Dialog Expression Of Sadness

Dialog Expression Of Sadness


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thomas: Hai Annie! Why are you sad?
Annie: hai thomas.. I'm sad because my mathematical value is bad
thomas: ouhh.. well .. you do not grieve annie .. as you just need to be grateful and improve your learning again! because god loves people who are grateful, and willing to try!
let's go!
annie: thank you thomas for your support.. thank you. I will try to be more grateful and keen to learn. thanks a lot thom! You are my best friend.
thomas: your welcome annie.

2. Contoh dialog the expression of sadness, love, dalam satu dialog untuk 4 orang

anne: did you still love him??
marie: i dont know ?? i feel alone now :( (sadness)
avril : hey forget about him let's have fun.
marie: but i think i still love him(feel love)
jennie: oh come on you must happy and forget about him.

3. maaf tolong buatin penggalan dialog expression of love and sadness


a : *crying*
b : what happened? why are you crying??
a : my brother just passed away
b : im very sorry may he rest in peace
a : thankyou very much
b : anytimeLove
Kai: Hey, Mom! Come here!
Mom: Kai, what is it?
Kai: Hmm.... Just wait a second, please! Close your eyes! No peeking!
Mom: Oh haha, okay, okay...
Kai: Open your eyes! Tadaaaa! Happy Mother's Day!
Mom: Thank you so much, Kai. Thank you... I'm so happy!
Kai: You're welcome, Mom. Since you've been working so hard for me and for our family.
Mom: Thank you. I love you, Son..
Kai: Hehe! I love you too, Mom!

Simone: You've been there for a while.. How are you doing?
Sofie: Fine..
Simone: Don't lie... What's up? Is it about Lily?
Sofie: Yeah. Lily has left to England. I think I just feel lonely. She's my friend since we were very young. I'm just...sad..
Simone: Yeah, sure. She's my friend too, you know. But don't be sad. In fact, you should be happy. She's trying hard to reach her dream. And all we have to do is hoping that she'll be happy and success, right?
Sofie: Yeah, sure, thanks. I hope she'll be happy there.

- semoga membantu^ - ^ -

4. tolong buatkan dialog expressions of sadness dalam bahasa inggris singkat

Semoga membantu. Apabila iya, harap jadikan jawaban saya sebagai jawaban terbaik :) Tia : I love you, Andi!
Andi : I love you too, darling!
Tia : How much do you love me?
Andi : A lot. I am crazy about you.
Tia : Why do you love me so much?
Andi : You are kind, you’re pretty. You understand me.
Tia : Don’t stop! Tell me more!
Andi : I… I can’t explain it. I just love you.
Tia : And I love you more than anyone in the world.
Andi : Can I ask you a question?
Tia : Sure.
Andi : Will you marry me?
Tia : Marriage is such big step, honey.
Andi : I know, but we’re in love. That’s all we need.
Tia : Will you love me forever?
Andi : Of course.
Tia : Are you absolutely sure?
Andi : Yes, yes! Absolutely!
Tia : Wonderful!
Andi : So, do you agree to marry me, my
dear? So, let’s get married next month.
Tia : No, it can’t be. Maybe in June I’ll be ready.
Andi : Why? Isn’t it better for us to get married soon?
Tia : Yeah. But you know, my grandpa had just passed away. I lost him and I feel deeply sad.
Andi : I understand your feeling.


5. sebutkan contoh expression of sadness and loved!

expression of sadness :i was sad to here that ... ,oh, no ! , i can’t hold on the tears anymore, so sad . exspression of love : i have crush on you , from the first i met youx'i think i love you , i live you , mom.. expressions of love                                                    Responses                        
 I love you                                                       accepting love : I am very fond of you                                        * I love you too I am attracted to you                                         * I am also very fond of you     I fall for you                                                      * It's not one-sided I am in love with you I have a crush on you                                     Rejecting love : I have a thing for you                                        * I am sorry. I don't feel the same I really fancy you                                              * I'm afraid i don't have the same feeling. Iam smitten by you                                           * I'm afraid i can't accept your love

Exppresions of sadness                                             Responses
I am so sad                                                       * Take it easy This is the lowest time in my life                         * It'll get better soon I feel really awful                                               * lighten upI feel very down                                                * Cheer up  I am blue

6. 17. Which of this the following is anexpression sadness....​


17. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan

ekspresi sedih....

artinya kan kak?

