Soal Pronoun Kelas 10

Soal Pronoun Kelas 10

soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 tentang pronoun

Daftar Isi

1. soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 tentang pronoun

1.    Does _____ let _____ go?

a.    (her, me)
b.    (she, I)
c.    (he, me)
d.    (they, she)

2.    Please tell _____ that _____ will be late.

a.    (her, I)
b.    (them, him)
c.    (we, I)
d.    (him, her)

3.    _____ love Monday. Does _____ love it too?

a.    (I, you)
b.    (She, he)
c.    (They, you)
d.    (I, she)

4.    Danny is my best friend. I know _____ so well.

a.    Him
b.    Her
c.    Us
d.    You

5.    The mechanic is my sister. So don’t disturb _____.

a.    Him
b.    Hers
c.    Her

d.    He

mngkin bisa membantu

2. soal tentang pronoun termudah kelas x pilihan ganda

1… just left ten minutes ago.

2..My brother told me not to touch … when he wasn’t at home.

3..Reny and … are going to visit a new born baby this weekend.

4.… is the cheapest watch ever sold at the store.
5..This pink laptop case is …
6..You shouldn’t be angry with … since you’re the one who was curious.

7..The interviewer asked … why I am interested in the position.
8..I’m interested to buy your bike. Could you please show … to me?
9..They have their own wood gas camp stove. Why are they using … ?
10..The manager gave … no choice.
That... my pen. It's not Yours
A. Is
B. Am
C .Book

3. mencari soal soal tentang; a. subject pronoun b.objek pronoun c. possive adjective d.singular dan plural.. masing masing 10 soal dan jawabannya,dan mereka kerjakan

a.subject pronoun 
b after earth 
c good

4. Contoh soal personal pronoun

1. The cat is sleeping on the rug. … moans several times and folds … long tail.

2. Ami and Kiki discuss about the concert yesterday. … think that … was not bad because there are several of … favorite famous musiciansperforming.

3. When a person meets another for the first time, … usually says “How do … do?”.


1. It, Its

2. They, It, Their

3. They, You

ini soal dan jawabanya..
semoga membantu
maaf jika foto kurang jelas

5. upp lagi soal tentang Pronoun.....​


my aunt


semoga membantu


My Aunt


She( referring to Maggie ) and her mother ( referring to Maggie mother who is also our Aunt )

6. soal relative pronoun error recognition

Everybody which came to Hilda's birthday party which took place last night felt so happy because they had a very good time there 

7. 10 kalimat mengandung subject pronoun / object pronoun


Pengertian Subject Pronoun

Subject Pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia sering dikenal sebagai kata ganti penunjuk, yang berarti kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menunjuk orang, hewan ataupun benda mati, dalam jumlah sedikit maupun banyak dan ditempatkan sebagai subjek dalam kalimat. Kamu juga sering mengaplikasikan subject pronoun dalam percakapan bahasa Indonesia sehari-hari, seperti penggunaan kata “saya, kamu, mereka, dia”. Subject Pronoun selalu ditempatkan di awal kalimat.


-He likes to play football.

(Ia (laki-laki) suka bermain sepakbola.)

-She returns back to her hometown.

(Ia (perempuan) kembali ke kampung halamannya.)

-It is raining so hard now.

(Sedang turun hujan sekarang)

-He likes to eat spicy food.

(Dia (laki-laki) suka makan makanan pedas.)

-He is the most handsome guy I have ever met.

(Dia adalah laki-laki paling tampan yang pernah saya temui.)

-He feels regret for doing that thing.

(Dia (laki-laki) merasa menyesal melakukan hal itu.)

-He has one pretty sister.

(Dia (laki-laki) memiliki seorang adik perempuan yang cantik.)

-He lives near the supermarket.

(Dia (laki-laki) tinggal di dekat supermarket.)

-He always help his mother.

(Dia (laki-laki) selalu membantu ibunya.)

-He cannot wake up early.

(Dia (laki-laki) tidak bisa bangun pagi.)

Contoh Kalimat Subject Pronoun Beserta Artinya

Subject Pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia sering dikenal sebagai kata ganti penunjuk, yang berarti kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menunjuk orang, hewan ataupun benda mati, dalam jumlah sedikit maupun banyak dan ditempatkan sebagai subjek dalam kalimat. Kamu juga sering mengaplikasikan subject pronoun dalam percakapan bahasa Indonesia sehari-hari, seperti penggunaan kata “saya, kamu, mereka, dia”. Subject Pronoun selalu ditempatkan di awal kalimat.

