Mischievous Artinya

Mischievous Artinya

The little girl looks like ......... she looks very mischievous​

Daftar Isi

1. The little girl looks like ......... she looks very mischievous​


The little girl looks like naughty she looks very mischievous

The little girl looks like naughty

2. Change to pas countious (my friend would not have meant mischievous)


My friend was not have meaning mischievous


Formula Present Continues











3. 34. I love my cousin so, because she is ...little girl.unfriendlyb. niceC.mischievousa.d.grumpy​


°Mapel: B.Inggris

°Tingkat: Sekolah Menengah Pertama


Let's try to solve this! ^^

I love my cousin so much, because she is Nice little girl.

Don't forget to click the five start button for me! It does help me a lot! ^^

4. Change the following sentence into : a. Simple future tense then change it into USE GOING TO. FOR ALL YOUR ANSWERS. b. (+) if it is in negative form and (-) if it is in positive form. c. change it into (?-) d. change it into (?+) 1. The students study at home because of the Covid Pandemic a. b. c. d. 2. Ric sold his books to biy new books. a. b. c. d. 3. The laundry woman is washing the baby's socks. a. b. c. d. 4. We visited the sick student in the hospital. a. b. c. d. 5. The children scolds the mischievous student. a. b. c. d. Terimakasih sebelumnya kakak☺️


1. The students study at home because of the Covid Pandemic

a. The students are going to study at home because of the Covid Pandemic (-)

b. The students are not going to study at home because of the Covid Pandemic (+)

c. Are the students going to study at home because of the Covid Pandemic? (-?)

d. Are the students not going to study at home because of the Covid Pandemic? (+?)

2. Ric sold his books to buy new books.

a. Ric is going to sold his books to buy new books (-)

b. Ric is not going to sold his books to buy new books (+)

c. Is ric going to sold his books to buy new books? (-?)

d. Is ric not going to sold his books to buy new books? (+?)

3. The laundry woman is washing the baby's socks.

a. The laundry woman is going to wash the baby's socks (-)

b. The laundry woman is not going to wash the baby's socks (+)

c. Is the laundry woman going to wash the baby's socks? (-?)

d. Is the laundry woman not going to wash the baby's socks? (+?)

4. We visited the sick student in the hospital.

a. We are going to visit the sick student in the hospital (-)

b. We are not going to visit the sick student in the hospital (+)

c. Are we going to visit the sick student in the hospital? (-?)

d. Are we not going to visit the sick student in the hospital? (+?)

5. The children scolds the mischievous student.

a. The children are going to scold the mischievous student (-)

b. The children are not going to scold the mischievous student (+)

c. Are the children going to scold the mischievous student? (-?)

d. Are the children not going to scold the mischievous student? (+?)


semoga membantu ya ☺️

5. King Fergus and Queen Elinor...(1) the kingdom of Dun Broch in Scotland. They had three sonsand one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children (2) mischievous!Queen Elinor ...(3) to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked toslip away from the palace to practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archerOne night, the queen...(4) that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present a suitoriocompete for Merida's hand in marriage. Merida was...(5). "I won't go through with it" she shouted.To Merida's dismay, the suitors arrived as...(6). Merida sat waiting on her throne for the archerycontest to begin. She knew she couldhandle a bow and arrow far better than the suitors could!Once the suitors had taken their shots ,merida.... (7) onto the field. The queen yelled for her to stop, but merida didn't listen . She....(8) her arrows and .... (9) each target dead center .she had won! Now she wouldn't have to.... (10) anyone!A. tried B. ruledC. horrfiend D. firedE. hitF. announcedG. plannedH. werei. marchedj. marry​

King Fergus and Queen Elinor rule the kingdom of Dun Broch in Scotland. They had three sons

and one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous!

