. -> Mari bergabung … kamu tidak akan menyesal.
– I’m begging you. Will you…? -> Aku memohon padamu. Maukah kamu …?
– Just this once! -> Sekali ini saja!
– How I can persuade you to…? -> Bagaimana saya bisa membujuk kamu untuk …?
– Won’t you… Please? ->Tidak maukah kamu … Silahkan?
– Why don’t you…? ->Mengapa kamu tidak …?
– Are you really sure you can’t/couldn’t…? -> Apakah kamu benar-benar yakin kamu tidak bisa / tidak bisa …?
– I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t… -> Saya benar-benar berpikir itu akan sangat sayang jika kita tidak …

Definition of convincing
: satisfying or assuring by argument or proof a convincing test of a new product
: having power to convince of the truth, rightness, or reality of something : plausible told a convincing story

Examples of convincing in a sentence
Your argument isn't very convincing.
They make a convincing case for reform.
There is no convincing evidence to support his theory.


maaf gan ..
-Your'd better
-It might be a bad idea if...
-You should...
-My advice would be to...
-would... if i were in your posisition

13. contoh soal pilihan ganda expressions persuading beserta jawabannya

let's reading,reading is window of the world
meaning of the teks is....
a.we mustn't reading because reading is bored
b.we don't need reading 
c.we must be reading becase with reading we can get learn choosin is right

14. contoh percakapan expressions for persuading

Mark                : Anthony. What are you doing this evening? How about a movie?

Anthony          : Which one?

Mark                : There’s a good Indonesian movie at 21st theatre.

Anthony          : you know I don’t like Indonesian movies.

Mark                : Oh, Come on. I’ll sure you’ll enjoy this one.

Anthony          : I don’t enjoy Indonesian movies. I can’t follow the conversation fully.

Mark                : So what? We’re not Indonesian. Most of us are not able to follow the

               conversation fully. But there are so many other things you can enjoy.

Anthony          : That’s true.

Mark                : Then why don’t you come?

Anthony          : All right. I’ll be at the theatre at 7. Is that OK?

Mark                : Fine. See you at 7.

Anthony          : See you

* I hope this helps

15. Soal onbjektif dan jawaban tentang persuading someone

Soal dan jawaban tentang persuading someone adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Peter: Hey Jane, please take a bite of the tiramisu cake I just caked. Everyone else says that it’s tasty, I’m wondering what’s your opinion.

Jane: Aww Peter I’m sorry, I’m on diet currently.

Peter: But Jane, I cut this special slice for you. ………….. Please, I’m sure you’re not going to be fat after.

Jane: Okay, only this time.

What is the proper expression from Peter?

A. You’re cruel!

B. Just this once!

C. Okay, bye.

D. I will eat it by myself.

2. How to persuade someone to join you jogging in the weekend?

A. Let’s go jogging with me, it’s tiring I know.

B. Let’s go jogging with me, I hate it too.

C. Let’s go jogging with me, believe me you’ll like it!

D. Let’s go jogging with me, or I will never let you go.

3. Below are expression of persuasion, except

A. Come on!

B. Give it a try.

C. Try them on.

D. Up to you.


Persuading adalah sebuah ungkapan untuk mendorong seseorang agar setuju melakukan sesuatu atau mengajak seseorang untuk percaya melalui alasan yang masuk akal. Persuading juga dapat dianggap sebagai kegiatan mempengaruhi pendapat orang lain sehingga mereka mengubah pikirannya.

Berikut ini adalah kata-kata yang biasa digunakan untuk persuade someone:

Come onGive it a tryTry them onBelieve me, it’ll be fineIt will be fun, I promise you!You will enjoy it like never before. Let’s go!You won’t regret it.This chance is once in our life. Don’t waste it.YOLO (You Live Only Once)Please….Just this time, okay?!Not even for me?
Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang expressing persuasion:

___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMP kelas IX

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Expression of persuasion

Kata kunci : Question and answer

Kode: 9.5.10

16. contoh dialog persuading dan convicing

A: Hey there! Why don't you try on this brand new leather jacket from Italy?
B: Nah, I already have--
A: Ooh but I'm sure they're different. Does yours have 10 pockets in it?
B: No.. But I--
A: Exactly! And it only costs you $150
B: Wow that's so expensive
A: That's not so expensive. And besides, you look amazing in it.

17. contoh dialog persuading & convincing masing2 6lines

Anton: hey there have you tried the new fried shell
Antin: fried shell? that's disgusting!
Anton: are you sure of what you call that disgusting?
Antin: of course it is, it's a shell!
Anton: oh come on, it's just a shell! you must try it!

