Materi Offer And Suggestion

Materi Offer And Suggestion

Jelaskan materi suggestion and offer

1. Jelaskan materi suggestion and offer

‘suggestion’ adalah gagasan atau tindakan yang diungkapkan atau disebutkan oleh seseorang.
Example : ‘Mark made very useful suggestions about what his friends should do on their visit to Sydney.’
(Mark memberikan beberapa pendapat yang bermanfaat mengenai apa yang harus dilakukan temannya ketika mereka berkunjung ke Sydney)
‘I suggest patience when learning something new, especially a language such as English.’
(Saya menyarankan kesabaran ketika belajar sesuatu yang baru, khususnya belajar bahasa seperti Inggris).

Sedangkan ‘Offer’ artinya meminta seseorang jika seseorang mau mendapatkan atau melakukan sesuatu.
Example : Sheila was offered her dream job.’
(Sheila mendapatkan tawaran untuk pekerjaan yang dimimpikannya)

Offer juga bermakna mengucapkan Anda bersedia melakukan sesuatu.
Example : 'Can I offer you some more food?'
(Saya ingin menawarkan makanan untuk anda)

Anda bisa menggunakan 'offer' untuk membicarakan banyaknya jumlah uang yang bersedia Anda keluarkan untuk membeli sesuatu.
Example : 'Tony offered $3,000 for the car.’
(Tony mendapat penawaran (dari orang lain) untuk mobilnya seharga $ 3000) Offer juga bisa digunakan untuk menggambarkan harga lebih rendah dari normalnya
Example : ‘This special offer ends on Valentine’s Day.’
(Harga khusus ini akan berakhir pada hari Valentine).

2. kata "i think" pada materi suggestion and offer pada bahasa inggris, di gunakan ketika?​


Talk to a friend in the school and My Teacher

3. offer and suggestion

offer: would you like I borrow your luggage.
suggestion: you should go to doctor soon.Offer (tawaran), berbentuk kalimat tanya
Example: Would you like to drink? Coffe or Tea?

Sugestion (saran), menangga[i suatu peristiwa dan memberikan solusi
Example: Your vision is getting weak, you should meet the doctor soon

4. contoh contoh suggestion and offer

suggestion : i think you must wash your car
offer : may i help you to wash your car?suggestion:
I think you ought to buy new dress,because your dress is too old.
you should help your mother to clean your house.if you don't want to help her,who will help her?
you shouldn't always come late,because our teacher hates the late coming.
would you like some foods?
can I help you?
may I pick you up to go to your house after you finish your school?

5. contoh dialog offer and suggestion dong

1. May I help you? (Bolehkah saya membantu Anda?)

2. Would you like a cup of coffee? (Anda mau secangkir kopi?)

3. Can I help you carrying your bag? (Apakah Anda mau saya bantu membawa tas?)

4. May I open the window? It's hot here. (Bolehkah saya buka jendelanya? Di dalam sini panas).

5. I will help you doing your homework, if you like. (Aku bisa membantumu mengerjakan PR jika kamu mau)

Berikut adalah 5 contoh kalimat suggestion:

1. I think you must stop working for now and get some rest. (Menurutku kamu harus berhenti bekerja sekarang dan istirahat).

2. What about a cup of hot chocolate? That'll bring us peace and happiness. (Bagaimana kalau kita minum secangkir coklat panas? Agar kita damai dan bahagia.)

3. What if you stop smoking right now? (Sepertinya kamu harus berhenti merokok sekarang juga).

4. I have a good idea. Let's go to the cinema. (Aku ada ide bagus, kita pergi nonton ke bioskop).

5. Son, I suggest you to talk to her directly. (Nak, kusarankan kamu bicara langsung dengannya).



A: Hai .. A Whats Wrong ?

B: Hai.. A i can't Fix it this bike?

A: ouh.. maybe i can help you

B: Oke. Thank you , you so nice

6. dialog offer and suggestion Arum dan dea

Arum: You shouldn't watch TV so much ,Mia!
Dea: wait a little longer!
Arum: I think you should study now than watching TV on!

