Contoh Greeting Card Untuk Guru Beserta Artinya

Contoh Greeting Card Untuk Guru Beserta Artinya

Contoh greeting card selamat hari guru beserta artinya

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1. Contoh greeting card selamat hari guru beserta artinya


To Our Beloved Teacher,

Happy teacher's day. Thank you so much for teaching us. We are so thankfull and feeling lucky that we have a great teacher like you. We love you so much and always pray for your health and happines.

Your Student,

Bintang ( Nama disesuaikan aja ^-^ )


Translate ;

Kepada guru kami yang tercinta,

Selamat hari guru. Terimakasih banyak karena telah mendidik kami. Kami sangat bersyukur dan merasa beruntung karena kami memiliki guru hebat seperti ibu. Kami sangat menyayangi dan selalu mendoakan untuk kesehatan dan kebahagiaan ibu.



Semoga menjawab ^-^



2. 14 contoh Greeting card dan invitation card beserta artinya

Contoh greeting card:

1. Birthday Card

Happy birthday Alina, hope you dream come true (Selamat ulang tahun Alina, semoga impianmu menjadi kenyataan)

2. Graduation Card

Congratulation on your graduation! Best wishes for your next journey! (Selamat atas kelulusannya! Yang terbaik untuk langkah selanjutnya!)

3. Wedding Card

Congratulation on your wedding! May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy (Selamat untuk pernikahannya! Semoga selalu dipenuhi kebahagiaan abadi!)

4. Wedding Anniversary Card

Happy Wedding Anniversary for you both! May the love you have got stronger and your days fill with joy and happiness (Selamat hari pernikahan untuk kalian berdua. Semoga cinta kalian bertambah dan hari-hari kalian dipenuhi kebahagiaan)

5. Get Well Soon Card

Get Well Soon Andri and Speedy recovery (Cepat sembuh Andri!)

6. Thank you Card

Dear Aline, thank you for your support during my hard time. I can not through this without you (Dear Aline, terima kasih untuk suportmu dalam melewati masa-masa sulit ini. Saya tidak bisa melewatinya tanpa mu)

7. Sympathy Card

Sorry for you loss. Hope you and your family can through this hard time together. (Turut berdukacita, semoga kamu dan keluargamu dapat melewati masa-masa sulit ini bersama)

8. Sympathy Card

Our deepest condolences. Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs (Turut berdukacita yang mendalam. Kami kirimkan doa dan peluk sayang).

9. Mother's day Card

Happy Mother's Day, Mom! You always have a special place in my heart. (Selamat Hari Ibu! Engkau selalu memiliki tempat yang spesial di hatiku)

10. Christmas Card

Happy Christmas! May your days filled with joy and peace! (Selamat hari Natal! Semoga hari-harimu dipenuhi kebahagiaan dan kedamaian!)

11. Eid Ul Fitr (Eid Mubarak) Card

Happy Eid Ul Fitr! May Allah bless you! (Selamat hari Idul Fitri! Semoga Allah memberkahimu!)

12. Invitation Card

                        You are cordially invited to

                                     Andri & Nat

                                   Wedding Party

                            Saturday, 13 May 2020

                             Ananta Ballroom, Pacific Hotel

                                            7 PM

13. Invitation Card

Dear Mona,

We would like to invite you to Desiana 4th birthday party, It's on Saturday, 16 November in Star playground, at 4 P. Please be there! (Dear Mona, kami mengundang Anda ke pesta ulang tahun Desiana yang ke-4. Semoga kamu bisa hadir!)

14. Valentine Card

Happy Valentine Card! May your days filled with love! (Selamat Hari Valentine! Semoga hari-harimu dipenuhi cinta kasih!)


Greeting Card adalah sebuah kartu yang berisikan ilustrasi, gambar atau kata-kata yang mengekspresikan sesuatu hal atau spesial event. Ada beberapa macam greeting card yaitu:

Birthday CardGraduation  CardCelebration CardThank you CardSympathy CardWedding CardInvitation Card

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai greeting card, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini


Detail Jawaban

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Greeting Card

Kata kunci: greeting card, ucapan selamat

3. contoh greeting card untuk hari guru

because of you a bright future is within my graps. thank you for ispring me


karena anda, masa depan yang cerah dapat saya raih terimakasih telah mengispirasiku

di cek aja lagi dikamus  buat jaga jaga


4. contoh greeting card untuk ulang tahun

Dear greyson

Congratulation on your 15th birthday. I hope you can achieve your dream and I hope you can be more diligent . Keep Fighting , always do the best and Good Luck ! ^_^

Keynesdear jessie

happy 11th birthday ..
i wish you happiness and success in your life.
i wish you always be healty too.


