Attendants Artinya

Attendants Artinya

Apa arti dari flight attendants

Daftar Isi

1. Apa arti dari flight attendants




maaf kalo salah

2. talk - too - the flight attendants calmly.... a. The flight attendants talk too calmly b. calmly too talk the flight attendants c. The flight attendants too talk calmly d. the talk too flight attendants too calmly​


a. the flight attendants talk too calmly

maaf kalo bner

3. A flight attendants work in.... *​




a flight attendants work in Airport

A flight attendants work in Airplane


4. 3. How long will the event be held? 4. What will the attendants do to have a further information about the event? 5. Who is the target reader of the advertisement above? ​


Jawabannya Di Gambar Diatas Ya Kk

5. What does the special instruction in the card mean?A. The invitees should respond to the invitation by calling Sekar. b. The attendants have to wear batik at the event. C.The host of the event is Mŕ Joko Saputra. d. The event will be started at five sharp. E. The performer of the event is Joko Saputra.minta tolong bantuan nya ya​



card tersebut mengandung sebuah ajakan joko utk datang keinaditional dance performance

dengan sebuah kode:batik

jadikan jawaban tercerdas y!

semoga membantu

6. Because of financial difficulties. Global Airlines has announced a cutback on services. It will the number of flights serving major cities and eliminate (A) increase (B) reduce (C) maintain (D) expandattendants and 200 pilots. The changes are planned _________ next month. These (A) begin (B) begins C) began (D) to begintolong di jawab dengan cerdas ​


B. Begins


Maaf klo salah

7. Nanik Do you know kinds of job in an airportTewat I'm not sure. Why?Nanik : The plane is operated by pilotsHowever, how do they land the planesafely?Igawati (a)They grve takeoft and landinginstructions to the pilots.Nanik : Oh, I see(b)Igawati : Of course not. The avionictechnicians do.(c)Nanik : It means they always check the planeengines periodically. What aboutairport engineers? What do they do?Igawati : (d)Nanik : Are there other workers in theairport that you know?Igawati : There are flights attendants, baggagehandlers, flight dispatchers, andmany others.Nanik : I know the job of flight attendants.(e)Igawati : Correct. By the way, the passengerzones are cleaned every day bycustodians.​

Pilots on the airports

8. A :wow! you sang on the stage B: l can't believe it still that the attendants gave me the standing ovation jawaban dari A:................ B: thank 's a lot A:fantastic you sang like tompi


A : wow! you sang on the stage

B: l can't believe it still that the attendants gave me the standing ovation

A : it's all because of your extraordinary talent, congratulations to you

B: thank 's a lot

A: fantastic you sang like tompi

9. Indonesia traditional 'kebaya' In many parts of Indonesia, the kebaya is seen as a strong nationalistic symbol and has been strongly supported as a symbol of identity for Indonesian women by prominent figures throughout the nation's history. Recently, this traditional dress has become recognized internationally as it is used as the uniform for flight attendants on Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia.



Kebaya tradisional Indonesia Di banyak daerah di Indonesia, kebaya dipandang sebagai lambang nasionalisme yang kuat dan telah didukung kuat sebagai lambang identitas perempuan Indonesia oleh tokoh-tokoh terkemuka sepanjang sejarah bangsa. Belakangan ini, pakaian tradisional ini mulai dikenal dunia internasional karena digunakan sebagai seragam pramugari Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, dan Garuda Indonesia.


Semoga membantu ya, dik :)

Maaf ya kalau ada yg salah

10. The sentence that is grammatically correct is .... Pilih jawaban Petunjuk Each passenger have to buying a ticket before taking a ride. You have follow to the instruction of the pilot during an emergency situation. All passengers must read the safety instruction card. People should to pay attention to flight attendants' safety demonstrations. Drivers must stopped when the traffic light is red.tolong di jawab kak / Abang , secepat nya ​


all passengers must read the safety instruction card


perbaikan grammar :

1. each passenger have to buy a ticket before taking a ride

2. you have to follow the instruction of the pilot during an emergency situation

3. people should pay attention to flight attendants' safety demonstrations (to pertama dihilangkan)

4. drivers must stop when the traffic light is red

11. At least I'm getting the 'true' experience," I tell ………..….. "Flight attendants probably do this all the time." * Mine I my me myself