Queen Elinor tries to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked to slip away from the palace to practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archer

One night, the queen announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present a suitor to compete for Merida's hand in marriage. Merida was horrfiend. "I won't go through with it" she shouted. To Merida's dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Merida sat waiting on her throne for the archery contest to begin. She knew she could

handle a bow and arrow far better than the suitors could! Once the suitors had taken their shots ,merida marched onto the field. The queen yelled for her to stop, but merida didn't listen . She fire her arrows and. hit each target dead center .she had won! Now she wouldn't have to marry anyone!

6. At school Citra studied together and met her new friends, when she came home from school she was asked by her mother "Mother: Citra how was your school today?" "Citra: very fun, but earlier there was a naughty one, he crossed my hood and my friends' headscarf he also damaged the teacher's laptop, he also crossed out the classroom wall and school wall, he was very mischievous ma'am. tolong di terjemahkan ya


Di sekolah Citra belajar bersama dan bertemu dengan teman-teman barunya, ketika pulang sekolah dia ditanya oleh ibunya "Ibu : Citra bagaimana sekolahmu hari ini?" "Citra : Asyik banget, tapi tadi ada yang nakal, dia menyilangkan kerudung saya dan kerudung teman-teman saya dia juga merusak laptop guru, dia juga mencoret tembok kelas dan tembok sekolah, dia nakal banget Bu.


semoga bermanfaat


Disekolah Citra belajar bersama dan bertemu dengan teman barunya, saat dia sampai rumah dari sekolah dia ditanyai oleh Ibunya. Ibu: "Citra bagaimana harimu disekolahmu?" Citra: "Sangat menyenangkan, tapi sebelumnya ada yang nakal, dia menyilangkan kerudung aku dengan hiasan kepala teman aku dia juga merusak laptop seorang guru, dia juga mencoret-coret dinding kelas dan juga dinding sekolah, dia sangat nakal Ibu.

Semoga membantu!Semangat selalu dalam belajar <3!

7. the main idea of paragraph text : Mantu's Little Elephant Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the jungle where elephants helped the men with their work. These elephants were so big and strong. They could lift up the heaviest logs with their trunks and toss them high in their in the air. Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. His name was Opie. He was just a baby and Mantu loved him very much. Mantu whispered to Opie’s ear that some day he would become the biggest, strongest and bravest elephant in the jungle. The orther elephants heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises with their trunks. We’re so big and tall, but you’re so small. You’re nothing at all,’ said one big elephants. Mantu looked up at the huge elephant with a mischievous glint in his eye. You’re so tall and can see far away. We can see what is happening down here in the jungle. In fact, we would be the first to see anything slithering snakes that may be a danger. “After hearing the word snakes, the elephant screeched and off they go thundering in fight.“Did I say there were snakes?’ giggle Mantu . “ No, I don’t think so,” smiled Opie. Mantu then climbed upon his little friend’s back and went home to village to tell everyone about the foolish elephants.

Littel Mantu Lived in a village deep in the jungle where elephants helped the man with their work.

