Contoh Soal Direct And Indirect Speech Statement

Contoh Soal Direct And Indirect Speech Statement

Contoh soal direct indirect speech

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh soal direct indirect speech




DS : He said, “I study French”.

IDS : He said that he studied French.

DS : Daddy said, “We work so hard”.

IDS : Daddy said that they worked so hard.

DS : Debora said, “I have completed the task”.

IDS : Debora said that she had completed the task.

DS : She said, “I have met my prince”.

IDS : She said that she had met her prince.

DS : They said, “We have been waiting in the line for 3 hours”.

IDS : They said that they had been waiting in the line for 3 hours.

DS : She said, “I have been living in Indonesia since born”.

IDS : She said that she had been living in Indonesia since born.

DS : He said, “I bought a new book”.

IDS : He said that he had bought a new book.

DS : They said, “We went for a walk”.

IDS : They said that they had gone for a walk.

DS : My kids said, “We were swimming in the pool”.

IDS : My kids said that they had been swimming in the pool.

DS : She said, “I was not making a cake”.

IDS : She said that she had not been making a cake.

DS : He said, “I had won her heart”.

IDS : He said that he had won her heart.

DS : They said, “We had not received the paper”. IDS : They said that they had not received the paper.

DS : Jenny said, “I will be feeding my dog”.

IDS : Jenny said that she would be feeding her dog.

DS : Ray said, “I will be waiting for you at home”.

IDS : Ray said that he would be waiting for me at home.

2. contoh kalimat direct and indirect statement

Direct sentence: "Don't break the glass," said my mom.
Indirect sentence: my mom told me not to break the glass

3. contoh kalimat direct and indirect speech request

Direct:Faris Take A Cup Of Tea
Indirect:Mother Want Faris To Take The Cup Of TeaDirect:
The lady said "Richard is cleaning the dishes."

The lady said that Richard was cleaning the dishes.

4. Direct and Indirect speech ?

Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) ialah kata-kata kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh si pembicara.
Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung) ialah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-katansi pembicara kepada orang lain. Jadi, Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) digunakan bila kita ingin melaporkan kata-kata seseorang kepada orang lain secara tak langsung.

The girl said, ” I must wash my hands before eating” (direct)
The girl said that she had to wash her hands before eating. (indirect)
1. Direct Speech 
We may quote the actual words of the speaker. This method is called Direct Speech. 
2. Indirect Speech 
We may report what he said without quoting his exact words. This method is called Indirect Speech or Reported Speech. 
• Direct: Clinton said, “I am very busy now.” • Indirect: Clinton said that he was very busy then. 
• Direct : He said, “ my mother is writing letter.” • Indirect: He said that his mother was writing letter. 

5. penjelasan indirect speech and direct speech

Indirect speech or reported speech/indirect discourse  is a means of expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech. (sarana untuk mengungkapkan isi peryataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan-ucapan lainnya, tanpa diungkapkan secara langsung seperti pidato)

direct speech is a representation of the actual words someone said. (representasi perkataan sebenarnya pembicaraan seseorang)

6. Make 2 (two) sentences of direct speech and change them into indirect speech (statement, imperative and interrogative sentences)


Direct speech :

I open the door when there is someone knocking there.

Indirect speech :

Someone was knocking the door and I opened it.


Direct speech mendahulukan subjek lalu diikuti objek. Sementara indirect speech, mendahulukan objek baru dijelaskan oleh subjek.

7. Buatlah & 2 contoh kalimat direct Speech andindirect speech Yangsimple past tense​


Direct : You said, "I will eat tonight." Indirect : You said you would eat that night. Direct : They said to me, "We aren't going to hurt you." Indirect : They told me they weren't going to hurt me.17 Mei 2018

8. sebutkan contoh direct dan indirect speech

direct speech: "We are studying english now."
indirect speech: Amalia and Tiara informed that they were studying english then.Direct Speech: "I'm hungry" said Joko
Indirect Speech: Joko said if he is hungry

Penjelasan: Direct Speech diucapkan scr. langsung, sementara yg Indirect disampaikan scr. tak langsung

9. Direct and indirect speech text issumboshi

Direct and Indirect Speech


Put the following direct sentences into Indirect speech.