7. dialog percakapan bhs.inggris 4 orang, tentang expression sadness,anger,love&embarrassment

A : "I know what I've done is very terrible, but i just don't know why I said those things"
B : "what you did cannot be undone. you broke her heart"
C : "I can't believe you'd say such things to your mother! aren't you supposed to be ashamed of yourself?"
D : "if you really love your mother, ask her for forgiveness before it's too late"
C : "yeah you should say sorry now, A. she's your mother for God's sake"
A : "but I'm embarrassed, what should I say? I don't even know if she still wants to see me"
D : "as a man you should know what to do, you mother is sick. go grab some strength and say sorry to her"
B : "go on A, say sorry now"
A : "I will, but what if she rejects me?"
D : "at least she knows that you're sorry. if you keep on going like this then it'll hurt her more"
A : "okay fine, I'll go now. wish me luck guys"
C : "don't mess up, remember that she's the only one who's always there even when you're at your worst. just show her some sincerity, okay?"
A : "okay, thanks guys, I'll see you tomorrow"

sorry ya namanya pake abcd soalnya ngga tau mau namain apa lagi...

8. buatin soal essay expression of love and sadness? tolong

Make a dialogue about expression of love and sadness

9. Give 2 examples the expression of sadness and their responses!

1 i lost my money yesterday      ooh poor boy
2 i got an accident yesterday      i hope you get well soon

10. Contoh dialog the expression of sadness "your english teacher told you that your score in the last test is really bad"

harry: hy andy ,why you look  so sad today??
andy: yeah harry ,my teacher tell me the score of my last test
harry: so why you look so sad ?? did you get a bad score??
andy :yeah harry.....
harry :i'am sorry to hear that andy...


We have a very good teacher (mother nurhayati) and love all the students but we just heard nurhayati mother will move to teach she will become headmaster in another school, we are so sad that I with my friends gather money to buy cake the mother of the upcoming day of the teaching mother has arrived our students shed tears and read the song himny teacher

Semoga membantuKarin : Hello Melly! Let's go to the canteen!
Melly : Empph... I don't want to go to the canteen,now.
Karin : Why? Why you look so sad ?
Melly : Rin, actually I'm going to school out the town, because my parents have
           a job there, and that means I have to leaving you.
Karin : What? will you leave me? You are my only best friend. I scared of me
            can not have friend like you anymore. 
Melly : I'am actually sad, having to part with you. But I'am promise, I'll visit
           and call you. And I'm sure, you will get a new friend better than me.

12. Excample of dialog expression of sympathy

Jack : Why are you in hurry, Leni?
Leni : I have to go to hospital now.
Jack : Are you sick? you look okay.
Leni : No, but my mother got an accident. A bus crashed her motor cycle on the way home.
Jack : Uh, It’s terrible! I'm sorry. I'm awfully sorry, I hope your mother will be okay soon.
Leni : Okay, thanks.

13. Contoh dialog the expression of sadness, love, like, dislike dalam satu dialog untuk 2 orang

rara: Hai shira,can i set beside you?
shira: of curse you can.
Rara: thanks,by the way what score you get in english exam just?
shira: ,i get one hundred score. how about you?
rara: oh it's not good,i get seventy score.
Shira: hm,don;t be so sad like that. it must be a reason why you get the score like that.
rara: yeah, do you know kika?
Shira:yes,i do
rara: she is the reason i get that bad score. She called me last night,and just talk about her new boyfriend.
Shira: and it makes you don;t have a time to study,right?
rara: yeah you're right. do you like her identical?
shira: not really,she just a big talker.
rara: yeah, um shira..
shira: yes?
rara: do you want to join me to the library?
shira: of course. let's go now!

14. contoh teks dialog bahasa inggris expression of love/sadness/embarrassment untuk 3 orang

Expression of Love

A: My older sister gave birth last night. Her firstborn is a boy!
B: Aw, really? I'm so happy for her!
C: A son as a firstborn? She must be very lucky! Please tell her that we are happy to hear the news!
A: Of course!

Expression of Sadness

A: You look sad today. What happened?
B: It's Bunny. Remember? My pet. She died last night.
C: Bunny the cat? I'm sorry to hear that.
A: Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that, too. But what happened to her?
B: She gave birth to three kittens, and she died.
C: Poor Bunny.

Expression of Embarrassment

A: Are you trying to look hot or what?
B: Hot? What are you talking about?
C: She didn't realized it, A. Tell her.
A: Well, look down at your skirt. It's too baggy until it fell to the floor.
B: Oh My Allah! Why don't you tell me earlier?
C: We've tried, but you didn't want to listen.

