Dialog Showing Care

Dialog Showing Care

contoh dialog showing care

1. contoh dialog showing care

a : do you need any help?
b : yes please. can you please give this assignment to Mr. C?
a : sure.
b : thankyou!Anna : Hi Betty.
Betty : Hi Anna. "cough"
Anna : Are you okay ?
Betty : I have a fever and it keeps getting bad.
Anna : That's bad  , i'll take you to the doctor right now.
Betty : No thanks , i'll be fine.
Anna :  fine or not i'll take you to the doctor , because you are my friend and i'll care about you.
Betty: Thanks you are so kind Anna

bold : showing care
italic : responding care

2. Contoh dialog showing care

showing care:
What are you doing?

Complimenting :
just singing.contoh dialogue showing care:
A: you look terribly pale..what happened to you?
b: i lost my wallet and then i have no money to get my back return to my house
A: okay.just take my money,you should not worried anymore..but i dont guarantee it is for free,you should give my money back when you have money okay?
b:ahh thanks so much,sure i will definitely return it to you.thanks for you caring to me
A: ah no problem..we are friends

3. Dialog complimenting dan showing care

Ana: "Yesterday, i bought burger from your store.. but the taste is bad"
Seller: "Oh, i'm sorry about it. I think yesterday was crowded so i made very fast"
Ana: "Oh, Ok"

Showing Care:
Jason: "Hi Statham, why do ur face look pale?"
Statham: "I got sick"
Jason: "Ohh, Get well soon "
Statham: "Thank you"

4. gambar showing care beserta dialognya

a: hi
b : hi
a: what are you doing?
b: Nothing.
a: why do you look so sad?
b : I am lost my wallet
a : I am sorry to hear that

5. 10 dialog tentang showing care

1)She asked me if i was okay
2)He tried to give me a hand
3)My mom says she loves me
4)I tried helping her with her work
5)Can i help with anything?
6)Are you feeling well?
7)Have you ate?
8)How are you today?
9)Shall i get you something?
10)May i help?

6. contoh dialog showing care tentang kecelakaan?

what happen to you?
i get accident
what kind of accident
car hit me when i walk in zebra cross
i wish you will get well soon.i'm sorry to hear that, are you alright? get willson friends

7. Tolong buat kan contoh dialog tentang showing care

Mr A : help me........
Mr B : oh you lost lot of blood, let's go to the hostpital
Mr A : Thank you

8. contoh dialog showing care singkat??

Dean: Ouch... It hurts.
Cas: Are you alright?
Dean: I'm not. I just fell on the bike earlier.
Cas: I am very sorry to hear that..
Dean: Thanks.
Cas: Let me get the betadine solution for you.
Dean: Really? Thanks!

Sam: I am very sorry to hear that you lost your uncle
Crowley: It's alright. Thanks for comforting me.
Sam: No problem.

9. Contoh dialog showing care

A : hi A ! how are you
B : hi A ! i am fine, thanks.
A : but you look pale, what happen ?
B : I just not get enough sleep
A : why ? you told me that you always sleep at 11 PM, that must be enough for rest time
B : yeah, but tonight is different, i can't sleep because i think about my bad math score
A : Oh, don't think too much about your score, the important thing is you won't repeat it again
B : you're right
A : and, when you can't sleep, you should drink a glass of hot milk, that will help you to sleep
B : okay, thanks for information:)

10. Contoh dialog showing care

(+) you look so sad, what happen with you?
(-) i'm have has just got an accident.
(+) i'm so sorry to hear that
(-) thank you for your attentionA:  where are you going ?, why you so restless today ?
B:  I wanna going to hospital, because my grandma was sick last night and I have to visit her now !
A: ohh, i am sorry, I don't know that, get well son for your grandma
B: thanks for your care

11. contoh dialog compliments serta showing care

contoh dialog compliments :
angel: hello niken!look at my new dress
niken : hello angel!what a
beautiful dress
angel: thank you very much niken
niken:you're welcome

contoh showing care
angel : good morning niken
how are you?
niken : good morning
i'm not fine!and you?
angel : what happen? I am fine
niken : I have fever because yesterday I drink ice cream
angel: get well soon and don't forget to drink drug

semoga membantu :)

12. Contoh dialog showing care singkat?

A : You looks very sad, what happen?
B : Hmm, i have bad news from my friend, that my seatmate get ancident yesterday. Now she at hospital
A : Are you sure? I'm sorry to hear that, i feel sad too about the bad news.
B : Well, no problem. Keep Patient to my seatmate
A : I hope soW : Your, eyes are red. Are you okay?
M : I'm not feeling well today
W : You should take a rest

