Contoh Surat Komplain Hotel Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Surat Komplain Hotel Dalam Bahasa Inggris

contoh surat komplain tentang mesin fotocopy dalam bahasa inggris ?

Daftar Isi

1. contoh surat komplain tentang mesin fotocopy dalam bahasa inggris ?

Sorry, the copier does not work properly. Please correct it soon because I will use it soon.

2. contoh surat komplain inggris

Surat Komplain dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris


Jl. Blora No. 58

Jakarta Selatan

10th October 2011


1992 South Cochran Avenue

Los Angles

CA 90036


Dengan Hormat,

Bersama surat ini, kami beritahukan bahwa kiriman paket komputer pesanan kami telah tiba sesuai waktu. Namun, setelah kami periksa, terdapat kerusakan pada beberapa komputer yang Anda kirim.

Kerusakan tersebut dapat kami jelaskan sebagai berikut:
1. Tiga unit monitor rusak.
2. Dua unit cpu tidak berfungsi.
3. Tiga unit keyboard rusak.

Sebagai bukti, barang yang rusak tersebut kami kirimkan kembali kepada Anda untuk diperiksa dan menjadi perhatian Anda. 

Kami harap pesanan barang kami tidak mengalami kerusakan seperti ini lagi di kemudian hari karena hal ini sangat merugikan laju perniagaan perusahaan kami. Bila Anda mengulangi kesalahan ini untuk kedua kalinya, kami dengan sangat menyesal harus memutuskan hubungan kerja sama yang telah terjalin selama ini.

Kami menunggu surat jawaban dari Anda. Terima kasih. 

Hormat kami,


Jl. Blora No. 58

Jakarta Selatan


10th October 2011


1992 South Cochran Avenue

Los Angles

CA 90036


Dear Sirs,

Together with this letter, we inform you that our order computer package shipment has arrived on time. However, after we checked, there was damage to several computers that you send.

Such damage can we explain as follows:
1. Three units damaged monitor.
2. Two units of cpu is not working.
3. Three units damaged keyboard.

As evidence , such damaged goods we sendback to you for review and your concern.

We hope we did not order the goods were damaged like this again in the future becausethis is hurting our company's commercial rate.If you repeat this mistake a second time, we were very sorry to have to decide a cooperative relationship that has existed so far.

We await a reply from you. Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr. Ramdhan


1992 South Cochran Avenue

Los Angles

CA 90036


3. Contoh surat balasan resmi tentang komplain sepatu rusak dalam bahasa inggris

No: _______5463___

alamat lengkap
kota dan kode pos

Dear Mr/Ms,

Your letter containing complaints of goods due to errors on _______your shoes___ have been received well. We can understand the complaint that you said.

We are apologize for the problem you had and we will soon replace the error with the correct order, ____shoes______ with all costs by our side. Hopefully these mistakes will not happen again.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation that has existed for so long.

Yours faithfully,

4. contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris untuk hotel

Attention to :
Head Manager SM Palace Hotel
Mr. Byun Baekhyun
Gangnam Street
Seoul, South Korea

Dear Sir,
Thourgh this letter I would like to apply my proposal to work in your place.

I have experience about 4 years working as the Administrator in Hermes Hotel. Then, I also gave 3 years experience as Assistent Manager at Grand Geumdo Hotel.

I'm inform you my skills, I'm a good native speaker so It's easy for me to comunicate with foreign guest.

Why am I choosing this job, because I am looking for other experience for me and to get better life actually. Position as a Asistent Manager at Hotel SM Palace is best opportunity for me. For your consideration, I have attached my curriculum vitae:

Name                         : Seulgi Kang
Place/date of birth : Danwon-gu, February 10th 1994
Address                     : Gangnam street
Email                         :
Status                        : Not Married
Last Education       : S1–Management

I am looking forward to the interview, where I can explain all of my potential. Please take a look. Thankyou.

Your Sincerely

Seulgi Kang

(sorry for the name the place and others. If you mind, you can change it. its nice for me to help, please use this as a work proposal. Have a luck! :) )

5. Contoh surat balasan resmi tentang komplain mesin kasir rusak dalam bahasa inggris. Tolong di bantu ya..

Hello (nama pengkomplain),we would like to apologize for your inconvenience about the broken cashier machine. We will check it first and try to fix it as soon as possible and for that i'm asking you to wait patiently until it's done.We will inform you soon.For further information call please reply this message.

