Direct Indirect Speech Rumus

Direct Indirect Speech Rumus

direct speech dan indirect speech

Daftar Isi

1. direct speech dan indirect speech

direct speech = kalimat yg diucapkan langsung dr si pembicara
indirect speech = kalimat langsung yg dpt diceritakan kembali dgn cara lain tanpa mengubah arti dan tdk lagi mengulangi pembicaraan diwaktu yg berbeda. contohnya : 

present ⇒ past

-direct speech : she told me, “I go to work today”

-indirect speech : she told me that she went to work that day.

present continuous ⇒ past continuous

-direct speech : he told me, “I am playing violin now”.

-indirect speech : he told me that he was playing violin then.

present perfect ⇒ past perfect

-direct speech : he told me. “I have bought a bicycle”.

-indirect speech : he told me that he had bought a bicycle.


2. apa bedanya direct speech sama indirect speech? coba tolong berikan masing" 2 kalimat dari direct ke indirect speech?

Direct Speech: Kalimat langsung yang diucapkan oleh si pembicara
Co: 1. Udin said, "i'm so hungry!"
       2. They said, "we're leaving Bandung!"

In-Direct Speech: Kalimat yang berasal langsung dari kalimat yang diceritakan kembali dalam bentuk lain.
Co: 1. Udin said that he was so hungry
       2. They said that they have left Bandung.

Maaf kalo ada salah kata

3. Please Make 4 sentences then change them into indirect speech 1. Using simple present. Direct speech: Indirect Speech: 2. Using Past Tense Direct Speech: Indirect Speech: 3. Using Present Continuous Direct Speech: Indirect Speech: 4. Using Present Perfect Direct Speech: Indirect Speech:


1. direct : " I take the bus to school everyday" said Hannah.

indirect : Hannah said, she takes the bus to school everyday.

2. direct : "I went to work yesterday" said Michael

indirect : Michael said, that he went to work yesterday.

3. direct : "Mary is going to the party later" said Sarah.

indirect : Sarah said, Mary is going to the party.

4. direct : "I've lived in Jakarta all my life" said Jen.

indirect : Jen said she's lived all her life in Jakarta

maaf kalo salah

4. jelaskan direct speech and indirect speech

Direct speech itu adalah kalimat langsung , artinya kalimat yg langsung diucapkan oleh pembicara.
contoh, -> Erin said , "I'm So Happy"

Indirect speech adalah kalimat yg berasal dr kalimat langsung yg diceritakan menggunakan kalimat lain
contoh -> Erin said that she was so happykalau direct speech adalah sebuah kata ucapan langsung dari sang pembicara. contoh : "Jane said "I'm very happy".

kalau indirect speech kebalikan dari direct speech. contoh : " Jane said that she was very happy". 

5. Fungsi dari direct speech and indirect speech.

untuk menyatakan kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung.
direct speech kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh pembicara
ex: kiki: i have new bag
indirect speech kalimat yang menyanpaikan ungkapan pembicara alias tidak langsung..
ex = kiki said that she.has a new bag

6. direct to indirect speech


Direct to indirect speech

Artinya = Pidato langsung maupun ke pidato yang tidak langsung

Contohnya =

Direct speech = Nina said, " tell uncle i'm going to come over later"

Indirect speech = Nina wanted me to tell you that she's going to come over later.

Jadi kalau yang direct speech itu harus menggunakan tanda petik, di awal pidato maupun akhir pidato, dan biasanya direct speech menggunakan kalimat seperti = to say, dan to tell

Dan kalau Indirect speech biasa menggunakan past tense dan menggunakan kalimat that sebelum menyampaikan kalimat.

Semoga membantu yaa.....

7. Kesimpulan dari direct speech dan indirect speech

Kalau direct speech biasanya menggunakan tanda "" tetapi kalau indirect speech biasanya dia memberi tahu kembali apa yang telah dikatakan

8. Contoh direct speech dan indirect speech


1.Direct Speech

example: "You'll never guess what I've just seen!"