Contoh kalimat menggunakan subject pronoun “we”

We shall go to the beach this weekend.

(Kami akan pergi ke pantai akhir minggu ini.)

We will go to Brastagi next month.

(Kami akan pergi ke Brastagi bulan depan.)

We are brother and sister.

(Kami adalah kakak beradik.)

We will make an appointment with doctor Kevin this night.

(Kami akan membuat janji dengan dokter Kevin malam ini.)

We will treat you delicious food if you come tonight.

(Kami akan mentraktirmu makanan lezat jika kamu datang malam ini.)

We will be holding our wedding next year.

(Kami akan menyelenggarakan pernikahan kami tahun depan.)

We do not ask for much.

(Kami tidak meminta terlalu banyak.)

We have known Lucy’s family since 2011.

(Kami telah mengenal keluarga Lucy sejak tahun 2011.)

We will move to Japan next year.

(Kami akan pindah ke Jepang tahun depan.)

We love our parents.

(Kami mencintai orangtua kami.)

We will call you later.

(Kami akan menghubungimu nanti.)

We want to buy that snack.

(Kami ingin membeli makanan ringan itu.)

We will eat at Chinese food restaurant for dinner.

(Kami akan makan di restoran makanan Cina untuk makan malam.)

We stay at Niagara hotel.

(Kami tinggal di hotel Niagara.)

We hate the old man who lives next door.

(Kami membenci bapak tua yang tinggal di sebelah rumah.)

We are scared with the thunder.

(Kami takut dengan petir.

maap hanya segitu semoga membantu^_^

8. contoh soal tentang pronoun minimal 5

-Do you need something else?
-Is she ok?
-Are they will go to the beach this weekend?
-Can I help you?
-What do you like to do together?

9. Soal tentang Pronoun.....:)​




seharusnya pronoun "their" digantikan menjadi pronoun "my"

10. soalnya pronounnya ya

Ani is black haired girl (She) lives in Bogor, the city of Rain. (She) has a big family, (Her) family is running a spicy chicken noodles restaurant when (she) has a free time for (her) junior high school activity. (She) will go to (her) family restaurant. And help (her) parents to serve the customer. Ani has tail older brother and a smart little sister. (Her) brother is a senior high school student and (her) sister is a elementary school student. Every night (she) and (her) siblings used to watch TV, Study together. (she) very love (her) parents (she) also obay every single things that (her) parents said. (Her) parents also love (her) very much and this family is very happy

11. carilah 10 soal pilihan ganda tentang subjektif,objektif,posesif objektif,posesif pronoun

Berikut 10 contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang subjective, objective, dan possessive pronouns serta possessive adjectives (Jawaban benar dicetak tebal):

Michael has 2 sisters. ___ is the only son. (a) I (b) He (c) She (d) ItPeggy and Louisa are Michael's sisters. They are ___ sisters. (a) your (b) her (c) their (d) hisA: Bob is looking for his bag. B: I think I saw ___ in the living room. (a) them (b) its (c) it (d) herJane said that it wasn't my umbrella but ___. (a) hers (b) her (c) mine (d) itsMr. White is looking for the students' books. Did you see ___? (a) it (b) him (c) them (d) herOur house is as big as our neighbours', but ___ has a small garden and ___ has a big one. (a) ours; theirs (b) yours; her (c) it; its (d) yours; theirMany people think ___ is crazy, but Mr. Kirk doesn't care what they think of ___. (a) her; she (b) it; themselves (c) you; you (d) he; himI left ___ book at your place. Can you help me bring it to school tomorrow? (a) me (b) my (c) mine (d) myselfIf ___ like it, you can take it. (a) them (b) her (c) us (d) youMother needs help with the cooking. Can you go to the kitchen and ask ___ what ___ needs? (a) her; she (b) she; her (c) him; he (d) he; himPembahasan

Penggunaan subjective pronouns hanya terbatas pada subjek kalimat, dan objective pronouns pada objek kalimat. Possessive adjectives harus dipasangkan dengan suatu kata benda, sedangkan possessive pronouns tidak boleh dipasangkan dengan kata benda, karena kata itu sendiri sudah menjadi pengganti kata benda.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Materi tentang jenis-jenis pronouns -