maaf kalo salah

8. harlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889, in London. His parents, Charles and Hannah, were music hall entertainers. His father deserted the family when Charlie was three and a half and his brother, Charlie would have become just one more child lost in poverty. Sydney, was nearly eight. All of Hannah's hopes were gone, but she was indomitable. Without her,sad people remember when they think of pin had put in his first proper appearance. old was to take the character to its heart and shabby a strange mixture of a child and g sad mischievous brave, and always a wow Charlie had found a character with que on earth could identify. His sadness Ape of comedy crossed every boundary. Being we were silent in these days), everyone understand biO as the tramp, was the eternal loser who has won in the end. He bridged the gap between sh and the poor the successful and the losers. ood as the little man who triumphed in the face of all difficulties. Charlie gave some dignity to the sonate giving them a chance to laugh at themselves, knowing that they could always win in the was this quality that gave the tramp universal popularity. He broke down all social barriers.By now Charlie had become famous and was producing his own films. One of the most famous in which the little tramp appears is The Kid. He had found the perfect actor for the role in the our-year-old Jackie Cogan, Charlie coaxed a wonderful performance hom Jackie The tale of the tramp and the kid touched everyone's heart and the film was a great success. It was shown in 50 countries. The Kid uce a social concern that deeply upset Chaplin, the treatment of abandonedChade was now the greatest and best-loved comedian in the world. He wash and famous beyond his wildest dreams, but his personal life was gged with troubles. His mother's death in 1928 was a big blow. Hannah a teem very, but she and Charlie had been laughing the day before she dest. Watching her suffering had been almost too much for him. He stood by her bed and saw that death had taken away all her pain. He remembered the stings and stories and wept.Ather the Second World War, the fear of communism swept through America Charlie was accused of communist sympathies. His film 'Modern Tines was seen as proof, but it had only been Chaplin's reaction to five milion unemployed people during the Great Depression. Chaplin was proud af bi triendships with men like the actor, Paul Robeson, and the playwright. Belt Brecht-both of whom were communists. When Charlie was on his way London for the premiere of his film, Limelight, he was forbidden re-entry to the United States. He settled in Switzerland. After a life of incredible and work, great triumphs and great sorrows and trials, Chaplin died in his nep on Christmas in 1977, surrounded by his family members.Gradually. Hannah was forced to sell all of their small treasures and even the things they needed. But often their shabby room seemed to be transformed into a glittering stage. Hannah sang and danced for her little audience of two and acted out plays for them. Somehow, she managed to keep Charlie and Sydney clean and warm, clothed, and fed. Hannah's attempts to keep them decently dressed were not so successful. She made clothes from her old theatrical costumes, and the boys were teased unmercifully as went about the streets in their strange, oddly-cut shirts. theyWhen money was short, Hannah showed the boys how to find amusement without it. She would sit at the window watching the passers-by and their character from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to Charlie and Sydney. Sometimes she would mime all that she saw in the street below, her hands and face describing it to the boys without one word being spoken. guessCharlie took in her skills just as she took in the sights and sounds of London, and he went on using them all through his life. There was simply not enough money coming in, and Hannah had to do something. In desperation she decided to go back to the stage, but all her worst fears came true; her voice failed completely.Poor Hannah's struggle to carry on singing was drowned in whistles. catcalls, and boos. She fled from the stage. The manager, listening to the uproar, was desperate. He saw little Charlie standing in the wings. He was better than nothing. He grabbed Charlie's hand and led him to the footlights.Charlie was five years old. The sight of this small child staring out at the audience brought a shout of laughter from them, but Charlie had been brought up among professionals and in the midst of performance. He planted his feet firmly and launched into a song. The audience was delighted and flung coins onto the stage, demanding another song. When Charlie calmly announced that he would go on once he had picked up all the money, there was another great shout of laughter. He was enjoying himself, and he went on dancing, singing, and doing impersonations until Hannah carried him off the stage.​

............. .... ...................

9. Put a guestion tags at the end of these statements 1.Helena has an expensive racguet,.......... 2.The boys were mischievous,........ 3.Somebody will pack the clothes for you,.......

1. Hasn't she?
2. Weren't they?
3. Won't they?

10. 15. “Anonymous” is the … (most famous/famousest) hacker group in the world. 16. This exercise is not as … (simpler/simple) as it seems. 17. He is not as … (malicious/more malicious) as his brother, but he is … (more mischievous/most mischievous) than his classmates. 18. Out of all the code that you’ve ever cracked, this is … (cooler/the coolest) 19. Some people say that cracker is … (most dreadful/more dreadful) than hacker since the hackers are the ethical professionals while the crackers break into the security systems unethically and illegally. 20. Boy : I’ve never seen any car … (gorgeous/more gorgeous) than Jaguar over there. Fatih : That’s because you’ve never seen Lamborghini Veneno, dude! Tolong dong Plissssss

15. most famous
16. simple
17. malicious, more mischievous
18. the coolest
19. more dreadful
20. more gorgeous

11. Activity 1.8 Complete the Sentences M3 M4 Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun. 1. Annisa is a dentist. It was her dream job since she was a kid. She really liked.. 2. Mrs. Indhit is my favorite teacher. She is a great teacher. really adore her. 3. I have two mischievous younger brothers. really enjoy teasing people. 4. My cousin joined a singing competition last week. She won the contest because voice has appealed most of the judges. She is a great singer. 5. Ara's father works in a hospital. medical operation. is a surgeon. He had performed countless 6. My sister in law used to work as an accountant in an international company, but then she resigned from job to take care of twin daughters. 7. Last weekend, I went to uncle's house. is located in Pamulang. 8. I have a brother. works as a police. Sarah's sister has just got married. She and husband are colleagues at work. 10. Last month, lives there. family and I went to New York. visited our uncle who​


Activity 1.8 Complete the Sentences M3 M4 Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.