6. Contoh surat komplain untuk sekolah?

contoh surat untuk komplain ke sekolah dengan sopan.
ass wr wb
saya dari kelas .... sebelumnya mintamaaf. saya akan mengkritik dan lebih memajukan sekolah kami.
....(tulis yg ingin kmu komplainkan masalah apa?)
wss wr wb

7. contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dihotel dalam bahasa inggris

Denpasar, November 3, 2016
Attention for :
Head of Personnel
Ananda Beach Hotel
Jln. Hangtuah No. 43 Sanur
Dear Sirs,
Based on the information daily advertising business on November 1, 2016 on the job as the hotel staff, so with this I volunteered to fill the position.
I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of hospitality and tourism at the School of Tourism Semarang, and believed to have the skills needed for the job.
My current age is 24 years old and has worked in state-owned enterprises. Besides I also speak English very well and is able to operate a computer and the internet properly.
For your consideration, I enclose my resume.
Full Name : Wayan
Place / Date of Birth : Denpasar, March 20, 1992
Address : Jln. Angsa No. 43
Telephone / Email : 0857 8765 4567
Status : Not Married
Last education : S1 - Hospitality and Tourism
I look forward to the interview, which I can explain all the potential and ability to his own father.
With respect,

8. contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk hotel bahasa inggris

To : HRD of Jasmine Hotel
Anherm, North Holland, Netherlands

I seen your job vacancy at daily newspaper. I also seen Jasmine Hotel open job position for Reservation Guest. I graduated from Tourism Vocational Scholl as 3rd Diploma. I already worked at Tulipe Hotel during 2 years ago. If you approved my job applicant, please contact me at +31 0978 3441 or

Best regards
Ren El Ezhaben

9. contoh surat balasan resmi tentang komplain point member yang hilang dalam bahasa inggris

Komplain point member?

I'm really happy that you wrote my letter back
misalnya gini maksudnya????

10. Contoh surat balasan resmi tentang komplain mesin kasir rusak dalam bahasa inggris. Tolong di bantu ya..

We are sorry, we will try to improve our machine capability and fix all problems on your machine.

Maaf klo salah,semoga membantu

11. surat komplain dalam bahasa inggris tentang kesalahan pengiriman produk makanan


Jalan Gaja Menggala, Bogor
Bogor, postal code 55711

To Whom It May Concern.

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for your prompt delivery of the ordered food products. Unfortunately, when opening the box, I found the foods were not as I had ordered.

While placing the order, I clearly mentioned that I required this these food products quickly and to be handled with care while delivery. Although I received such goods in time but it was the delivery error.

Please take the foods and provide replacement soon.

I am looking forward to hear you with the said replacement.

Yours faithfully

12. dialog bahasa inggris atara resepsionis dan tamu tentang komplain pelayanan kamar hotel​


Resepsionis: Good evening, Ma’am. Is there anything I can do to help you? (Selamat malam, Bu. Apakah ada yang bisa saya bantu untuk membantu Anda?)

Tamu: Yes, I have some complain about my room. (Iya, saya ingin mengeluh mengenai kamar saya.)

Resepsionis: What is it, Ma’am? (Ada apa, Bu?)

Tamu: I just checked in earlier and when I came into the room, the smell suddenly struck me. It’s cigarette smoke. The room smells like cigarette smoke. (Saya baru datang tadi dan ketika saya masuk ke dalam kamarnya, tiba-tiba saya diserang oleh bau. Bau asap rokok. Ruangannya penuh bau rokok.)

Resepsionis: I’m sorry, Ma’am, but I’m sure we have cleaned it very thoroughly. Moreover, there is a no smoking inside the room rules. (Maaf, Ibu, namun saya yakin bahwa kami sudah membersihkannya dengan teliti. Terlebih lagi, ada peraturan untuk tidak merokok di dalam kamar.)

Tamu: If you don’t believe me you can check it yourself. I can’t believe this hotel doesn’t treat their guests right. You can’t even air out a room properly! I am so going to give this hotel a bad review. (Jika Anda tidak percaya saya, Anda bisa memeriksanya sendiri. Saya tidak percaya hotel ini tidak memperlakukan tamunya dengan baik. Anda bahkan tidak bisa mengalirkan udara kamar dengan baik! Saya sungguh akan memberi hotel ini ulasan yang buruk.)

Resepsionis: I’m very sorry, Ma’am. I believe you. I’ll see what we can do for you. (Maaf sekali, Bu. Saya mempercayai Anda. Saya akan lihat apa yang bisa kami lakukan untuk menggantinya.)

Tamu: I want another room! I want a superior room with a bathtub. Or else I’m going to report this to the manager. (Saya ingin kamar yang lain! Saya ingin kamar yang lebih bagus dengan bak mandi. Kalau tidak, saya akan melaporkan ini ke manajernya.)