-----------------------------------------------------------Detil Tambahan Kelas: SMP Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: PronounsKata Kunci: Pronouns

12. soal subject pronoun

mana soalnya
hm.. koment ya1) what's wrong with? you look pale. are you sick ?
a. she c. his
b. her d. you
answer : d

2) despite ... young age, she is very brave to fight the robbers.
a. him c. Her
b. his d. Their
Answer : c

3) I have so many plans. I am afraid that I can't realize...
a. Us c. Me
b. Them d. You
Answer : b

4) We can find the magazine in the library. is very complete. We can find various books there.
a. my
b. we
c. they
d. It
Answer : d

5) I need help to finish ___ work. I am so busy these days. I am not feeling well now.
a. my
b. me
c. their
d. mine
Answer : a

I hope this helps. Sorry if there is an erorr...

13. buatlah 10 kalimat dengan menggunakan English pronoun subject pronoun​


1 :I am a girl and Rudy is a boy.

(Saya adalah seorang perempuan dan Rudy adalah seorang laki-laki.)

2 :I am very busy now. Please contact me later.

(Saya sangat sibuk sekarang. Tolong hubungi nanti.)

3 :I will call you at night.

(Saya akan meneleponmu nanti malam.)

4 :I want to buy that expensive shoes.

(Saya ingin membeli sepatu yang mahal itu.)

5 :I will buy you a bouquet of flower.

(Saya akan membelikanmu satu buket bunga mawar.)

6 :I hate you for not telling me the truth.

(Saya membenci kamu karena tidak mengatakan yang sebenarnya.)

7 :I have a pack schedule this week.

(Saya memiliki jadwal yang padat minggu ini.)

8 :I will attend Lee Min Ho’s concert this weekend.

(Saya akan menghadiri konser Lee Min Ho akhir pekan ini.)

9 :I do not pass the Geography test.

(Saya tidak lulus tes Geografi.)

10 :I got a C for my Mathematics test.

(Saya mendapat nilai C dalam tes Matematika.)


takut kepanjangan

14. 10 Contoh soal soal pronoun beserta jawbannya. tolong bantu yaa..

1. apa yang dimaksud dengan pronoun?
 ⇒ pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan noun(kata benda)        yg dapat berupa orang, benda, hewan.

2. sebutkan personal pronoun ?
 ⇒ I → mine
     you → your
     we → us
     they → them
     she → her
     he → his
     it → its
3. apa yang dimaksud interrogative prounoun?
 ⇒ kata ganti yang digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan.

4. sebutkan contoh dari interrogative pronoun?
 ⇒ who, what, which, whose,whom, etc.

5. contoh dari personal pronoun?
 ⇒ yours is on the table.
     (punyamu ada di atas meja)
6. contoh dari interrogative pronoun ?
 ⇒ who is that man?
     (siapakah lelaki itu)
7. Apa yang dimaksud dengan  idenfinite pronoun?
 ⇒ adalah kata ganti untuk, orang, benda, atau hal secara umum atau tidak spesifik.
8. sebutkan idenfinite pronoun?
 ⇒ anything, everything,none, someone, something, etc.
9. contoh dari idenfinite pronoun?
 ⇒you did everything right
(kamu melakukan semuanya dengan benar)
10. apa tujuan dari pronoun?
 ⇒ untuk mempersingkat kata,agar tidak terjadi pengulangan kata sehingga bentuknya jadi baik dan enak dibaca.

semoga membantu!!!

15. contoh soal noun dan pronoun

Contoh soal

1.Reny and … are going to visit a new born baby this weekend.

2. Please tell _____ that _____ will be late.

a. (her, I)
b. (them, him)
c. (we, I)
d. (him, her)

3. Danny is my best friend. I know _____ so well.

a. Him
b. Her
c. Us
d. You

Semoga membantu
Terimakasih (^_^)

16. Isilah kalimat nomor 10 dengan menggunakan subjective pronoun dan objective pronoun yang tepat!! ​

they hate us, but he like us ( mereka membenci kita tapi dia menyukai kita )


semoga membantu jawaban anda, maaf bila jawabannya tidak tepat.

17. soal reflexive pronoun

1. “You can make … happy every day.” said the therapist to her patients.


2. “Don’t harm … !” Wenny shouted to him.