1. Direct: Issumboshi said to the princess,"I'll stay in your pocket and guard    you from all harm".

  Indirect: Issumboshi said to the princess that he would stay in her pocket and guard her from all harm.

2. Direct: The lord said," I'll employ you".

    Indirect: The lord said that he would employ him

3. Direct: Issumboshi told the princess," I'll defend you upon my life"

   Indirect: Issumboshi told the princess that he would defend her upon his life.

4. Direct: The demon said," This magic hammer will grant you a wish".

   Indirect: The demon said that the magic hammer would grant them a wish

5. Direct: The demon said to Issumboshi," I give this magic hammer to you".

   Indirect: The demon said to Issumboshi that he gave the magic hammer to him.

6. Direct: John said,"I am feeling ill".

   Indirect: John said that he was feeling ill

7. Direct: Bob told me," Don't work very hard".

   Indirect: Bob told me not to work very hard

8. Direct: Riana said," I don't have any brothers or sisters".

   Indirect: Riana said that she didn't have any brothers or sisters.

9. Direct: Fadhil told me."Sarah has a very well-paid job."

   Indirect: Fadhil told me that Sarah had a very well-paid job

10. Direct: Tika said," I don't like fish."

    Indirect: Tika said that she didn't like fish


Direct And Indirect Speech

Direct Speech

Direct speech atau kalimat langsung adalah perkataan langsung yang diucapkan oleh pembicara. Apabila kita mengutip atau menirukan langsung secara sama apa yang dibicartakan tanpa mengubah susunan katanya sedikitpun, maka kutipan tersebut dinamakan kutipan langsung atau kalimat langsung.

Ada Beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan pada Bentuk Direct speech (Kalimat langsung) ini yaitu:

Dalam kalimat langsung pada umumnya antara reporting verb dengan Reported word dipisahkan oleh tanda koma (, ) Reproted word dalam kalimat langsung ditulis didalam tanda kutip (Quotation Mark), (“ “) Reporting verb juga dapat disebut Reporting sentence (Kalimat pelapor), sedangkan Reported Words dapat disebut Reported Speech atau reported sentences (Kalimat yang dilaporkan). Letak Reporting Verb tidak harus berda diawal kalimat, tapi dapat juga diakhir kalimat.

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech atau kalimat tidak langsung dalah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan seseorang kepada orang lain.  Apabila kita menceritakan apa yang dikatakan sesorang dengan  maksud yang sama, tapi susunan kata-katanya tidak sama atu ada perubahan, maka kalimat tersebut dinamakan kalimat tidak langsung  Indirect Speech).

Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam Indirect speech:

Dalam Indirect speech antara reporting verb dan Reported word dihungkan oleh kata penghubung (Conjunctions). Dalam Indirect speech tanda Kutip tidak digunakan.

Berdasarkan Jenis kalimat yang dilaporkan Direct dan Indirect speech dapat dibagi kedalam 3 golongan/ jenis, yaitu:

Command and request (Perintah dan permiontaan) Statement ( Pernyataan) Question ( Pertanyaan)

Perubahan tenses dari kalimat langsung (direct speech) ke kaliamt tidak langsung (indirect speech)  

Direct Speech                        Indirect (Reported) Speech

Simple Present                                   Simple Past

Simple Past                                        Past Perfect

Present Perfect                                   Past Perfect

will                                                        would

am/are/is                                              was/were

was/were                                              had been

has been                                               had been


Materi tentang direct and indirect speech:



Kelas : 10

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 12

Kode: 10 .5.12

Kata Kunci : direct and indirect speech

10. Soal dan pembahasan direct/indirect speech

∞ contoh indirect
he asked me if they had eaten the day before
⇒itu dalam bentuk laporan, karna sebelumnya si dia ditanya "did they eat out together yesterday?"
∞ contoh direct
he said to me "I am busy!!!"
⇒itu dalam bentuk ekspresi, karna sebelumnya si dia bertemu seseorang dan mengatakan "I am busy !!!". lalu engkau menceritakannya dengan ekspresi

11. Fungsi dari direct speech and indirect speech.

untuk menyatakan kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung.
direct speech kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh pembicara
ex: kiki: i have new bag
indirect speech kalimat yang menyanpaikan ungkapan pembicara alias tidak langsung..
ex = kiki said that she.has a new bag

12. berikan 10 contoh report speech ( direct and indirect)

-Direct : Agung says to his teacher, "I am late."
-Indirect : Agung says that he is late.