7. suggestion,offer,and responses adalah

suggestion : saran
offer : penawaran bisa juga saran/usul
respon : jawaban

8. contoh dialog suggestion and offer ?

suggestions : I SUGGEST YOU T

9. Contoh percakapan " suggestion and offer " ??

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: suggestion and offer
Kata kunci: suggestion and offer

Offer is  offering help to others. Example: shall I/ would you like me to help you?
suggestion is giving an idea to others. Example: shall/ why don't we play chess?

R:Jose, what shall we do this weekend?
J: I haven't got any idea, Rania.
R: Come on, honey, think of something. I don't want to go cycling again.
J: What about it?
R: It's boring. I'd rather do something else.
J: OK, let's go to the beach. There's a party there.
R: Really? I'm surprised you don't know that I hate parties.
J: Sorry, dear, I forget. Ah, why don't we go to the book fair? It's just opened yesterday.
R: That'll be a better idea. What time shall we go?
J: Shall we leave at 10 am?
R: OK, hon. Shall I make your favourite cake for our snack on the way?
J: Thanks, honey. That's very sweet of you. I'll pick you up at 9.30 am, okay?
R: Sure, I won't be going anywhere. 

10. Pengertian Suggestion and Offer

Suggestion : saran Offer : penawaranSuggestion : an idea or plan put forward for consideration.
Offer           :present or proffer (something) for (someone) to accept or reject as so desired/an expression of readiness to do or give something if desired.

11. contoh dialog suggestion and offer

*In a restaurant*

Customer :"May I have the menu please?"
Waiter     :"here sir"
Customer : I want to order something delicious. what's the best food in this restaurant?"
Waiter     :"I SUGGEST   you to order Beef tenderloin steak sir"
Customer :"How much is it?"
Waiter     :"It's Rp93.000,00"
Customer :"Okay then let me have one"
Waiter      :" Do you want to pay with Mandiri~ ?"
Customer :"What is the advantages of using Mandiri~ ?"
Waiter     :"You will get free avocado juice and 15% discount"
Customer :"Okay then it means i'm paying with Mandiri~. Here's my card"
Waiter     :"Thankyou sir"
Customer :"You're welcome"

12. contoh teks giving offer and suggestion

Giving Offer :
1. can/may i help you? 
2. Do you need help?

Suggestions : 
You should buy that .....
You Must do .... , etc

13. What is suggestion,offer,and opinion


suggestion = sugesti/saran

offer =memberikan/menawarkan

opinion = pendapat

14. suggestion and offer


1.i should help my mother shopping.

2.i should help my father wash the car.

3.i should give him/her a birthday present.

4.i should encouragement to my uncle and pray for him.

5.i should spend time with my aunt by talking to her and go sightseeing.


mff klo salah

15. suggestion,offer,and responses adalah

suggestion = saran
offer = menawarkan sesuatu
responses =tanggapan
Suggestion = Saran
Offer = Menawarkan
Responses = Tanggapan

16. apa fungsi giving and offer suggestion?

giving offering : untuk menawarkan bantuan berupa benda maupun jasa.
 giving suggestion ; untuk memberi saran
giving suggestion memberikan saran sedangkan offering suggestion menerima saran

17. struktur teks offer and suggestion​


offer/memberi= do you need some help?

suggestion/sugesti= you should go to the doctor.



A. What is offer?

Offer is an expression of the desire by people in front of the other people to do something or not to do something

B. What is the purpose of offer?

a. Offer means to present, introduce or propose a help or a assist for consideration.

b. Offer means to propose a help. It can be accepted or refused.

C. How to express offer?

Example :

· Formal Dialogue

Maya : Can I get you ice tea to drink?

Dwi : Yes, that would be nice, Thank you.

· Informal Dialogue

Hadi : Are you up for some dinner?

Ikeu : Hey, thanks. What’s on the menu?

Hadi : What about something to drink?

Ikeu : Sure. What about some coffee?

Hadi : I’d like it very much.

A. How to respond to offer?

Example :

a. Accepting

Sekar : May I get you some to drink?

Febby : Yes, I’d love to get some tea.

Dewi : Would you like me to get you some food?

Rosta : That would be nice. Thank you.

b. Refusing / Declining

Astri : Would you like some cookies?

Sri : Thank you, but I’m on a diet.

Astri : How about a cup of tea?