Jawabannya myself


12. Nanik : Do you know kinds of job in an airport?Igawati : I'm not sure. Why?Nanik : The plane is operated by pilots.However, how do they land the planesafely?Igawati : (a)They give takeoff and landinginstructions to the pilots.Nanik : Oh, I see.(b)Igawati : Of course not. The avionictechnicians do.Nanik : It means they always check the planeengines periodically. What aboutairport engineers? What do they do?Igawati : (d)Nanik : Are there other workers in theairport that you know?Igawati : There are flights attendants, baggagehandlers, flight dispatchers, andmany others.Nanik : I know the job of flight attendants.Igawati : Correct. By the way, the passengerzones are cleaned every day bycustodians.Nanik : I see. It is time for us to check-in Let's go.Igawati : Alright. Let's go​


b. 3

e. 6

maaf baru itu saja... jika salah Maafin saya

13. The airline, most of ………….… flight attendants are whites, is now considering hiring employees from ‘other races’ * who where whose whom which


jgn lupa jadikan brainliest yaa

14. Kalimat negative dan intrrrogative dari= the king's attendants be in the ball room dancing.

negatif = the king's attendants aren't dancing in the ball room
interogatif = Are the king's attendants dancing in the ball room?

Jan lup jadiin saya brainliest answer yak thanks

15. A lot people have been conditioned to think being flight attendants are fun job, while …………… actually isn’t always so. * it she we they he




16. whole - attendants - the - members - committee -material - all - the - are - from - examining - the Arrange to a good sentences

All the members from the committee attendants are examining the whole material

Maaf kalau salah :)

17. What kind of clothes must be worn byattendants?​


Cap and Songkok

muslim teaches us to look neat and elegant. One of them is a headgear so that the hair does not look messy and aims to follow the sunnah, where the Prophet used to wear a head covering. In Indonesia, the culture of covering the head outside is extraordinary using a turban


Pants are indeed simple and more popular clothing. But for a santri, it seems that the use of pants alone will be very rarely found. This is because the students are used to wearing sarongs. Sarong has indeed become a tradition and culture that is rooted in Islamic boarding schools

The use of sarong is not only done by male students. But also by female students. The difference is, the sarongs used by sons usually tend to have a motive. Unlike the princess, the sarong that is used is usually a batik patterned with a slightly bright color. So that between the son's sarong and the princess's sarong, the motifs have different tastes. But, for now, some sarong motifs tend to be universal. So that both the sons and daughters of the sarong have almost no difference. And both of them used to use the sarong for their daily activities at the boarding school.

Koko shirt / Takwa shirt

The koko shirt and the takwa shirt are both typical clothes for Muslims in Indonesia who want to carry out religious activities. However, among the students, the wearing of koko and takwa clothes is not only when they want to carry out religious activities, but also in various daily activities. So that the clothes of the students in their daily life look like Muslims who want to carry out worship activities.


In the Middle East, the use of a turban is common. Turbans in the Middle East are usually used as a head covering such as an igal or also gathered around like a veil. Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially among students and Islamic boarding schools, the turban is usually only shawl on the shoulders or worn like a scarf. So that when we look at the students, the use of the turban will look like a pesantren chaplain who is shrouded on the shoulders.


Tasbih is one of the accessories that is often carried by students. This is related to the function of prayer beads as a tool in dhikr. Where, the beads of the prayer beads, which are usually 99 seeds, guide the counting of the number of dhikr numbers. For example, when we finish praying, then it is sunnah to recite Subhanallah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahuakbar 33 times. Then the beads become a tool in the calculation.

Apart from these functions, prayer beads also became a separate style among the students. Usually prayer beads are often worn around the neck or on the hands. So when it is needed to be used, the prayer beads are ready to use.