1. Annisa is a dentist. It was her dream job since she was a kid. She really liked it (her dream job).

2. Mrs. Indhit is my favorite teacher. She is a great teacher. I really adore her.

3. I have two mischievous younger brothers. They really enjoy teasing people.

4. My cousin joined a singing competition last week. She won the contest because her voice has appealed most of the judges. She is a great singer.

5. Ara's father works in a hospital. medical operation. is a surgeon. He had performed countless of them (operations).

6. My sister in law used to work as an accountant in an international company, but then she resigned from job to take care of her twin daughters.

7. Last weekend, I went to uncle's house. It is located in Pamulang.

8. I have a brother. He works as a police.

9. Sarah's sister has just got married. She and her husband are colleagues at work.

10. Last month, He (my uncle) lived there. My family and I went to New York. We visited our uncle who​


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Pronoun (kata ganti) dalam Bahasa inggris.

1. Jawaban "it" karena mengacu pada her dream job as a dentist

2. Jawaban "I" karena menjelaskan tentang saya

3. Jawaban "They" karena mengacu pada two mischievous brothers

4. Jawaban "Her" karena mengacu pada my cousin

5.Jawaban "Them" karena mengacu pada banyak operasi

6. Jawaban "Her" karena mengacu pada my sister in law

7. Jawaban "It" karena mencacu pada rumah paman

8. Jawaban "He" karena mengacu pada brother

9. Jawaban "Her" karena mengacu pada Sarah's sister

10. Jawaban "He" karena mengacu pada my uncle, "My family" mengacu pada keluargaku dan "We" mengacu pada "my family and I"

Semoga membantu ya.

12. Before the creation of humanity, the greek gods won a great battle against a race of giants called the Titans. Most titans were destroyed or driven to the eternal hell of Tartarus. But the titan Prometheus, whose name means foresight, persuaded his brother Epimetheus to fight with him on the side of gods. As thanks, zeus entrusted the brothers with the task of creating all living things. Epimetheus was to distribute the gifts of the gods among the creatures. To some, he gave flight : to others, the ability to move through water or race through grass. He gave the beasts glittering scales, soft fur, and sharp claws. Meanwhile, Prometheus shaped the first humans out of mud. He formed them in the image of the gods. But zeus degreed they were to remain humans and worship the inhabitants of Mount Olympus from below. Zeus deemed humans subserviest creatures vulnerable to the elements and dependent on the gods for protection. However, Prometheus envisioned his crude creations with a greater purpose. So when zeus asked him to decide how sacrifices would be made, the wily Prometheus planned a trick that would give humans some advantage. He killed a bull and divided it into two parts to present to zeus. On one side, he concealed the succulent flesh and skin under the unappealing belly of the animal. On the other, he hid the bones under a thick layer of fat. When zeus chose the seemingly best portion for himself, he was outraged at Prometheus’s deception. Fuming, zeus forbade the use of fire on earth, whether to cook meat or any other purpose. But Prometheus refused to see his creations denied this resource. And so, he scaled the mount Olympus to steal fire from the workship of Hephaestus and Athena. He hid the flames in a hollow fennel stalk and brought it safely down to the people. This gave them the power to harness nature for their own benefit and ultimately dominate the natural order. With fire, humans could care of themselves with food and warmth. But they could also forge weapons and wage war. Prometheus’s flames acted as a catalyst for the rapid progression of civilization. When zeus looked down at this scene, he realized what had happened. Prometheus had once again wounded his pride and subverted his authority. Furious, zeus imposed a brutal punishment. Prometheus was to be chained to a cliff for eternity. Each day, he would be visited by a vulture who whould tear out his liver and each night his liver would grow back to be attacked again in the morning. One day, Neither Zeus nor Prometheus backed down in their hardheadedness for centuries. And who knows how many eons their struggle would have gone on if it hadn’t been for Zeus’ son, Heracles, who happened upon the chained Prometheus on his way to the Hesperides. Whether Heracles shot the eagle and freed Prometheus as a sign of gratitude for the latter advising him to send Atlas to fetch the golden apples and complete his labor – or it was the other way around, we may never know for sure. However, we do know that Zeus allowed this to happen and that afterward he and Prometheus buried the hatchet and finally made peace with each other. Although Prometheus remained in perpetual agony, he never expressed regret at his act of rebellion. His resilience in the face of oppression made him a beloved figure in mythology. He was also celebrated for his mischievous and inquisitive spirit, and for the knowledge, progress, and power he brought to human hands. He’s also a reccuring figure in art and literature. As hero, rebel, or trickster, Prometheus remains a symbol of our capacity to capture the powers of nature, and ultimatey, he reminds us of the potential of individual acts to ignite the world. 1. apakah ada passive sentence? tuliskan 2. apakah ada active sentence? sebutkan