5. Berikan contoh Balasan untuk greeting card dan sympathy card!

kalau greeting card itu ucapan selamat.. tergantung untuk apa. misal ulang tahun "Happy Birthday (nama org yg ulang tahun).. may your dream comes true"
From : ...
To : ...
kalau misal menang lomba;
"Congratulations on your achievement"
 kalau sympathy card saya kurang tau 

6. buatlah sebuah greeting card untuk guru bahasa Inggris dan guru bahasa Indonesia:)​


appy teacher's day for teacher inggris and teacher b indonesi you learn write read and speak engish

i love you so much teacher


7. greeting card dengan bahasa inggris untuk hari guru yang untuk bu guru smp

Thanks is a small work… But within these letters are hidden my special feelings for you… Thanks for your time, hard work and for all that encouragement you’ve given… Thank you so much… For everything you do! You’re more than just a teacher… You are a very special one… Happy Teachers Day.”congrulation for you teacher thanks for all work for us I hope you become very good and goodnest for us.

8. Buatlah contoh birthday greeting card dan graduation greeting card ?

ITU CONTOHNYA ................................................................... maaf banyak titiknya soalnya minimal 20 huruf

9. ada yang bisa tolong buat in greeting card beserta soal abcd dan artinya....pleas

congratulation on your succes in clinch the title win 2 of the speech english,a junior high school

10. Buatlah greeting Card congratulations Beserta arti​

Penjelasan :

Jawaban sudah terlampir pada foto ya dek..

I hope this answer will help u..

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!


greeting card itu kartu ucapan!
contohnya : memberikan selamat kepada tmn mu yang mendapatkan juara lomba melukis
, memberikan ucapan kepada oran yang ulang tahun ,

12. Apa arti greeting card

kartu ucapan selamat
........kartu Ucapan Selamat...

13. contoh invitation card dan greeting card !!

invitation card

you are invited to save the earth!
lest clean our environment together with your familly

trough jaksa street on sunday. 9 november 2013.

greeting card

thanks for being there through the tears, laughters, and dirty diapers.

happy Father's day!greetiNg card: you send gretting cards to someone who celebrete their birthday/other event with a picture in front/in side an example of a greeting card: a wedding annoucement to mr.and mr.hadi happy the 16th wedding anniversary. i hope both of you will be happy rere kalo invitation card lupa yg mana maaf yya

14. Contoh Greeting card untuk memperingati hari guru dalam bahasa inggris

happy teacher day
 for the teacher that always be there for,us,to lighten our way,..
keep inspire and enlighten us..
may happiness be on your side,side by side with health

we wish you the very best
your studentHappy teachers day , Your persistence in educating us ,we will never forget it.

15. Tolong bikinin greeting card untuk guru donk

happy teacher day
 for the teacher that always be there for,us,to lighten our way,..
keep inspire and enlighten us..
may happiness be on your side,side by side with health

we wish you the very best
your student 

#maaf kalau ini tidak membantu

16. mengartikan 5 contoh greeting card tsb​​

Hepiiy Wedingg Semoga Bahagia Menjadi Keluarga Sakinah Mawadah Waroh Mah Di Kasih Keturunan Yang Solehah

17. contoh invitation card dan contoh greeting card


invitation card


Dear Jelita.

Please, come to singing class on Tuesday,

June 4th 2015 in our college

at 13.30 p.m. until 15.00 p.m.

I will wait you!


2.Greeting card

To my beloved mom,

Happy mother’s day!

I’m so blessed for having super mother like you,

You are my inspiration and thank a lot for everything that you’ve done

18. buatlah greeting card beserta pertanyaan dan jawaban tolong beri artinya

1.Make it Greeting Card ? (Buatlah kartu ucapan ?)

Dear Fandi (Untuk Fandi)

Congratulations on winning
1 St place in Swimming,
(Selamat menjadi juara 1 di cabang olahraga renang),
I hope your achievements can be improved again.
(Semoga prestasimu dapat ditingkatkan lagi).

From best friends, (Dari teman terbaik),

Jadikan jawaban yg terbaik

Happy Birthday Akhtar

Wish You All The Best

Selamat Ultah Akhtar

Mengharapkan Semua Yang Terbaik

What is the greeting card about?

a:Its about a birthday card

Semoga Membantu

Jadikan Yang Terbaik Ya ^_^

19. contoh greeting card beserta pertanyaanya

Congratulation on your singing contest so how do you feel?