That Was An Explanation And Answer

18. Association of Flight Attendants" which is abbreviated as AFA the largest flight attendant labor union in the U.S. and ......... is one of the most important organization in Aviation Industry. * it she we they he Jawaban lain:


Jawabannya it


19. TOLONG DI BANTU KAKAK ꈍᴗꈍ 1. ( +)Marina, Ana and I ....(be).....flight attendants in Sriwijaya air 2.(- )Ants ......(be not) dangerous animal 3. (+) students ( hear ) the sounds of sea gulls and the sound of the waves 4. (?) ............Ana, Ibrahim and Hasan learn English in English shop everyday ?​​

1. Marina , Ana and I are flight attendants in Sriwijaya Air

2. Ants are not dangerous animal

3. Students hear the sound of sea gulls and the sound of waves

4. Do Ana , Ibrahim and Hasan learn English in English shop everyday ?

20. Many flight attendants live cities other than where ………………… are based. * she he they we I


Many flight attendants live in citiesother where they are based

jawabannya they

maaf klo salah





21. Gareth : Ladies and gentlemen I'd like to introduce myself.My name is Gareth Bale, Attendants: It's glad to see you, Mr.Bale. From the dialogue, we know that gareth....​


Gareth could be a host.


Garet could be a host because Gareth was talking to many peoples, according to him saying "Ladies and Gentleman" we can say that he was talking to many peoples. And he was saying that as if he was in a show.


Hal-hal berikut berkaitan dengan pelatihan bidan menurut teks, kecuali .... A. membuat bidan mengenali variasi kemajuan normal persalinan B. untuk meningkatkan keterampilan ibu yang sudah berpraktik


Maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

23. . I have submitted my paper for the conferencesince two days ago. And now, the committeemembers ... the whole material from all theattendants.a. examineexaminesb. is examining d. are examiningman be​


D. are examining


Ini adalah kalimat present continous tense, ditandai dengan kata now. Dan subjeknya merupakan plural, jadi menggunakan to be are.

Maaf jika salah, makasih. Semoga membantu. Tolong klik Terima Kasih dan jadikan Jawaban Terbaik ya.

24. After some time finally reached the....that was in the outskirts of th city. As the childreen were making a bealine to be guided by their teachers and...attendants putri and her friends went inside and Saw the very first...they ha peacocks including...peacock who had spread her beautiful white...and was dancing




Setelah beberapa lama akhirnya sampai di .... yang berada di pinggiran kota. Saat anak-anak sedang membuat bealine untuk dipandu oleh guru mereka dan ... pembantu putri dan teman-temannya masuk ke dalam dan melihat yang pertama ... mereka memiliki burung merak termasuk ... merak yang telah menyebarkan putih indahnya ... dan sedang menari

25. A lot people have been conditioned to think being flight attendants are fun job, while …………… actually isn’t always so. *

A lot people have been conditioned to think being flight attendants are fun job, while it could be actually isn’t always so. *

26. whole - attendants - the - members - committee -material - all - the - are - from - examining - the Arrange to a good sentences

all attendants from the committee member are examining the whole material

Bisa jadi seperti ini:

the whole eximining material attendants are from the committee member

27. A. Tentukanlah subjek, prediket dan objek dari kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini (Bobot 50 ) 1. The Pretty Princess and Big Bertha jumped on their magical horse 2. Big Bertha , Little Laney, and Pretty Pricess danced and celebrated at the party 3. Amy has decided to go to the university 4. The flight attendants prepared to feed the hungry passengers 5. My children prefer to eat vegetables



1. The Pretty Princess and Big Bertha : Subjek

Jumped : Predikat

on their magical horse : objek

bisa dipahami yah...:)))

28. I would like to fly all the time.Being a flight attendant soundsexcitingI don't think so. Flight attendantsget tired of travelling. They haveto be away from their families allthe time.​


Saya ingin terbang setiap saat.

Menjadi pramugari terdengar


Saya rasa tidak. Pramugari

bosan bepergian. Mereka punya

jauh dari keluarga mereka semua


semoga membantu ya jawabannya :))

Jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik :))

29. I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee members _____ the whole material from all the attendants.



I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee members _____ the whole material from all the attendants.


I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee members asked for all the materials from all the attendees.

I Hope This Help☁️

30. Buatlah kalimat dengan kata luggage,Boarding pass,flight attendants,delayed,one way ticket,departure,arrival,destination,fragile

Boarding pass
Flight attendants
One way ticket

1. I like you luggage
2. Oh no, i lost my boarding pass
3. The flight attendants was very bad
4. Your flight will be delayed for one hour
5. I still don't know when will I leave Paris so I just pay for the one way ticket then!
6. What time is your depature?
7. I've been waiting for your arrival dear
8. You're arrived on your destination
9. Don't forget not to smash the box, it's fragile

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