Waiter: hello sir welcome to the restaurant
Anton: what's the favourite meal on these day?
Waiter: a fried shell is a pleasant choice for you sir.
Anton: are you sure about that?
Waiter: of course, this shell is cleaned 10 times to make them safe, and beside. by the texture of the food and other factors, i am sure this food will be great for you. just trust me sir on this, i'm an expert.

18. 1. Sebutkan macam2 expresi persuading and convincing.2.sebutkn macam2 expresi obligation dn bri contohnya.

- if i were you, i would just stay at home 
- i think you ought to
- you'd better

- i assure you, i can do the job well 
- i convice you.i'm the right person to do job
- i believe I am the only person who can finish this job

19. contoh soal soal persuading

Why don’t you try our special drink bandrek to warm up your body?
If I were you, I would … ?  I’m sure you are on the right track.?
 I bet you could do it.?

20. tujuan mempelajari Expressions of Convincing and Persuading

tujuan mempelajari expressions : agar tau cara memberikan tanggapan atau cara menyapa orang dll, simple sih supaya bisa ngomong

convincing : utk meyakinkan seseorang dalam bahasa inggris

persuading : ya anggap aja someday you live abroad and you want to persuade your friend to do something

21. Membuat dialog membahas suatu berita, misalnya pake foto kebakaran, dengan mengunakan ungkapan: invitation, compliment, certainly, asking and giving opinion, agree & disagree, argument, suggestion and advice, persuading and convincing.

suatu hari ada kebakaran di pasar kecil yang karena di sebab kan orang merokok
ani : ada apa ini?
ana : di sini ada kebakaran karena ada orang merokok dan membuangnya sembarangan
ani : dimana?? di mana??
ana : di dalam sana , semua orang pada keluar
ani menelepon tasya
ani : tasya di sini ada kebakaran
tasya : aku sudah melihat
ani : kamu sudah melihat kapan?
tasya : 1 jam sebelumnyaani : ohtasya aku mau tidur ya
ani ok, maaf karena mengganggu mu

Let's go to movie tonight
Edo : What are you guys doing tonight?
Andi : Haven't thought about itCandra : I'm not up into anything, yet. Why?
Edo: How about you, Sarah?
Sarah : Nothing special. Go home and relax, I guess
Edo : Let's go see a movie tonight.
Andi : That's good idea.
Candra : Count me in. How about you, Sarah?
Sarah : I'm afraid I can't. I have to get up very early in the morning to pick up a client at the airport. Maybe some other time.
Edo. That's so bad. But Sarah, I think it would be great for you. Because good movie will show tonight. I believe you will like it.
Andi : That's right Sarah.Candra : Yeah, It will not be great without you.Sarah : Ok.. Ok.. I'll join you all tonight.

22. Contoh dialog persuading yang berkelompok

jawabannya dialog kelompok

23. contoh dialog persuading

Daughter: Mom, let's buy a new bag for me.
Mom: But your old bag is still good enough.
Daughter: Oh, please. I promise I'll study harder if you brought one for me.
Mom: Promise?
Daughter: Promise.
Mom: Okay.

24. contoh dialog persuading & convincing masing2 6lines

dialog; persuading
a. i think you should buy this english dictionary
b. why should i?
a. look! the price is not that expensive and it has thesaurus inside
b. i have many dictionaries at home
a. yes i know but this one is different
b. are you sure i should buy one?
a. yes why not? u know what if you buy this, i can borrow it from you. you know i can't afford to buy webster's dictionary, don't you?
b. well, it doesn't hurt anyway, ok i will buy it but you have to promise that you will help me if i have english homework, ok?
a. surely 

dialogue; convincing
a. i am sure if you take this course you will be able to master english
b. are you sure?
a. yes i am
b. can you convince me more on that?
a. you will be taught by professional teachers. you will be assisted with your task and you will be able to practice your pronunciation with the native speakers
b. are you sure?
a. yes i am
b. i think it's time for me to take this course

25. pengertian dan ciri ciri kalimat necessity, obligation, convincing, persuading

Necessity:Artinya adalah Keperluan / Kebutuhan / Kemestian / Keharusan(biasanya ditegaskan sebagai keperluan wajib)
Contoh: As a student, you must bring your books to school.
I have got to go now, or my mom will be mad at me.

Obligation:Artinya adalah Kewajiban / Keharusan(Biasanya digunakan sebagai "kewajiban karena "subject" adalah seorang .........)
Contoh: A student's Obligation is to study (CMIIW)
Every muslim must pray at least 5 times a day

Convincing:Artinya adalah Meyakinkan(Biasanya dipakai untuk membuat seseorang percaya terhadap sesuatu)

Persuading:Artinya adalah Membujuk(Biasanya dipakai dalam Iklan / Advertisement.)