3. I think we need to allow … to grow stronger.


4. My friends were talking among … and ignoring me.


5. Susy and I will buy … something nice.


6. Her son used to doubt … a lot.


7. It is important that ones take time to understand … before choosing a career.


8. Should one always be … ?


9. By frankly speaking, the woman often makes a difficult situation for …


10. Every cat and dog may be unable to clean …

●itself after pooping when it is sick
●themselves after pooping when they are sick


1. Yourselves
2. Yourself
3. Ourselves
4. Themselves
5. Ourselves
6. Himself
7. Themselves
8. Oneself
9. Herself
10. itself after pooping when it is sick 

18. 5 soal mudah kak cuma pake object pronoun. dapat 10 point​








Sorry kalo salah


kata ganti orang

S O arti

I me aku

We us kita

You you kamu, kalian

They them mereka

He him dia (L)

She her dia (P)

It it itu, dia (benda)

19. 10 Contoh soal soal pronoun beserta jawbannya. tolong bantu yaa..

( jawaban yang dicetak tebal. )

1. _ just leave five minutes ago.
    a. Their
    b. Them
    c. They
    d. Theirs
2. They never leave _ house.
    a. They
    b. Theirs
    c. Them
    d. Their
3. always have a breakfast at morning.
    a. Me
    b. I
c. Am
    d. I'm
4. never be angry with me.
    a. She
    b. She
c. Her
    d. Hers
5. This is my house. So this is _.
    a. Mine
b. My
    c. I
    d. Me
6. always wake up at 6 O'clock.
    a. Me
    b. My
    c. Mine
    d. I
7. You have the pen. Why don't you just use _?
    a. Yours
b. You
    c. She
    d. Him
8. We are believe if he is good at work.
    a. He
    b. His
    c. Him
    d. She
9. We don't like to be sad. want to be happy.
    a. We
b. Our
    c. Them
    d. Ours
10. I need help to finish _ homework today. It is very difficult. Is anyone want to help me?
    a. I
    b. Am
    c. Me
    d. My

( maaf singkat, maaf juga kalau salah :) )

20. soal soal pronousoalnya apa pronoun hari pakek bingris​


memang gak biasa bodohjhhh


selep sosmed bilek: "emot batu"

21. Buatlah soal CERITA 10 nomor personal pronoun, butuh bangett nii!1!1

1. hwo is your mother?
2. how old are you?
3. what is you mother job?
4. what is you father job?
5. do you have a sister?

maaf cuma bisa bantu segitu...

22. 10 contoh singular pronoun dan plural pronoun​


Singular pronouns:

I, you, he, she

Plural pronouns:

We, they


Pronoun adalah kata ganti orang

23. Tolong buatlah 10 kalimat pronoun ( reflexive pronoun , demostrative pronoun , indefinite pronoun ) yg didalamnya ada kata adjective nya .... Tolong mau dikumpulkan besok senin ...

Kita menggunakan reflexive pronoun (kata ganti refleksif) saat kita ingin merujuk kembali ke subjek suatu kalimat atau klausa. Reflexive pronouns diakhiri dengan “-self” (tunggal) atau “-selves” (jamak).

Reflexive pronoun:

1. He sends a postcard to himself.

2. Help yourself.

3. The actors saved the local theatre money by making costumes themselves.

4. He wanted to impress her, so he baked a cake himself.

Baik pronoun maupun demonstrative adjective, memiliki parameter yang sama, yaitu jarak (distance) dan jumlah (number).

Berbeda dengan demonstrative adjective yang berfungsi menerangkan noun dan berada di depan noun yang diterangkan, demonstrative pronoun berfungsi mengantikan noun, baik yang berupa singular (this, that) atau plural (these, those). Pada klausa atau kalimat, singular noun diikuti singular verb dan berlaku sebaliknya.

Demostrative pronoun:

1. This is my car

2. That is clara's bike

3. These are his clothes

Demostrative adjective:

1. This bike is broken

2. That hat is expensive

3. These clothes are dry

Kata ganti tidak pasti (indefinite pronoun) adalah kata ganti yang mengacu pada makhluk, objek, atau tempat non-spesifik. Contoh kata ganti tidak pasti (indefinite pronoun): all, any, both, each, every, few, many, neither, nobody, and none.