Passive Sentences:

1. Most titans WERE DESTROYED or DRIVEN to the eternal hell of Tartarus.

2. He WAS also CELEBRATED for his mischievous and inquisitive spirit, and for the knowledge, progress, and power he brought to human hands.

Active Sentences:

1. As thanks, Zeus ENTRUSTED the brothers with the task of creating all living things.

2. Meanwhile, Prometheus SHAPED the first humans out of mud.


Dalam Passive Sentence, subyek tidak melakukan tindakan dalam kalimat. Subyek pada Passive Sentence berperan sebagai penerima aksi.

Pola: Subyek + Predikat + V(III)

Predikat :  

to be + been

to be + being

modal + be

Contoh: The fish is being eaten by the cat. (Ikan itu sedang dimakan kucing.)

Dalam Active Sentence, subyek melakukan tindakan kata kerja. Active Sentence adalah kebalikan dari Passive Sentence.

Pola: Subyek + Predikat + V(I)/V(II)


to be

to be + being


Contoh: The cat is eating fish. (Kucing itu sedang makan ikan.)

13. The Tale of Tom ThumbOnce, there lived a countryman and his wife in a very comfortable cottage. Even though they had plenty to eat and drink, they were not at all happy because they had no children. They both wished very much for a baby. The wife wanted to take care of a nurse an infant.One day, when the wife sat weeping by herself, she said aloud, "If only had a little baby, should not care what it was like. I should be thankful for one if it were no bigger than my husband's thumb." A queen of the fairies heard her. As she knew the wife was kind to poor and likely to be a good mother, she granted her wish. When the husband came home, he felt very much pleased. He invited all his friends to come to his house. The countryman named the baby "Tom Thumb".As Tom grew older, he became very amusing and mischievous. Therefore, her mother was afraid to let him out of her sight. One day, while she was making a batter pudding, Tom stood on the edge of the bowl. Unfortunately, when her back was tuined, Tom fell into the bowl. The batter filled his mouth and prevented him from calling out. The mother gave the pudding to a tinker who was passing. The tinker was happy. When he brought the pudding, Tom cried out. The tinker was so ferrified that he let the pudding drop in the field. Tom ran home to his mother who had been looking everywhere for him. After the accident, Tom's mother never let him stay near her while she was cooking.Few days later, Tom and his mother went into the fields to milk the cows. Fearing he might be blown away by the wind, mother tied him to a thistle. While she was milking, a cow came and shallowed up Tom. Tom cried out for his mother from the cow's mouth. Seeing this, his mother rushed to him, caught him and carried him safely home.Some days after this, his father took him to the fields. However, Tom was lost in the field. Suddenly an eagle caught him up in his beak and carried him to the top of a great giant's castle and dropped him on the leads. The giant found and ate him, but Tom scratched the roof of the giant's mouth, and the giant threw him over into the sea. Then he was swallowed by a large fish. The fisherman brought the fish to King Arthur as a present. When the fish was opened, everyone was astonished at finding Tom inside. He was at once carried to the king who made him his court dwarf. The Queen was delighted with Tom and made him dance on her left hand.He danced so well that King Arthur gave him a ring, which he wore round his waist.Tom begged to the King to allow him to go home for a while. The king allowed him and gave money. After two days and two nights, Tom reached his father's house. His parents was happy and made a great celebration at his arrival. Tom spent three days at home and then set out for the court once more. Afterwards, Tom lived many years at court. He became one of the best beloved of King Arthur's knights.Answer the following questions based on the text above!1. Why did the countryman and his wife feel unhappy? l2. Why did the queen of the fairies decide to grant the wife's wish?3. Why was the baby named Tom Thumb?4. How was the characteristic of Tom Thumb?5. How did King Arthur meet Tom Thumb?​