Maaf untuk Convincing dan Persuading ga ada contoh q.q keabisan ide.

Semoga Membantu!

26. contoh percakapan 3 orang dengan menggunakan expressing command, request, persuading, and inviting

Accepting invitation (Menerima Undangan)

I would/will …Saya akan/akan…

That would be very nice. Itu akan sangat menyenangkan

OK,I will be there !OK, saya akan berada di sana!

I’d like love to come.Saya ingin cinta untuk datang.

All right.Baiklah.

Sure, I am coming. yakinlah aku pasti datang. 

Declining invitation (Menolak Undangan)

Sort, I can’t. aku tidak bisa.

I’d love to, but …Saya akan senang, tapi…

I don’t think I can.Saya tidak berpikir saya bisa.

In wish I could, but …sebenarnya aku ingin, tapi…..

Sorry, I am very busy. Maaf, aku sangat sibuk

Sorry, may be next time. Maaf, mungkin lain kali

Thank you, but I can’t. Terima kasih, tapi aku tidak bisa

Sorry, I don’t think I..  Maaf, saya tidak berpikir saya …..

Can’t make it. Tidak bisa membuatnya

I’m so sorry I can make it. Aku sangat menyesal aku bisa membuatnya

Dialogue Examples:

Dialogue 1

Joko Invites Yetta to go to music festival. joko mengundang Yetta untuk pergi ke festival misik. 

Joko  :  Hi, Yetta. There will be a great music festival to night. Hi, Yettananti malam akan ada festival musik terbesar.

Would you like to go to the music festival with me? mau kah kamu pergi kesan bersama ku?

Yetta  : Yes, I’d like to very much. When will you pick me up? ya aku mau, kapan kamu bisa jemput aku?

Joko   :  I’ll pick you at 7.00. Be ready, OK! aku akan jemput kamu jam 7 , siap-siap ya.Ok!

Yetta   : Alright. Yupz baik lah

Dialog 2

Angga is very busy doing his homework. Sheila, his friend, asks him to come to her party. 

Sheila   :  Heloo, this is Sheila. May I speak to Afif? Halo, ini sheila. bisa bicara dengan afif. 

Afif       :  This is Afif speaking. ini afif sedang bicara

Sheila  :  Oh, hi Afif. I wonder if you’d like to come to my house right now. We’re having a great party. oy afif bisa tidak kamu kerumah ku sekarang? kami ada perta besar ni. 

Afif      :  I don’t think I can. I’m doing my homework. My parents won’t let me out before I finish my homework. kayaknya tidak nih, aku lagi ngerjain PR, orang tua ku tidak akan mengijinkan sebelum aku menyelesaikan Tugas ku ini. 

Sheila  :  That’s alright. ok. Biaklah

Afif      :  I hope you enjoy your party. Bye. aku harap kamu bisa menikmati pestanya ya. bye

Sheila  :  Bye. bye

27. Contoh soall ekspresing persuading

Expressing persuading :
– Can’t I persuade you to…?
– Let’s join… You won’t regret it.
– I’m begging you. Will you…?
– Just this once!

28. contoh percakapan persuading people

Girl  : Why are you look so confuse?
Boy : Well , i have a national exam next week, but i haven’t prepare for it.
Girl  : Why dont you just study?
Boy : It useless, eventough i’ve study hard, the result is the same.
Girl  : What do you mean of the same?
Boy : Everytime i have exam no matter how hard i’ve study, I always get the bad mark at the end.
Girl : Come on, don’t be like that please. You can do it if you study seriously.
Boy : But i’m not sure
Girl : Listen to me, just believe in yourself! Keep it up. If there is a will, there is a way.
Boy : Okay, I will try.

29. Contoh percakapan singkat tentang persuading dan encouraging

Nadina : Fairuz, you are the fifth finalist, have you prepared yourself today?

Fairuz : yes of course, but I feel nervous. many audiences are here.

Nadina : Don’t worry. think that they are still sleeping, so you feel alone here

Fairuz : I have prepared my speech and I have remained the speech text for a week

Nadina : Who is your coach?

Fairuz : Mrs. Dwi, she has learnt me for a week. She made me a speech text.

Nadina : I am sure that you can do it well. Ok you are the best.

please welcome the fifth finalist for Fairuz Athallah Huda

Fairuz : It is my turn. may I am the first winner

Nadina : Good luck Fairuz.

30. contoh percakapan convincing

dialouge convincing
a. i am sure if you take this course you will be able to master english
b. are you sure?
a. yes i am
b. can you convince me more on that?
a. you will be taught by professional teachers. you will be assisted with your task and you will be able to practice your pronunciation with the native speakers
b. are you sure?
a. yes i am
b. i think it's time for me to take this course

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