15. Search funny story and identify some following expressions:a. Expression of embarassmentb. Expression of annoyencec. Expression of angerd. Expression of lovee. Expression of agreement/disagreementf. Expression of sadnessTolong dijawab ya. Ini sangat penting. Thank you.

c. Expression of anger
In a remote village, cornered, isolated, and terangker (yes really bad ...?!)
so here's the story,, ...
There are crazy people who died in the village, a short story he died in the post Kamling.
VILLAGE CHIEF: so how the body, there is an argument?
RESIDENTS: Direct buried alone
VILLAGE CHIEF: No other ideas?
RESIDENTS: what if we use a banana leaf wrap it, if we do not take on a shroud.
VILLAGE CHIEF: it's okay then.
night at 7:30 corpse in the tomb, with only the use of banana leaves in the dressing.
once in the grave, the people go home.
after 7 last step, the grave was opened again, and the corpse was very angry with her ​​out to the citizens.
Pocong (corpse): hey people, the crazy huh. weve cave rice cake, use banana leaves.

because ultimately the pocong angry residents and village leaders were forced to change with banana leaf with the actual shroud.

That's all.

16. 1. expression of sadness. 2. expression of congratulation. 3. expression of asking and giving direction. 4. expression of surprise. 5. expression of Intention. make these expression in free condition.


1. i feel sad

i can't bear it

2. congratulation, you deserved it!

3. excuse me, where is the toilet?

4. wow, that's amazing!

5. hello, is anybody's here?

17. buatlah dialog dengan menggunakan ungkapan expression love and sadness beserta situasinya

Me    : Mom, i should tell you right now
Mom : What is it dear ? tell me right now
Me    : I should go to australia mom, i get that schollarship from school
Mom : Are you kidding me ?
 Me  : No mom, i’m seriously this is a special chance for me to catch my dream would you like to          let me go ?
 mom : But i love you dear how can i let you go ?
me   : Calmdown mom everythings gonna be alright
mom : But , i’m afraid if i’ll miss you my daughter i feel so sad  if i let you go
 me    : It’s ok mom, you can call me or message me distance is not a big problem
 mom : If that’s you want i’ll let you go, but you must take care there
 me    : Sure mom  wish me luck
mom : Sure dear

A : hy...
B : hy..
A : let's go to the cinema
B : what to do?
A : watching movies, now there recent a movie. you know?
B : really?? what the movie?
A : Harry Poter
B : really?? i love that movie. but.....
A : why??
B : i certainly shouldn't watch that movie
A : why?
B : now, i have a lot of tasks. so i will not go.
A : no problem. you can watch the next time
B : iam so sadness
A : be poison
B : thank you

18. Buatlah dialogue maksimal 10 baris. Dalam dialog harus terdapat 3 ekspresi yaitu 1. Expression of Happiness 2. Expression of sadness 3. Expression of affection Kerjakan dengan jujur dan tulis di buku tulis


Buatlah dialog maksimal 10 baris. Dalam dialog harus terdapat 3 ekspresi yaitu

1. Ekspresi Kebahagiaan

2. Ekspresi kesedihan

3. Ekspresi kasih sayang

Kerjakan dengan jujur dan tulis di buku tulis

19. Dialog gabungan antara expression of request,expression of suggestion, expression of instruction

duet bareng pacar baru kayak anak rrhina bung mau di ajak kompromi iya sama gue aja deh biar bisa tidur gara si dia menyukai sebuah video ke daftar putar aja ya kalo mau beli tiket konser gratis biaya perawatan tapi kok bisa ya kalo mau beli tiket konser

20. 1.buat dialog expression of greeting2.buat dialog expression of leave taking​

Dialog Greeting

Dina : Hello, how are you ?

Sinta : I'm good, nice to see you again

Dina : Where did you go yesterday?

Sinta : Yesterday I went to the mall

Dialog leave taking

Dina : See you at another time

Sinta : bye

Semoga membantu !!!

Jadikan Jawaban terbaik !!!

21. contoh dialog expressions of love and sadness

Enrik : Hi, Sari. How about your holiday?
Loli : I was very sad.
Enrik : What happened?
Loli : My brother was hospitalized when I visited him in his house.

Toni : Tini. are you ready for the discussion tomorrow?
Tini : No, I'm not yet ready at all. I'm still confused about the arguments I should propose. It's hard to find good arguments.
Toni : Why don't you search some ideas in the internet?
Tini : I'm not familiar with the internet and I don't understand how to use internet.
Toni : Really? Let's go to the internet shop. I'll teach you how to use the internet.
Tini : You will? Why are you very nice to me?
Toni : Because I love you.
Me    : Mom, i should tell you right now
 Mom : What is it dear ? tell me right now
Me    : I should go to australia mom, i get that schollarship from school
 Mom : Are you kidding me ?
Me  : No mom, i’m seriously this is a special chance for me to catch my dream would you like to          let me go ?
mom : But i love you dear how can i let you go ?
 me   : Calmdown mom everythings gonna be alright
mom : But , i’m afraid if i’ll miss you my daughter i feel so sad  if i let you go me    : It’s ok mom, you can call me or message me distance is not a big problem
mom : If that’s you want i’ll let you go, but you must take care there me    : Sure mom  wish me luck
mom : Sure dear

22. Dialog Expression of Willingness


dialog ekspresi kesediaan


maaf kalau salah

dialog ekspresi kesedihan

23. Contoh dialog the expression of sadness "your english teacher told you that your score in the last test is really bad"

Teacher : "Clark, did you study last night?"
Clark : "Yes teacher, what's the matter?"
Teacher : "I hate to say this but your score is E. "
Clark : "What!? I don't believe you!"
Teacher : "If you studied last night, you wouldn't get score like this, and don't try to lie to your teacher."
Clark : "Ok, in the next exam, I'll study hard."
Teacher : "That's a smart boy."