2.Indirect Speech

example, "They said you didn't like it", "I asked her what her plans were"‚ and "Citizens complained about the smoke".

9. Perubahan direct ke indirect speech

-Direct : She said "I am sleep now"
-Indirect : She said that She was sleep then
Another example
-Direct : She says "I am beautiful"
-Indirect : She says that she beautiful

Direct : My Boss asked "open the door!"
Indirect : My boss asked to open the door

*Information Qestion*
Direct : He asked "who is the winner!"
Indirect : He asked who was the winner

10. Tentukan mana yang merupakan direct speech serta mengubah jawaban direct speech ke kata indirect speech​


the transpoetation ministry say that traffic jams in jakarta cost the city at least Rp28. 1 trillion(US$3billion) each year.

transpoetation ministry inspector general said Thursday during a discussion on mass transportation systems in jakarta that the greatest area of loss, amounting to Rp10. 7 trillion per year, was related to fuels.

11. Tolong ubah direct speech ke indirect speech

disesuaikan ya nomornya urutan 1 sampai 10

12. penjelasan indirect speech and direct speech

Indirect speech or reported speech/indirect discourse  is a means of expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech. (sarana untuk mengungkapkan isi peryataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan-ucapan lainnya, tanpa diungkapkan secara langsung seperti pidato)

direct speech is a representation of the actual words someone said. (representasi perkataan sebenarnya pembicaraan seseorang)

13. direct and indirect speech

1. jeni said that she very happy today
2. they said that they have bought a picture last week
3. You said that you would come to help him
4. Bais said that he got the first price yesterday
5. Oscar said that he will do him best tomorow
6. He said that he learning his res lesson now
7. the boy said that he donot go to out today
8. andi said that do you like music?
9. He asked that where do you live?
10. cica asked that are you a teacher?

14. change direct speech into indirect speech​


1. She said she was reading

2. They said that they are busy.

3. He said that he knows a better restaurant.

4. She said that she woke up early.

5. He said that he will ring her.



Indirect speech is speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person's actual words: for example, 'They said you didn't like it', 'I asked her what her plans were', and 'Citizens complained about the smoke'.


Direct Speech: He says, “I am ill.” Indirect Speech: He says that he is ill. Direct Speech: She says, “She sang a song.” Indirect Speech: She says that she sang a song. Direct Speech: You say, “I shall visit London.”


Direct Speech: the message of the speaker is conveyed or reported in his own actual words without any change. Indirect Speech: the message of the speaker is conveyed or reported in our own words. a) Direct: Radha said, “I am very busy now.” b) Indirect: Radha said that she was very busy then.

15. apa itu direct dan indirect speech?

Direct speech adalah cara untuk melaporkan apa yang telah orang katakan atau tulis, berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, ucapan, dan lain-lain dengan mengutip persis pertanyaan nya.
Indirect speech adalah perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah formatnya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efesien bagi pendengar nya.

16. Change direct speech into indirect speech

direct speech (kalimat langsung) adalah kalimat yang diucap secara langsung oleh si pembicaranya

indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung) adalah kalimat yang menceritakan kembali sesuatu yang diujarkan orang (quotation)

jawab :

1. mira says, "the snake is reptils".

= mira says that the snake is reptils

2. tono said, "i will visit my grandmother in bogor next week

= tono said that he would visit his grandmother in bogor next week

3. jack said, "i am reading comic now"

= jack that said that he was reading comic now

4. ami said, "i have waited here for thirty minutes"

= ami said that she had waited here for thirty minutes

5. lely said, "i watched a new movie last saturday"

= lely said that she had watched a new movie last saturday

6. the children said, "we were at the yard yesterday"

= the children said that they were at the yard yesterday

7. vika said, "i can do my assignment by myself"

= vika said that she could do her assignment by herself

8. qory said, "i may come late to school"

= qory said that he might come late to school

9. susan said, "i was cleaning the bathroom"