13. dialog showing care 2 orang

A: what happened with you?
B: im okay, why?
A: your face look so pale. are u sick?
B: well, i guess.
A: aw, what you feel?
B: my head's so dizzy.
A: go to the doctor or give urself some medicine!
B: Yes, i will. thank u anyway

14. contoh dialog showing care

surat pendek tentang your sister failed to be
admitted to a universityA: Hey! Are you okay? You look pale
B: Nah, I'm okay
A: Are you sure?
B: Well, I got fever last night
A: Then you should get rest!
B: I guess you're right. Thanks buddy!
A: Sure. Get well soon!

15. contoh dialog showing care

A : Hi B.
B : Hi A. "cough"
A : Are you okay B ?
B : I have a fever and it keeps getting bad.
A : That's bad B , i'll take you to the doctor right now.
B : No thanks , i'll be fine.
A :  fine or not i'll take you to the doctor , because you are my friend and i'll care about you.
B: Thanks A. 
A : Don't worry about it B.

16. Dialog complimenting and showing care

Dialog untuk complimenting  :
A : Hey, you looked great at the drama performance last night!
B : Thank you
A : How long did you prepare for it?
B : About 2 months
A : Who guided you?
B : Mrs. Rara. She trained us patiently and worked hard to make the performance a success
A : You're right! I could tell that all the characters played very well
B : Thank you

Dialog untuk showing care :
A : Sorry to hear that a robber broke into your house last night
B : Thank you
A : May I know what he took?
B : Thank God, he didn't take anything, only made a mess in my house. I think he couldn't find the my money and jewelries
A : So, you're still traumatic
B : Yes, but I feel a bit better now
A : I think time will heal
B : I hope so
A : hi B ! how are you ? showing care
B : hi A ! i am fine, thanks
A : you look so cool right now, with tuxedo and that black shoes {complimenting}
B : thanks
A : but you look pale, what happen ? showing care
B : nothing, i just not get enough sleep

17. contoh dialog showing care

a : do you need any help?
b : yes please. can you please give this assignment to Mr. x ?
a : sure.
b : thankyou! while sport in the field..
me : "hi!"
you : "hi,"
me : "how are you?"
you : "i'm not feeling well, i feel dizzy,"
me : "you look pale and limp, let me among you to class!"
you : "do not bother, i can go to class by myself,"
me : "no, let me among you, come on,"
you : "thank you very much,"
me : "don't say that, we must help each other,"
in the class...
me : "you should rest, i have some water, you can drink it,"
you : "do not have to, how if you're going to thirsty later?"
me : "don't worry, i still have one more,"
you : "really?"
me : "yes of course"
you : "thankyou very much for your help,"
me : "urwell, i should go back to the field now, take care of yourself,"
you : "thanks, and once again thanks for your help,"
me : "your welcome, bye"
you : "bye"

18. materi dan dialog tentang showing care

contoh dialog mengungkapan simpati (expressing sympathy). 
Rina : Hi, Doni. What's up? You look so sad.
Doni : Yea, my grandpa died last night.
Rina : Really? I'm sorry to hear that.
Doni : Thanks.
Rina : If I'm not mistaken, he is in Bandung, right?
 Doni : Yes. We haven't visited him yet.
Rina : Does your family plan to go to Bandung?
Doni : Yes. Tonight. We are going to leave for Bandung.
Rina : Oh, I hope your family will be fine.
Doni : Thanks a lot, Rina.
Dalam percakapan antara Rina dan Doni di atas terdapat satu ungkapan simpati (expressing sympathy) yakni "I'm sorry to hear that." Rina menyatakan ikut berduka cita atas meninggalnya kakek Doni.

19. gimana gambar showing care dan dialognya

dialog sekaligus gambar :

20. Contoh dialog showing care/sympathy

A : Hi B.
B : Hi A. "cough"
A : Are you okay B ?
B : I have a fever and it keeps getting bad.
A : That's bad B , i'll take you to the doctor right now.
B : No thanks , i'll be fine.
A :  fine or not i'll take you to the doctor , because you are my friend and i'll care about you.
B: Thanks A. 
A : Don't worry about it B.