Resepsionis: Of course, Ma’am. I will see what I can do about that. Please hold on a minute. (Tentu saja, Bu. Saya akan melihat apa yang bisa saya lakukan mengenai itu. Mohon tunggu sebentar.)

Tamu: This is so disappointing for me. I was looking forward to stay in this hotel. (Ini sangat mengecewakan untuk saya. Saya tadinya sangat menantikan menginap di hotel ini.)

Resepsionis: Ma’am, we have found a room for you. It is a deluxe room with a bathtub just like you asked. Here is the key for the room. It is on the 6th floor. (Bu, kami telah menemukan ruangan untuk Anda. Ruangannya ruangan deluxe dengan bak mandi seperti yang Anda minta. Ini dia kunci kamarnya. Kamarnya berada di lantai 6.)

Tamu: And what about the expenses? (Bagaimana dengan biayanya?)

Resepsionis: Because of this incident, your stay here will be free of charge and we will reimburse your money when you checkout tomorrow. (Karena kejadian ini, biaya penginapan Anda di sini akan bebas dari biaya dan kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda ketika Anda keluar besok.)

Tamu: Now this is what I call quality service. (Ini baru yang namanya pelayanan baik.)

Resepsionis: Thank you for your patience, Ma’am. I hope you enjoy your stay. Please let me know if there’s anything else we can do to help you. (Terima kasih atas kesabaran Anda, Bu. Saya harap Anda menikmati menginap di sini. Silakan beritahu saya jika ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu.)

13. surat komplain bahasa inggris dan artinya


With respect,
 Through this letter we inform you that our order has been delivered on time. However, after we check the products you send, there is some damage to some mobile phones.
The damage is as follows:

2 units of mobile phone on camera is broken
3 phones on the screen are damaged
As a proof, we will send back to you the defective items for your company to check back. We hope in the future, we will not accept this broken product again.
Thank you for your attention. We are waiting for your reply letter.
Best regards,

moga membantu ya :)----Jawaban----
Dear Larry, the camera that I've bought from you is suddenly broken. Please give me a refund from it.

Arti =
Kamera yang telah saya beli darimu tiba-tiba rusak. Tolong berikan uangnya kembali.


14. Buatlah surat komplain terhadap kepala sekolah, karena dikeluarkan dari sekolah (dalam Bahasa Inggris )

why am I expelled from school?
what is my fault mistake? please pay attention back to my mistake
my complaint
(Ini hanya menurut saya,dipikirkan kembali:)

15. contoh komplain tamu hotel​


Layanan kurang ramahKamar lembab atau terlalu panasAC tidak bekerjaKamar Mandi/WC kotor

Semoga Bermanfaat yaa!


kamar hotel berbau menyengatkartu akses tidak dapat digunakan utk membuka kmrluas kamar yg gak sesuai pemesanantamu ga punya uang yg cukup utk melakukan deposittamu ga punya KTP sbg alat pengenal proses chek intidak ada ato koneksi WiFi lambat didalam kmrtamu memesan kamar yg ternyata sedang diperbaikitamu merasa sakit perut setelah makan hidangan sarapan yg disajikan pihak hoteltamu ga Nerima air mineral pd pg harihidangan sarapan udh abis sbelum waktu sarapan slesemobil hotel sdg dlm perbaikan dan gabisa digunain buat ngantar tamu ke bandarapetugas hotel ga sopan dan reaktif dalam melayani tamutelepon dkmr tamu rusak

16. Bagaimana surat komplain tentang prasarana sekolah kepada kepala sekolah dalam bahasa inggris?

to the honorable school principal, sorry beforehand, but I rather disagree on your request about school infrastructure. in my opinion, it would be better to ask for advice also to his students, again I apologize for my impotence from: 7A grade

semoga bermanfaat

17. Bagaiman contoh surat balasan inservasi tentang hotel dalam bahasa inggris di bali?

Maksudnya apa ya saya tidak mengerti..