-Direct : Suci said, "I am late."
-Indirect Suci said that she was tired.

-Direct : The trader said, "I have gone."
-Indirect : The trader said that he had gone.

-Direct : My uncle said, "I watched TV."
-Indirect : My uncle said that he had watched TV.

-Direct : He said to begger, "Go away at once!"
Indirect : He ordered begger to go away at once.

13. mention the uses of direct speech and indirect speech?!?!

Let's first define the terms, then look at how to talk about what someone said, and how to convert speech from direct to indirect or vice-versa.

You can answer the question What did he say? 
in two ways:

by repeating the words spoken (direct speech)
by reporting the words spoken (indirect or reported speech).

Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing, we place the words spoken between quotation marks (" ") and there is no change in these words. We may be reporting something that's being said NOW (for example a telephone conversation), or telling someone later about a previous conversation.


She says, "What time will you be home?"
She said, "What time will you be home?"
and I said, "I don't know! "
"There's a fly in my soup!" screamed Simone.
John said, "There's an elephant outside the window."

Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word 'that' to introduce the reported words. Inverted commas are not used.

She said, "I saw him." (direct speech) = She said that she had seen him. (indirect speech)

'That' may be omitted:
She told him that she was happy. = She told him she was happy.

'Use 'say' when there is no indirect object:
He said that he was tired

Always use 'tell' when you say who was being spoken to (i.e. with an indirect object):
He told me that he was tired.


Use these verbs to describe the action of communicating:
He talked to us.
She was speaking on the telephone.Use these verbs with 'about' to refer to what was said:
He talked (to us) about his parents.

14. Direct and Indirect Speech​


1. Vita said that she studied hard

2. Albert said that Linda was late

3. Tono said that he had driven his car

4. John said that his father had gone to his office

5. He asked why you had gone to the market

6. Rendy said that he was very angry

7. Mother asked to put the vegetables into the fridge

8. The teacher asked to not late to the class

9. Mr. Lukman said that he was going to Jakarta

10. mrs. Febrianti said to not ride the motorcycle carelessly


present tense -> past tense

present continuous -> past continuous

Present perfect continuous -> past perfect continuous

past tense -> past perfect

present perfect -> past perfect

past perfect -> simple past perfect

Future tense -> future in the past

15. Berikan contoh reported speech (direct and indirect) dalam semua bentuk tenses !!!


-"Hey, where did you get that book from?" said Alan

-Alan asked me where did I get this book from.

16. contoh kalimat direct dan Indirect speech

direct : "i play football everyday," said tony
indirect : tony said that he played football everyday

17. Contoh direct speech dan indirect speech


1.Direct Speech

example: "You'll never guess what I've just seen!"

2.Indirect Speech

example, "They said you didn't like it", "I asked her what her plans were"‚ and "Citizens complained about the smoke".

18. Direct and indirect speech is a

Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech Direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis, berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya, dengan mengutip persis perkataannya. Sebaliknya pada indirect speech, merupakan perkataan yang disampaikan dengan mengubah formatnya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnyadirect speech adalah kalimat langsung sedangkan indirect speech adalah kalimat tidak langsung. kalimat langsung ditandai dengan tanda baca seperti koma, dan tanda kutip sementara kalimat tidak langsung tidak terdapat tanda baca.
berikut contoh:
direct: rani said, "i go to a market"
indirect: rani said that she went to a market
direct kt kerja pertama - indirect kt kerja kedua
direct: rani said, "I went to a market"
indirect: rani said that she had gone to a market"
direct kt kerja kedua - indirect kt kerja ketiga

19. soal b Inggris indirect dan direct speechubahlah kalimat tersebut menjadi indirect atau direct speech.tolong dibantu segera yaaa


1. Tanya said that she would take a German class

2. My brother said to my father that he needed a new laptop

3. James asked me where i would go

4. My mother said that she liked that food

5. He said that his children would go to the museum tomorrow/today

maaf kalau salah

20. jelaskan direct speech and indirect speech

Direct speech itu adalah kalimat langsung , artinya kalimat yg langsung diucapkan oleh pembicara.
contoh, -> Erin said , "I'm So Happy"

Indirect speech adalah kalimat yg berasal dr kalimat langsung yg diceritakan menggunakan kalimat lain
contoh -> Erin said that she was so happykalau direct speech adalah sebuah kata ucapan langsung dari sang pembicara. contoh : "Jane said "I'm very happy".

kalau indirect speech kebalikan dari direct speech. contoh : " Jane said that she was very happy". 