Sri : I’d like to have a cup of tea. Unfortunately, I’m late for a



A. What is suggestion?

Suggestion is about say or write our ideas about what people should do.

B. What is the purpose of suggestion?

a. Suggest means to present a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for consideration. It can be accepted or refused

b. Suggestions are abstract and can be in form of solution, advice, plan, and idea.

C. How to express suggestion?

1. Asking for Suggestion

· Do you have any suggestions for me?

· Would you mind giving me your suggestion?

· Can you tell me what I should do?

· What should I do?

2. Giving Suggestion

· You should + V1

· You had better + V1

· You ought to + V1

· I suggest you to + V1

· How about + Ving

· Let’s + V1

· Why don’t you + V1

· Couldn’t you + V1

· What about + Ving

a. Giving suggestion with “let’s”

Let's comes from the word let us, which means: "I have a suggestion for us" (saya punya suatu saran untuk kita)

Pattern :

Example :


I’m bored.


Let’s go to a movie

Let’s not go to beach. Let’s stay home instead

a. Giving suggestion with “could”

· “Could” can be used to give suggestion to others


What should we do tomorrow?


We could go on a picnic.

We could go to Yulia’s party.

· “Could” can be used to give offer or possibility to others


I’m having trouble in math class


You could talk to your teacher.

You could ask Anna to help you with your math lessons.

b. Giving suggestion with “why don’t”

“Why don’t” is the most important phrase in English to provide suggestion friendly.

Example :

Why don’t we go to a movie?

(In the context of that sentence, "Why do not we go = Let's go")

• Why don’t you come around eight?

(In the context of that sentence means: I suggest you to come around eight)

1. Responding to Suggestion

a. Accepting Suggestion

· Sure

· Ok. Yes, let's.

· Yes, I'd like to.

· Yes, I'd love to.

· What a good idea!

· Why not?

· Yes, with pleasure.

· That sounds like a good idea.

· That's a good/nice/wonderful idea.

b. Refusing Suggestion

· No, let's not.

· No, I'd rather not.

· I don't feel like it.

· I dislike your suggestion.

· What an awful / bad idea!

· I don’t think it’s a good idea. Sorry

· Sorry. That’s boring. Let’s do something else.

· It’s a bad idea.

· No, let’s not. Let’s …

· I’m afraid, we/ I can’t.

· No, I don’t think so.

Note :

1. The verb "suggest" can be followed by either:

a. should + verb = I suggest (that) we should go to the library.

b. a verb (in the subjunctive form)= I suggest (that) we go to the library.

2. "That" is optional:

"I suggest that we should visit London."

"I suggest we should visit London."

18. minta tolong kirim in materi pengertian expresion offer and suggestion beserta contoh dialog na..

Expression offer itu ungkapan untuk menawarkan sesuatu.cthnya: can i bring a cup of tea to your desk?
suggestion itu ungkapan saran ataupun nasehat untuk seseorang sebelum melakukan sesuatu.cthnya: i think you should go to dentist to treat your toothache

19. Conversation suggestion and offer

A = Where do you think is the best place to buy a present?
B = You should try the shop in front of the station. I think you might like it. I went there before to buy a present for my mother.
A = Thank you. I'll try that.
B = No problem.

A = Can I help you with your bag, ma'am?
B = Oh, thank you. Yes, please.
A = You're welcome.

20. 1.Contoh kalimat "Suggestion and offer"?​


suggestion: what about cooking spaghetti for dinner?offer: would you like a coffee?


suggestion form: what about/how about + (ing)

suggestion untuk memberikan pendapat.

offering adalah salah satu hal untuk menawarkan sesuatu kepada tamu dirumah atau orang lain. Offering dirangkai dari frasa-frasa umum seperti modal form dan would you like. Frasa-frasa tersebut diwakili oleh kata may I atau can I.

semoga membantu:)

21. pengertian suggestion and offer?

Pengertiannya yaitu saran dan penawaransuggestion: sugesti, yaitu permohonan
offer: penawaran

22. definition suggestion and offer

Maaf ya tulisan saya jelek. Semoga membantusuggestion=saran

23. What does 'offer and suggestion"? Explain!


What does 'offer and suggestion"? Explain!