Indefinite pronoun:

1. I like ice cream. I'll have some, please.

2. Some of the children are creating a raucous.

Indefinite adjective:

1. You can find a state name on each quarter.

2. We are having some cake for dessert.

24. 10 contoh kalimat subject pronoun menjadi object pronoun​

Jawaban:Pengertian Subject Pronoun

Subject Pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia sering dikenal sebagai kata ganti penunjuk, yang berarti kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menunjuk orang, hewan ataupun benda mati, dalam jumlah sedikit maupun banyak dan ditempatkan sebagai subjek dalam kalimat. Kamu juga sering mengaplikasikan subject pronoun dalam percakapan bahasa Indonesia sehari-hari, seperti penggunaan kata “saya, kamu, mereka, dia”. Subject Pronoun selalu ditempatkan di awal kalimat.


-He likes to play football.

(Ia (laki-laki) suka bermain sepakbola.)

-She returns back to her hometown.

(Ia (perempuan) kembali ke kampung halamannya.)

-It is raining so hard now.

(Sedang turun hujan sekarang)

-He likes to eat spicy food.

(Dia (laki-laki) suka makan makanan pedas.)

-He is the most handsome guy I have ever met.

(Dia adalah laki-laki paling tampan yang pernah saya temui.)

-He feels regret for doing that thing.

(Dia (laki-laki) merasa menyesal melakukan hal itu.)

-He has one pretty sister.

(Dia (laki-laki) memiliki seorang adik perempuan yang cantik.)

-He lives near the supermarket.

(Dia (laki-laki) tinggal di dekat supermarket.)

-He always help his mother.

(Dia (laki-laki) selalu membantu ibunya.)

-He cannot wake up early.

(Dia (laki-laki) tidak bisa bangun pagi.

25. 10 contoh kalimat singular pronoun dan prular pronoun,tolong dong........

singular pronoun:
1. she has a doll
2. my mother buys vegetables
3. the book has many pages
4. tono is my teacher
5. my pet is a cat
6. the house is big
7. riana is a famous singer
8. she doesnt want to go with her
9. my father works in a factory
10. i talk to him

plural pronoun
1. my teachers are talking to them
2. we are students
3. they are here
4. you can talk to us
5. the cats are sleeping
6. my parents are going out
7. you are clever
8. we dont play football
9. it is safe to play with them
10. please teach us english

26. contoh soal demonstrative pronoun dan jawabannya

1. Is _________ my drink? (This)

2. ________ is my aunt. (that)

3. I can't read ______ words. (Those)

27. soal bahasa inggris tentang personal pronoun

1) ___ is dreaming. (George)
2) ___ is green. (the blackboard)
3) ___ are on the wall. (the posters)
4) ___ is running. (the dog)
5) ___ are watching TV. (my mother and I)
6) ___ are in the garden. (the flowers)
7) ___ is riding his bike. (Tom)
8) ___ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9) ___ has got a brother. (Diana)
mungkin bisa membantu jwbnya yg di dlm kurung yhh

28. Tolong dibantu mixed pronoun. Ini soalnya


alia's brother wanted to have pen pals too. alia introduced he to hannah and saidah's brothers. now, they have become good friends. sometimes alia writes abour them in her letter to hannah and saidah.

semoga membantu

29. buatlah 10 kalimat Possessive pronoun reflexive pronoun​


Reflexive Pronoun:

-I get myself a job

-You get yourself a job

-We get ourselves jobs.

-They get themselves jobs

Possessive Pronoun:

-Those foods are theirs

-The motorcyle is mine

-The building is hers


1. Books are my books, not yours (The book is only a book, not yours) (the information is repeated) 2. Books is mide, not yours possessive) 3. Your cat is adorable, but not as cute as our cat. (Your cat is very beautiful, but not as cute as our cat) 4. My pen doesn't work, can I borrow yours? (My pen is broken, may I borrow yours?) 5. After being interrupted by a phone call, Alex realizes that he has burned his dinner. (After being distracted by a phone call, Alex realizes that the food for dinner has burned) 6. His car is faster than mine (His car is faster than mine) 7. The food is ours and not theirs (This food is ours, not ours). theirs) 8. I know this drink is yours but I need to drink something (I know this drink is yours, but I need to drink something) 9. The shirt is mine (This shirt is mine) 10. The dog is hers (The dog is hers) )



30. Soal tentang Pronoun......​


you, they

smoga membantu

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