The answer to the following questions based on the text above are:

Why did the countryman and his wife feel unhappy?

the reason why the countryman and his wife feel unhappy is that they had no children and both of them wished very much for a baby. (line 2)

Why did the queen of the fairies decide to grant the wife's wish?

the queen of the fairies decided to grant the wife's wish because she knew the wife was kind to the poor and likely to be a good mother. (line 6)

Why was the baby named Tom Thumb?

The baby was named Tom Thumb because he was not bigger than the countryman's thumb. (lines 5-8)

How was the characteristic of Tom Thumb?

The characteristics of the Tom Thumb are very amusing and mischievous. (line 9)

How did King Arthur meet Tom Thumb?​

King Arthur meets Tom Thumb since king Arthur was given a fish that had swallowed tom thumb, and then the fish was opened and there was tom in it. (lines 27-28)


Teks "The Tale of Tom Thumb" merupakan narrative text, yang memiliki karakteristik:

menggunakan tenses yang menunjukkan masa lampau seperti past tense menggunakan kata keterangan (adverbs of time) yang biasa digunakan di awal kalimat, seperti long time ago, once, one, once upon a time.Terdapat potongan percakapan antar tokoh.dsb.

Untuk menjawab soal-soal tersebut, sangatlah penting bagi kita untuk mengetahui 5W+1H. 5W + 1H terdiri dari what, why, when, where, who, dan how.

What: pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang inti masalah dari suatu kejadian kejadian yang ingin disampaikan oleh sang penulis.Why: pertanyaan ini terfokus pada alasan atau latar belakang dari suatu peristiwa ataupun suatu masalah yang sedang dibahas.Who: pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang pelaku yang terlibat dalam suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang sedang dibahas.When: pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang kapan waktu terjadinya peristiwa yang sedang dibahas.Where: pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang dimana tempat terjadinya peristiwa yang sedang dibahas.How: pertanyaan ini terfokus pada cara atau deskripsi terjadinya suatu peristiwa ataupun suatu masalah yang sedang dibahas.

Mengacu pada penjelasan diatas, pertanyaan nomer (1), (2), dan (3) menekankan pada alasan atau latar belakang peristiwa yang dibahas sedangkan nomer (4), (5) menekankan pada penjelasan atau cara terjadinya suatu peristiwa yang diterangkan pada text "The Tale of Tom Thumb"

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang pertanyaan Narrative Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18410Materi tentang pertanyaan 5W+1H https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12365208Materi tentang pertanyaan 5W+1H https://brainly.co.id/tugas/11446490

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Narative Text

Kode: -


14. They say I'm trouble They say I'm bad They say I'm evil And that's makes me glad Call me freak I'm a mischievous I'm just a unique people Ayo tebak apa artinya, aku iseng aja kok :-)

Mereka mengatakan aku kesulitan Mereka mengatakan aku buruk Mereka bilang aku jahat Dan itu membuatku senang Panggil aku aneh Aku nakal Aku hanya orang yang unik