20. buatlah greeting card untuk guru pada hari guru:v

Jawabannya tergantung kak,gurunya knp ato abis menang apa kaya gitu kak


We are so grateful to have a teacher like you Mrs Smith. You do not only teach us patiently, but also love us just like your own son and daughter. Thank for helping us to make our dreams come true

(kami merasa sangat bersyukur memiliki guru seperti anda Ibu Smith. Anda tidak hanya mengajar kami dengan sabar, tetapi anda juga mencintai kami seperti putra dan putrimu sendiri. Terima kasih karena membantu kami mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi kami)

Every single thing that we have achieve now is the result of your hard work to teach us when we were at school. Thank you for being the best teacher that taught us over the years

(setiap hal yang telah kami capai saat ini ialah hasil dari kerja kerasmu mengajar kami ketika kami sekolah. Terima kasih karena telah menjadi guru terbaik yang mengajar kami selama bertahun-tahun)

So long time, you had educated us in joy and sorrow. Our class had created so many gorgeous memories together. We will never forget those memories. You are our best teacher that god has brought to us. Thank you for every single thing that you had given to us.

(dalam waktu yang lama, anda telah mendidik kami dalam suka dan duka. Kelas kita telah membuat banyak kenangan yang menakjubkan bersama. Kami tidak akan pernah merupakan semua kenangan-kenangan itu. Anda adalah guru terbaik yang telah tuhan kirimkan kepada kami. Terima kasih atas segala hal yang telah anda berikan kepada kami)

All the things that you’ve done so far is the inspiration for us to make a better world. Thank for being our teacher.

(semua hal yang telah anda lakukan sejauh ini merupakan inpirasi bagi kami untuk menjadikan dunia yang lebih baik. Terima kasih telah menjadi guru kami)


21. contoh greeting card untuk guru dalam bahasa inggris

happy teacher day
 for the teacher that always be there for,us,to lighten our way,..
keep inspire and enlighten us..
may happiness be on your side,side by side with health

we wish you the very best
your student
happy brithday l wish you sucess on your work

22. apa arti greeting card​

kartu ucapan
misalnya kartu ucapan ultsh,pernikahan dll

23. Buatlah 12 contoh greeting card beserta artinya​


Dear my best friend, Arnold

From your best friend, Jojo

HI Arlnod, i hear you accept on your dream high school.

Congratulation!! I'm glad to hear that.

I hope you can reach your dream of becoming an astronaut.

Don't worry Arnold,I will also become a astronaut with you, I will not be left behind.

So..... wait me yea?

24. membuat greeting card tentng hari ibu beserta artinya

happy mother day....i love u momDalam bahasa inggris :
Happy mother's day, mother may be given health always, patience in educating caring and love me. I love you mom.
Terjemahannya :
Selamat hari ibu, semoga ibu diberi kesehatan selalu, diberi kesabaran dalam mendidik, merawat, dan menyayangiku. Aku sayang kamu bu.

25. tolong buat greeting card tentang birthday card untuk sahabat beserta artinya

January, 1st 2018

Happy Birthday my best friend
I hope you always longevity, wish you all the best.
This is special day for you. Sorry, i cannot came to your birthday.

Your best friend,
Talitato my friend,

Happy Birthday.
I hope that you may be better, success always, and always healthy.
I wish you all the best,friend.

from me,your friend.

untuk temanku,

selamat ulang tahun.
aku harap semoga kamu menjadi lebih baik,sukses selalu,dan sehat selalu.
aku mengharapkan yang terbaik untukmu,teman.


*mungkin gitu yaaaa jawabannya:v

26. greeting card dengan bahasa inggris untuk bu guru smp

To: mrs.Indah
Thanks for inviting me to come on your child's daughter,
best wishes for your child's daughter

27. Buatlah Contoh greeting card bertema hari guru-NO COPAS- Goodluck:)​


thank you for what you have taught me so far, thank you teacher

happy teacher's day


hmm semoga bermanfaat

28. contoh greeting card beserta pertanyaannya

what this greeting card about

29. contoh greeting card mother day dan artinya

Dear mom,
Mom,thank you for caring me with all of your love.I really love you.You're the best mom in the world.Please forgive all my fault to you.
Happy Mother Day!

You're lovely daughter

Begitu saja.Gapapa ya salah dikit

30. contoh greeting card mother day dan artinya ultah yang ke 40

happy mother's day My mom!
thank you for loving me
thank you for caring me
thank you for everything u gave to me
now, you're 40! i just wanna say happy birthday to you
long life, may God make all your plans succsessfull,
and all the best wishes for you!, I Love you Mom,
once again, Happy Mother's Day & Happy Birthday to you...Happy mother's day!
thanks for loving me, taking care of me.
and also happy birthday to you, mom! Be happy and keep smile :)
I Love You!!!

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