21. yang di maksud dengan direct and indirect speech??

direct speech itu percakapan yang diucapkan secara langsung. cara gampang buat membedakannya adalah cukup ingat kalau direct speech itu menggunakan "..."
indirect speech berlawanan dari direct speech. dialog di indirect speech dituliskan melalui kalimat, biasanya dengan imbuhan that

direct speech: "Mary, please make me a cup of coffee," said John.
indirect speech: John told Mary to make him a cup of coffee.

semoga membantu ^^

22. Direct and indirect speech text issumboshi

form changes. Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past. In these cases, the main verb in the reported sentence is put in the past. If the main verb is already in a past tense, then the tense changes to another past tense; it can almost be seen as moving even further into the past.

Direct and Indirect Speech


Put the following direct sentences into Indirect speech.

1. Direct: Issumboshi said to the princess,"I'll stay in your pocket and guard    you from all harm".

  Indirect: Issumboshi said to the princess that he would stay in her pocket and guard her from all harm.

2. Direct: The lord said," I'll employ you".

    Indirect: The lord said that he would employ him

3. Direct: Issumboshi told the princess," I'll defend you upon my life"

   Indirect: Issumboshi told the princess that he would defend her upon his life .

4. Direct: The demon said," This magic hammer will grant you a wish".

   Indirect: The demon said that the magic hammer would grant them a wish

5. Direct: The demon said to Issumboshi," I give this magic hammer to you".

   Indirect: The demon said to Issumboshi that he gave the magic hammer to him.

6. Direct: John said,"I am feeling ill".

   Indirect: John said that he was feeling ill

7. Direct: Bob told me," Don't work very hard".

   Indirect: Bob told me not to work very hard

8. Direct: Riana said," I don't have any brothers or sisters".

   Indirect: Riana said that she didn't have any brothers or sisters.

9. Direct: Fadhil told me."Sarah has a very well-paid job."

   Indirect: Fadhil told me that Sarah had a very well-paid job

10. Direct: Tika said," I don't like fish."

    Indirect: Tika said that she didn't like fish


Direct And Indirect Speech

Direct Speech

Direct speech atau kalimat langsung adalah perkataan langsung yang diucapkan oleh pembicara. Apabila kita mengutip atau menirukan langsung secara sama apa yang dibicartakan tanpa mengubah susunan katanya sedikitpun, maka kutipan tersebut dinamakan kutipan langsung atau kalimat langsung.

Ada Beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan pada Bentuk Direct speech (Kalimat langsung) ini yaitu:

Dalam kalimat langsung pada umumnya antara reporting verb dengan Reported word dipisahkan oleh tanda koma (, ) Reproted word dalam kalimat langsung ditulis didalam tanda kutip (Quotation Mark), (“ “) Reporting verb juga dapat disebut Reporting sentence (Kalimat pelapor), sedangkan Reported Words dapat disebut Reported Speech atau reported sentences (Kalimat yang dilaporkan). Letak Reporting Verb tidak harus berda diawal kalimat, tapi dapat juga diakhir kalimat.

Indiirect Speech

Indirect speech atau kalimat tidak langsung dalah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan seseorang kepada orang lain.  Apabila kita menceritakan apa yang dikatakan sesorang dengan  maksud yang sama, tapi susunan kata-katanya tidak sama atu ada perubahan, maka kalimat tersebut dinamakan kalimat tidak langsung  Indirect Speech).

Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam Indirect speech:

Dalam Indirect speech antara reporting verb dan Reported word dihungkan oleh kata penghubung (Conjunctions). Dalam Indirect speech tanda Kutip tidak digunakan.