15. King Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdomof DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sons and onedaughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four childrenwere mischievous!Queen Elinor tried to teach Merida how to behavelike a perfect princess. However, Merida liked to slipaway from the palace to practise with her bow andarrow. She was a skilled archer.One night, the queen announced that three clanswere coming to visit. Each would present a suitor tocompete for Merida's hand in marriage. Merida washorrified. "I won't go through with it!" she shouted. ToMerida's dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Meridasat waiting on her throne for the archery contest tobegin. She knew she could handle a bow and arrowfar better than the suitors could!After the suitors had taken their shots, Meridamarched onto the field. The queen yelled for her tostop, but Merida didn't listen. She fired her arrows andhit each target dead centre. She had won! Now, shewouldn't have to marry anyone!Adopted from: https://freeenglishcourse.info/narrative-text-princess-merida/ (16th November 2019)27. What is the main problem of the story?А. Queen Elinor was unable to educate Merida'sbehaviour.B. Princess Merida was not expected to bean archer.C. Princess Merida refused the demand to havea marriage.D. The suitors from the three clans were nothandsome enough.28.how could princess merida be a skiilled archer?A. she enjoyed practising with her bow and arrow outside the palace B.she had hire a skilled teacher as her trainerC.she was challenged by king fergus and queen elinor to win the archery contestD. she asked her three brothers to accompany and trainy her for thearchery contest​


Raja Fergus dan Ratu Elinor memerintah kerajaan

dari DunBroch di Skotlandia. Mereka memiliki tiga putra dan satu

putri, Putri Merida yang cantik. Keempat anak


Ratu Elinor mencoba mengajari Merida bagaimana berperilaku

seperti seorang putri yang sempurna. Namun, Merida suka terpeleset

jauh dari istana untuk berlatih dengan busurnya dan

panah. Dia adalah seorang pemanah yang terampil.

Suatu malam, ratu mengumumkan tiga klan

datang berkunjung. Masing-masing akan menghadirkan pelamar untuk

bersaing untuk mendapatkan tangan Merida dalam pernikahan. Merida dulu

ngeri. "Aku tidak akan melakukannya!" dia berteriak. Untuk

Merida kecewa, para pelamar datang sesuai rencana. Merida

duduk menunggu di singgasananya untuk kontes memanah

mulai. Dia tahu dia bisa menangani busur dan anak panah

jauh lebih baik daripada yang bisa dilakukan para pelamar!

Setelah para pelamar mengambil gambar mereka, Merida

berbaris ke lapangan. Ratu berteriak agar dia

berhenti, tapi Merida tidak mendengarkan. Dia menembakkan panahnya dan

mencapai setiap target dead center. Dia menang! Sekarang, dia

tidak perlu menikahi siapa pun!

Diadopsi dari: https://freeenglishcourse.info/narrative-text-princess-

merida / (16 November 2019)

27. Apa masalah utama dari cerita ini?

А. Ratu Elinor tidak dapat mendidik Merida

tingkah laku.

B. Putri Merida tidak diharapkan

seorang pemanah.

C. Putri Merida menolak permintaan tersebut


D. Para pelamar dari tiga klan tidak

cukup tampan.

28. bagaimana bisa putri merida menjadi pemanah ski?

A. dia menikmati berlatih dengan busur dan anak panahnya di luar istana

B. dia telah mempekerjakan seorang guru yang terampil sebagai pelatihnya

C. dia ditantang oleh raja fergus dan ratu elinor untuk memenangkan kontes memanah

D. dia meminta ketiga saudara laki-lakinya untuk menemani dan melatihnya untuk kontes memanah



16. Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the jungle where elephants helped the men with their work. These elephants were so big and strong. They could lift up the heaviest logs with their trunks and toss them high in their in the air. Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. His name was Opie. He was just a baby and Mantu loved him very much. Mantu whispered to Opie’s ear that some day he would become the biggest, strongest and bravest elephant in the jungle. The orther elephants heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises with their trunks. We’re so big and tall, but you’re so small. You’re nothing at all,’ said one big elephants. Mantu looked up at the huge elephant with a mischievous glint in his eye. You’re so tall and can see far away. We can see what is happening down here in the jungle. In fact, we would be the first to see anything slithering snakes that may be a danger. “After hearing the word snakes, the elephant screeched and off they go thundering in fight.“Did I say there were snakes?’ giggle Mantu . “ No, I don’t think so,” smiled Opie. Mantu then climbed upon his little friend’s back and went home to village to tell everyone about the foolish elephants.