Semoga membantu :)

24. Buatlah dialogue maksimal 10 baris. Dalam dialog harus terdapat 3 ekspresi yaitu 1. Expression of Happiness 2. Expression of sadness 3. Expression of affection


Rev: Hello Ann! I'm really happy today, I got a perfect score on math.

Ann: That's great, congratulations!

Rev: Thanks! are you okay Ann? you looked sad.

Ann: I don't think so, I think I'm a bit sad.

Rev: What's wrong?

Ann: I failed the drawing contest I joined last week.

Rev: What a bummer, I hope you could win next time. cheer up okay!

Ann: Thank you Rev.

25. Dialog Expression of Willingness


Dialog Ekspresi Kesediaan

26. contoh dialog expression of planning dan dialog expression of care

dialogue 1
Dina : Hello,how are you?
Danur : Fine,what are you doing in here?
Dina : Nothing,just waiting for my mom.
Danur : Why you look so upset today?
Dina : Huh,because i fell down in front of the class and everyone was laughed at me.
          What a shame!
Danur : But are you okay?feel sorry to hear that
Dina : I'm okay..

Dialogue 2
Fina : ris,what happen to your face?
Farris : uhm,i got a little accident.When i was walk on the street yesterday,suddenly i
           get slipped by the banana peel.everyone was looking at me and it was so                      embarrased.
Fina :Oh my!but how's your leg right now?
Farris  : it's okay..

27. What is your idea about love and sadness. And then write down some expression of love and sadness

Love and sadness are natural feelings that exist among every human being. We are willing to do anything for our family just to make them happy because we love them. we are sad when bad things happened in our life such as losing someone that we love so much.
I love you is an example of expression of love and crying is an example of sadness.

28. write a short dialogue with expression of sadness and pleasure

Titi: “Hey Lia! I didn’t see you in class yesterday. Where did you go?”
Lia: “Hello, Titi. Oh, I went to the hospital because my cousin was sick.”
Titi: “I’m so sorry to hear that, Lia.”
Lia: “No problem Titi, she’s in recovery now. By the way, I heard you won the speech competition, is it true?”
Titi: “Yeah it is.”
Lia: “Wow that’s great! I’m very delighted to hear that.”
Titi: “Thanks Lia! Anyway I have to go to the library because Miss Anna called me. I hope your cousin will get well soon. See you!”
Lia: “Thank you. See you too!”A: Hei Tom.
B: Hi, Jack.
A: What's wrong with your face? It looks gloomy.
B: Well, I am terribly sad cause I just lost my cat yesterday. A car accidentally hit him when he was crossing the street in front of my house.
A: Oh, sorry to hear that.
B: Thanks, Tom.
A: Hey, how about if you buy another cat?
B: My brother told me so, but I guess I have to wait. I still got the trauma.
A: Ok then, how about if I treat a big ice cream to cheer you up?
B: Are you serious? That's a very kind of you, Tom.
A: I am serious. Well, you can count on me, bro.
B: Thanks a lot, Tom.
A: Most welcome my friend.

29. Percakapan menggabungkan dialog expression of pain,expression of relief,expression of pleasure

John : ugh...i hate my friends...
George: What's wrong?
John : They just fake for me, i hate it...
George : Ouh..let them be, John. Karma is real,
remember that, they will know how
do you feel. Sometimes, God has a
plan, we don't know what's the plan,
but i'm kinda sure that's a good plan.
John : you right... i feel better now.. thanks
George : No problem, my friend!

30. buatlah sebuah dialog b.inggris dengan menggunakan expression of feeling love, sadness, embarrassment, anger dan annoyance

A: Ugh, where is that guy? (Annoyance)
B: *rushes in* OMG. I'm so sorry. You must've been waiting for a long time. I accidentally pooped in my pants and-- Wait. Did I say pooped? I meant, uh. *scratches head* (Embarrassment)
A: Ew! You pooped in your pants? Get out of here! You stink! (Anger)
B: I didn't mean to.. Really.. I'm so sorry.. *teary eyes* (Sadness)
A: *sighs* You're only lucky I'm in love with you (Love)

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