Berdasarkan Jenis kalimat yang dilaporkan Direct dan Indirect speech dapat dibagi kedalam 3 golongan/ jenis, yaitu:

Command and request (Perintah dan permiontaan) Statement ( Pernyataan) Question ( Pertanyaan)

Perubahan tenses dari kalimat langsung (direct speech) ke kaliamt tidak langsung (indirect speech)  

Direct Speech                               Reported Speech

Simple Present                                Simple Past

Simple Past                                        Past Perfect

Present Perfect                                   Past Perfect

will                                                        would

am/are/is                                              was/were

was/were                                              had been

has been                                               had been


Materi tentang direct and indirect speech:



Kelas : 10

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 12

Kode: 10 .5.12

Kata Kunci : direct and indirect speech

23. buatkan 3 contoh direct speech dan indirect speech​

1.Direct : Linda said “I buy my dictionary at the book shop”.

   Indirect : Linda said that she bought her dictionary at the book shop.

2.Direct : She said “I’m doing my English homework”.

   Indirect : She said that she was doing her English homework.

3.Direct : John said”I have finished doing my reports”.

   Indirect : John said that he had finished doing his reports.

4.Direct : He said “We have been living here for three years”.

   Indirect : He said that they had been living there for three years.

24. apa itu direct and indirect speech?

direct speech = kalimat langsung
indirect speech = kalimat tidak langsung1) Direct speech : cara melaporkan apa yang orang telah dikatakan / ditulis, berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan /ucapan, dengan mengutip persis perkataan/tulisan tersebut

2) indirect speech : perkataan yang disampaikan dengan mengubah format agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya

25. Tolong dibantu direct and indirect speech​


3. A

4. B

5. D


maaf kalo salah

26. Fungsi dari direct speech and indirect speech.

direct speech itu kan kalimat berita secara langsung. kalau indirect speech itu kalimat berita yang tidak secara langsung. jadi fungsi dari direct speech itu mengubah kalimat berita tak langsung menjadi kalimat langsung , example : the man says," the woman found a mouse on my desk" ..
lah kalo yang indirect speech itu fungsinya sebagai mengubah kalimat berita langsung menjadi secara tidak langsung, ex : the man says that the woman found a mouse on his desk 

27. direct and indirect speech

1. jeni said that she very happy today
2. they said that they have bought a picture last week
3. You said that you would come to help him
4. Bais said that he got the first price yesterday
5. Oscar said that he will do him best tomorow
6. He said that he learning his res lesson now
7. the boy said that he donot go to out today
8. andi said that do you like music?
9. He asked that where do you live?
10. cica asked that are you a teacher?

28. Pengertian Direct And Indirect Rumus Direct And Indirect Contoh Direct And Indirect

- direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya dengan mengutip persis perkataan nya.  sebaliknya pada indirect speech adalah perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah format nya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengar nya.
- "I'll be back soon," he said ( direct speech )
  He said that he would be back soon ( indirect speech )

29. contoh direct and indirect speech 10 berikut jawaban

D : "we have made our exercises" they had told us
I : They had told us that they had made their exercises

D : "Do you want to get good mark?" he wanted to know
I : He wanted to know if I wanted to get good mark

D : "Are you a gangster?" she asked me
I : she asked me whether I was a gangster

smoga membantu :)
*made by myself

30. Contoh soal giving oponion dan Contoh Soal Direct-Indirect/Reported Speech

Have you got any comments on ….. - Do you have any idea? - Do you have any opinion on …… - Would you give me your opinion on……….? - What is your reaction to …… - What is your opinion about……….? - What are you feeling about………….? - What are your views on……….? - Please give me your frank opinion? Informal Teacher : Why was Mary absent yesterday?
       Jenifer   : What did the teacher want to know, Ferdy?
       Ferdy     : he wanted to know ____
                a. if Mary was absent            d. that Mary had been absent
                b. why Mary was absent        e. why Mary had been absent
                c. why was Mary absent
    Jawaban : E (direct berbentuk Wh-question bentuk past tense jadi indirec berbentuk  past perfect)

Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!

From the dialogue above, Dirk is... (Jawabannya D) 
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion

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