= susan said that she had been cleaning the bathroom

17. materi direct speech/indirect speech

derect speech adalah suatu perkataan yg disampaikan secara langsung.
indirect speech adalah suatu perkataan yg disampaikan melalui perantara oranglain

18. Fungsi dari direct speech and indirect speech.

direct speech itu kan kalimat berita secara langsung. kalau indirect speech itu kalimat berita yang tidak secara langsung. jadi fungsi dari direct speech itu mengubah kalimat berita tak langsung menjadi kalimat langsung , example : the man says," the woman found a mouse on my desk" ..
lah kalo yang indirect speech itu fungsinya sebagai mengubah kalimat berita langsung menjadi secara tidak langsung, ex : the man says that the woman found a mouse on his desk 

19. perbedaan direct speech dan indirect speech

Direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis, berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya, dengan mengutip persis perkataannya.

indirect speech, perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah formatnya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya.Direct = Kalimat labgsung
Indirect = Kalimat tidak langsung

Biasanya dua jenis kalimat tersebut terdapat pada novel, teks, dll

Maaf kalo salah

20. Apa perbedaan direct speech dan indirect speech?

maksud dari direct speech itu adalah menyampaikan pidato secara langsung dan ditempat yang sama
indirect speech menyampaikan pidato melalui perantara dan tidak bertemu langsung seperti speech lewat TV radio atau alat elektronik lainnya
semoga membantu --•Direct and Indirect Speech•--
Responsio :
Direct speech (kalimat langsung) bertujuan untuk menyatakan suatu pernyataan atau menanyakan sesuatu langsung dari pembicara. Direct speech ditandai dengan tanda petik (" ... ") sebelum dan sesudah kalimat.
Ex : Rina said, "I always go to early."

Indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung) bertujuan untuk menyatakan sebuah pernyataan atau menanyakan sesuatu namun melalui perantara. Seorang tokoh mengulangi direct speech dari tokoh lain. Indirect speech tidak menggunakan tanda petik dan memiliki kaidah untuk dirubah dari direct speech.
Ex : Rina said that she always went to school early

Be beautiful on the inside, you will see the universe a beautiful place. -Elia Abu Madi

21. Buat 5 kalimat Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech.

1. she said," i will go to bali tomorrow"
1. she said that she would go to bali the next day
1. Direct speech : She says "I am happy"
    Indirect speech : She said that she was happy
2. Direct speech : They say "We will meet our new teacher"
    Indirect speech : They said that they would meet their new teacher
3. Direct speech : She told me "I am a student"
    Indirect speech : She told me that she was a student
4. Direct speech : Amir said "My father was sleeping when I studied"
    Indirect speech : Amir said that his father had been sleeping when he
5. Direct speech : He asked her "Have you done your work?"
    Indirect speech : He asked her If she had done her work

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

22. Fungsi dari direct speech ad indirect speech

untuk mengetahui mana kalimat langsung dan kalinat tidak langsung

23. penjelasan mengenai direct speech dan indirect speech

Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang diucapkan langsung dari si pembicara. Kalimattersebut tidak diubah atau ditambah.
Contoh :-Erfin said, “I am so happy”.
-They said, “We have watched football game”.

Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang berasal dari kalimat langsung yang diceritakankembali dalam bentuk yang lain.
Contoh :-Erfin said that he was so happy
-They said that they had watched football game.

Direct and Indirect Speech, yang juga kita kenal dengan istilah lain yaitu Reported Speech. Direct Speect adalah kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara dan jika ditulis kalimat tersebut akan diberi tanda kutip. Sedangkan Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang kita laporkan kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung dan tanpa diberi koma.
Reporting verb: Tono says,
Reported words ”I’m very good at English”
Tense yang harus kita perhatikan dalam pola ini yaitu:
Direct Speech:
Simple Present Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Past Tense
Simple Future Tense
Future Continouos Tense
Indirect Speech:
Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Future Tense/Conditional
Past Future Continuous Tense (Conditional Continuous)

24. 6.) Direct Speech : Where is my book?Indirect speech7.) Direct Speech : What isIndirect Spech :8.) Direct Speech: Don't be Crowland &name ?yourIndirect speech :Don't Close the voindow !g.) Direct SpeechIndirect Speckla10.) Direct SpeciaIndirect Speech: Do you want to go with me?​


Direct Specia................