21. contoh dialog complementing dan showing care

complementing :

a: look at your dress! it really suits you.
b: thank you
showing care :
a: where did you get that?
b: well, my mom bought me this dress on my birthday
a: when was your birthday?
b: yesterday, actually
a: omg! i'm sorry i forgot! happy birthday, i wish you all the best
b: thank you so much a: dont play under the rain, dear
b: why are you telling me not to do it?
a: your body is healthy today, dear. we love to see you laugh.. but if you get sick we couldnt see your laugh anymore

22. dialog showing care informal situation

A : Why are you so sad?
B : I have lost my money.
A : I'm sorry to hear that.

23. contoh dialog showing care

Awa: "Shania, you look verry pale. Are you okey?
Shania: "No. I'm not. I have a stomachache."
Awa: "I'm sorry to hear that. I think you need a rest. You should to see the doctor"
Shania: "Of course. I will do it. Thanks Awa"
Awa: "You're welcome. Get well soon"
Shania:"Thanks."Rina : Hi, Doni. What’s up? You look so sad.
Doni : Yea, my grandpa died last night.
Rina : Really? I’m sorry to hear that.
Doni : Thanks.
Rina : If I’m not mistaken, he is in Bandung, right?
Doni : Yes. We haven’t visited him yet.
Rina : Does your family plan to go to Bandung?
Doni : Yes. Tonight. We are going to leave for Bandung.
Rina : Oh, I hope your family will be fine.
Doni : Thanks a lot, Rina.

24. contoh dialog tentang complimenting dan showing care

A : hello! B : hello! A : the shirt that youre wearing now is so cute, i like it so much ! B : thank you. My mum bought it for me. A : Thats cool ! But dont you think its too big for you? B : yeah.. i know.. i feel like im showing off myself A : here ! Use my jacket. at least it covers up you a bit better B : thanks !

25. contoh dialog showing care

A: i was so sad to hear that you're brother sick
B: thank you very much
Tito : Hi Budi!
Budi : Hi Tito!
Tito : Budi, i hear that your brother is sick. Is that true?
Budi : Yeah, that's true.
Tito : I'm really sorry to hear that.
Budi : Thank you for your sympathy:)
Tito : Your welcome:)

26. contoh dialog showing care

Showing care ::
Are you sick Iraa ?

Complimenting ::
It's a nice sick
A : hi A ! how are you
B : hi A ! i am fine, thanks.
A : but you look pale, what happen ?
B : I just not get enough sleep
A : why ? you told me that you always sleep at 9 PM, that must be enough for rest time
B : yeah, but tonight is different, i can't sleep because i think about my bad math score
A : Oh, don't think too much about your score, the important thing is you won't repeat it again
B : you're right A
A : and, when you can't sleep, you should drink a glass of hot milk, that will help you to sleep
B : thanks, A

Tandai jawabanku sebagai yang terbaik ya
Kalau ada yang kurang jelas, silahkan tanya

27. buatlah dialog tentang showing care

A: hey? B: Yeah whassup? A: Wanna go for lunch? B: No. A: Why? Are you okay? B: Yes. I'm okay. Just a little headche. A: Oo. I'm sorry to hear that. Btw, get well soon and good bye B: okey. Bye.

28. dialog showing care beserta terjemahannya

Today Imran is not feeling well. He is staying at home. He has just received a sympathy card through an email from his sister who lives far away in Singapore. The card says, “Sending you sunny smiles, warm wishes, and healing thoughts . . . Hope today finds you feeling much better!” Many of his friends also come to his house.
Rama   : You look so pale. I bring you some soup, fix you some tea and bake you some treats. Hope you recover soon
Imran  : Thanks a lot. What a lovely friend you are! I really appreciate that.
Rido    : I’d also water your plants and tidy your room.Imran  : Thank you very much. I’m glad you do it for me.
Ramon: To help you feel better, I’d fluff up your pillow and straighten your sheets.
Imran  : I am so grateful to you. You’re the best friends I have ever had.

29. contoh dialog compliment dan showing care

1 : look at your new shoes ? where did you bought it ?
2 : in the mall, why ?
1 : it's such an awesome shoes, i hope i can have it too
2 : oh thank you, you'll get it someday

showing care
1 : hey, i heard that your grandma has passed away, is that true ?
2 : yeah, it's true
1 : i'm really sorry for your lost, you must be very upset
2 : thank's a lot, but it's god will i suppose

30. Contoh dialog compliment dan showing care

Compliment: "I love your painting!"
"You did such a great job!"
"You're the best."
Showing care: "You should have your breakfast before you leave."
"Are you alright? Would you like me to help you?"
"Whenever you need me just call me, okay?"

Kaya gini ga?

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