18. contoh advertisement hotel bahasa inggris

Nusantara’s Green Villa
Beauty, comforts, Classy
Inspired by the cool atmosphere of the countryside in Nusantara and luxury facilities of villa, we create a classy and comfortable hotel. By uniting the elements, we serve Nusantara’s Green Villa for you.
The hotel view which is overlooking to the vast ocean gives a wonderful experience for you and your family.
We also present a spacious room with two king-size beds, traditional interiors, and equipped with TV and air conditioning.
We also provide facilities such as:
– Golfing arena
– The indoor pool
– Spa
– Restaurant traditional
– Fitness center
All of the luxury and comfort can you get at once in the Nusantara’s Green Villa.
Let yourself be pampered by our fabulous facilities.
Book now! Because our room is limited!
Get great deals by staying for 2 days in the Nusantara’s Green Villa, you will get a shopping voucher worth Rupiah.
Nusantara’s Green Villa provides the best for its customer.
For reservation information:
Call: 0800090009
Nusantara’s Green Villa: St. Cut Nyak Dien, no.30, Bandar Lampung, Lampung.

19. surat komplain dalam bahasa inggris tentang kesalahan pengiriman produk makanan

Complain saya gk tau pasti maaf kalau salah

20. surat komplain dalam bahasa inggris tentang kesalahan pengiriman produk makanan

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: complaining

When you write a letter of complaint, you need to write it in a formal tone, including sentences and vocabulary along with its clear parts in the letter itself since it is for a company, so not personal.Here is the example:

Dear Mr. Hong Cheong Pyo,

I am writing to complain about the delivery of food on 24th November 2017 to Safeway Supermarket at 9 am in the morning.
The food delivered on that day happened to be a mistake. Based on our list of food purchase order, Safeway Supermarket were supposed to the various  ingredients for making cake such as flour, eggs, sugar, butter and glutinous rice. Unfortunately, such were not in the delivery. Instead, we were given the set of ingredients to make salad.
I would be much grateful if you could give us some refund or discount for this purchase and misfortune.
I am looking forward to your reply on this matter.

Best Regards,

Javier Perez 

21. contoh surat komplain ke sekolah


saya dari kelas...meminta maaf.saya ingin mengkritik sekolah untuk bisa lebih memajukan sekolah ini.

(tulis komplain)


asslmkm wrb

22. contoh pengumuman di hotel dalam bahasa inggris

Contoh pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris – School anniversary
School anniversary event organizersSenior High School 01 ……………………………
For all students of Senior High School 01, this school will hold a variety of competitions in order to 56th birthday celebration. In the competitions, our steering committee will hold five competition types as follows:
English speech inter-class competitionScrabble inter-class competitionEnglish debate school competitionFootball schools competitionBasketball schools competition.

23. drama bahasa inggris tentang "komplain/protes"

ini guys text nya... ☺☺☺☺

24. contoh dialog komplain di rumah sakit dalam bahasa inggris​


complain at the hospital

25. contoh ucapan selamat dan komplain,dalam bahasa Inggris?​





maaf kalo salah

26. surat lamaran kerja ke hotel bahasa inggris

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: application letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the post of Customer Relation Officer as advertised in the official hotel website.
I am 26 years old graduated from Surabaya State University majoring English Literature. I am fluent in English and have passed the Cambridge Proficiency of English (CPE) to demonstrate my language skill.
I currently work as the telemarketing staff in Sheraton Hotel Surabaya. Thus, I am familiar with the kind of work offered in this position. I am customer-oriented, patient, hard-working and reliable. I am interested in this position as it provides me a new challenge in this job.
I would be much grateful if I could be considered for further selection process. I hereby attach my resume and other necessary documents.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Marina Danisha  

27. tolong dijawab ya. buat surat komplain dalam bahasa inggris

Cipalasari road No. 12 c


December 24, 2015

Number: 12/III/2015

PT Indah Jaya Furniture

Sukaresih street No. 09


Thing: The Complaint Of Damage To Goods

Lamp: one (1) sheets

With respect,

Goods shipment of PT Indah Jaya Furnitureinclude:

1.20 Sofa

2. table 20

3.30 Seats

4.34 Cabinets

We have received. Upon service of the brothers, we say thank you.

However, at the time an order is opened, we found some damage to the goods that weordered. As for some of the damage that we’ve found in:

-7 table with glass cracked

-2 tables with the broken glass

unit 5-cupboard with mirror cabinets cracked

Thus, we are sorry we are sending back thegoods baang, and we hope PT Indah JayaFurniture immediately replace it with a new one.

Along with this, we send the goods purchase invoice attachment to facilitate the presence ofpenyeselaian in the question above.

Over the attention the brothers, we say thank you.


28. contoh brosur hotel dalam bahasa inggris

it's hotel large, food and drink toys
sorry im no focus

29. contoh mempromosikan sebuah hotel ke dalam bahasa inggris

let's stay in the hotel brahma ... ,,, cheap, affordable, efficient, and convenient

30. surat komplain dalam bahasa inggris tentang produk makanan

Complain Mail dalam bahasa inggris

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