25. 1.-Direct speech : "Where is your sister?" she asked me. -Indirect speech : ...2.-Direct speech :"I’ve never made mistakes," he said. -Indirect speech : ...3.-Direct speech : She said, "I saw him." -Indirect speech : ...4.-Direct speech : …-Indirect speech : He said that he was tired. 5.-Direct speech : "I don't speak Italian," she said. -Indirect speech : ...6.-Direct speech : He said, "I must work hard.” -Indirect speech : …7.-Direct speech : He said, “I am unwell.” -Indirect speech : ...8.-Direct speech : …-Indirect speech : He said he had arrived before you. 9.-Direct speech : "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. -Indirect speech : …10.-Direct speech : …-Indirect speech : She said she had to go.​

1. she asked me where my sister was

2. he said he'd never make mistakes

3. she said if she saw him

4. he said, "i was tired"

5. she said that she didn't speak italian

6. he said if he must work hard

7. he said that he unwell

8. he said, "i have arrived before"

9. she asked him where he spent the money

10. she said, "i have to go"

26. direct indirect speech?

Direct speech : Kalimat langsung
Indirect speech : Kalimat tak langsung
direct speech : perkataan ( pembicaraan ) langsung
Indiect speech : perkataan ( pembicaraan ) langsung

27. Direct and Indirect Speech​


1. Vita said that she studied hard

2. Albert said that Linda was late

3. Tono said that he had driven his car

4. John said that his father had gone to his office

5. He asked why you had gone to the market

6. Rendy said that he was very angry

7. Mother asked to put the vegetables into the fridge

8. The teacher asked to not late to the class

9. Mr. Lukman said that he was going to Jakarta

10. mrs. Febrianti said to not ride the motorcycle carelessly


present tense -> past tense

present continuous -> past continuous

Present perfect continuous -> past perfect continuous

past tense -> past perfect

present perfect -> past perfect

past perfect -> simple past perfect

Future tense -> future in the past

28. tolong dong diubah dari indirect speech ke direct speech

1-8 jawabannya say/berkata1.janet " i am hungry"
2.lucy " i live in canada"
3. i " i don't agree with you"
4. anwar " i can't lend you my book"
5. Belle " the beast loves me"
7. takatuliang "i only brought a doll"
6.the poor farmer "i want a child "
8. dorothy "i am afraid"

29. indirect speech into direct speech correctly

1. He said, "I went to Jakarta recently."
2. She said, "I have gone to Bandung twice."
3. Andy says, "I went to Semarang last week."
4. He asked, "Can you speak English?"
5. She asks, "Where do you live?"

30. Mengubah direct speech menjadi indirect speech


1. Some patients had to be on a diet starting today.

2. The school delegation had not written the essay for the competition.

3. John Mayer had cancelled his concert in Jakarta.

4. Pollution was/ is threatening the public health now/ them.

5. They would finish the road construction before the New Year.

6. He had spent all his pocket money on online gaming.

7. The neighborhood had implemented waste-to-energy program before similar program launched by the city.

8. Their team would check the credibility of the information source.

9. The CEO had been having a speech when when a protest rally happened outside the building.

10. Based on the investigation, the plane accident had happened due to a technical error.


Kalau direct ke indirect lihat awalannya pakai said atau says. Kalau said berarti semuanya diubah ke bentuk pasif. Simple present jadi simple past, simple past jadi past perfect.

4. Karena fakta umum, dia boleh pakai simple present.

7. Kalau kalimat awalnya past perfect ga berubah ke indirectnya

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