= As you could see,offer is an expression of of willingness to do something.A suggestion is usually an expression of an idea for someone else to do something.


Seperti yang Anda lihat, penawaran adalah ekspresi kesediaan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Saran biasanya merupakan ungkapan ide agar orang lain melakukan sesuatu.

jangan lupa lovenya dan jadikan jawaba terbaik yah

24. tujuan suggestion and giving an offer

Suggestion :
You should save us earth
Giving an offer :
Can i offer you some bread ?

You can ask me in my Instagram @hannaqill_
sorry if the answer's wrong
thanks and have good score

25. Suggestion And Offer....​

2. Situation : Your friend, Andy, has no time to visit his sick friend in hospital

Suggestion : He should call his friend to show his sympathy.

3. Situation: sister really wants to buy a new skirt, but he doesn't have enough money to buy it

Suggestion: you should add a side job or set aside some money to keep it safe.

4. Situation: Your friend, Shinta, has difficulty understanding English lessons.

Suggestion: you should ask if you don't understand so you can be helped to learn English or you can help him to learn English lesson

5. Situation: Your friend asks you to hang out but you must stay at home to help your parents.

Suggestion: I'm sorry I can't hang out with you because I have to stay at home to help my parents, I will ask my parents first, but I will let you know

6. Situation: Your package data for your tablet is limited, but you must send your assignment via email.

Suggestion: it's best to do your work and send it first. after that you can do anything, but remember you must remember the time to study

7. Situation: Your parents disagree with you because you only use tablets for social media, not for study.

Suggestion: You should not force your parents to follow your wishes if you want to buy a tablet not for learning purposes

8. Situation: You see your close friend looks pale

Suggestion: you should approach him and tell him what happened to him, try to stay loyal to him and listen to the explanations he has to say

9. Situation: You want to use your car but you forgot where you put the keys

Suggestion: you should remember where the last place you passed, you can ask the people you find. If the key is found, put the key in a place that is easy for you to remember

10. Situation: Jasmin got bad grades in the final exam but she is afraid to tell her parents

Suggestion: better tell your parents, don't keep it a secret, because it can be a big problem if you hide it

11. Situation: your best friend tells you that his girlfriend lied to him

Suggestion: better cheer him up, tell him don't be sad I will never insult your trust, I'm here for you, don't worry I will always take care of you

semoga membantu yah (◍•ᴗ•◍)

26. Berikan contoh ungkapan Suggestion and Offer!

modal koprasi itu dari anggota. didirikan moh hattai don't have suggestion for your relationship.
i offer you this book.

27. contoh dialog suggestion and offer dan terjemahannya​


:Hi John (halo John)

;Hi, Jane. what are you doing? (Halo Jane. Apa yang kamu lakukan?)

:Nothing much. Would you like to go to movies? (Tidak banyak. Apakah kamu mau menonton film?)

;I would love to, but not right now (saya ingin tapi tidak sekarang)

:how about in the afternoon?(bagaimana kalau sore?)

;great! what movie do you to watch? (bagus, film apa yabg ingin kamu tonton?)

:let's watch 'Ring. (ayo nonton 'Ring')

;i would rather not. i am not much into horror movies. how about 'peanuts'? (saya lebih suka tidak. saya tidak terlalu suka film horor bagaimana dengan 'kacang'?)

:ok lets go. when do you want to go? (baik. ayo pergi. kapan kamu mau pergi?)

;4 o'clock show (pukul 4 sore)

:it sounds good. okay. see you then (kedengarannya bagus. baik, sampai jumpa.)

;okay, see you! (sampai jumpa)

28. what do you mean by suggestion and offer ? When we use suggestion and offer ?

Suggestion means an expression of an idea for someone else to do something or plan put forward for consideration, while offer means an expression of readiness or willingness to do or give something if desired.
We make suggestions when deciding what to do with our friends, or giving them advice on what they might do in a certain situation.
Sorry i dont know how to explain when do we use offer. I hope this information is helpful :)

29. expression for giving suggestion and offer

- would you like some help?
- may i offer you some tea

semoga membantu.

30. soal suggestion and offer

hey does my dress look great
yeah but i think you are better wearing this
really thank you

maaf kalo salah

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