Mantu kecil hidup di sebuah desa di dalam hutan yang dalam dimana gajah membantu manusia bekerja. Gajah-gajah ini sangat besar dan kuat. Mereka mampu mengangkat batang kayu dengan melemparkannya begitu tinggi di udara. Sekarang, Mantu mempunyai gajahnya sendiri. Namanya Opie. Dia adalah seorang bayi dan Mantu sangat menyayanginya. Mantu membisikkan ke telinga Opie bahwa suatu hari dia akan menjadi yang gajah terbesar, terkuat dan pemberani di hutan. Gajah lain mendengarnya. Mereka tertawa dan membuat keributan dengan belalai mereka. Kami sangat besar dan tinggi, tapi kau sangat kecil. Kamu bukanlah apa-apa bagi semuanya, ujar salah satu gajah yang besar. Mantu melihat ke gajah besar dengan kilatan nakal di matanya. Kau sangat tinggi dan bisa melihat sangat jauh. Kami bisa melihat apa yang terjadi di hutan ini. Faktanya, kami akan menjadi yang pertama melihat ular merayap yang mungkin berbahaya. Setelah mendengar kata ular, gajah berciut dan mereka pergi bergemuruh. "Apakah aku berkata ada ular?" kekeh Mantu. "Tidak, ku pikir tidak begitu" senyum Opie. Mantu kemudian naik ke belakang teman kecilnya dan pulang ke desa untuk memberitahu semua orang tentang gajah bodoh.

17. Cari... yugulfie 13 jam yang lalu B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas Fill the past verb 7. The master ....... his servant with food and lodging. 8. The noise...... blind child. He did not know what to do. 9. The pipe......... Yesterday and flooded the kitchen. 10. The tourist .......... a car and drove all over the city. 11.He... ... ... the name on the wrong cord, so he had to do them again. 12. Your rudeness...... all the people at the gathering. 13. Two years ago, the old man......... the death of the president but no one believed him. 14.The chattering of the women.......... him, he left the room. 15. Mrs. Chen was so angry with her mischievous son that she ......... him.


7. served

8. was from

9. leaked/broke

10. used

11. wrote

12. was disrespectful to

13. was

14. angered

15. left


semua tenses yang digunakan pada soal diatas merupakan past tense. rumusnya adalah:

(+) S+V2+O

(-) S+ didn't+ V1+ O

(?) Did + S+ V1 +O+?

18. 30. *All four children were mischievous!" (Paragraph 1)The underlined word is similar in meaning to ....A. lazyC. ignorantB. naughtyD. dormant​


jawabanya adalah B. karna,arti dari kata mischievous dan naughty adalah nakal


B. naughty


karena mischievous memiloki arti nakal yg sama dgn naughty

19. Once upon a time, there lived a very cunning and mischievous fox. One day the fox befriended the stork and invited the stork to have a feast. The stork happily accepted the invitation. The fox said that he could not make a big feast as promised, and just offered some soup in a shallow bowl! The poor stork could not eat it with its long bil1, but the fox easily licked the soup from the plate. Then, the fox asked her, "How is the soup?" The hungry stork replied, "Oh it is good, but my stomach is upset!" She left the place and invited him to her house for dinner. The day arrived and the stork served soup for both of them, in a narrow jar with a long neck. She was able to have the soup very easily, but the fox obviously could not. The stork asked the fox about the soup and the fox felt very ashamed, "I...I'd better leave now. I have a tummy ache." Humiliated, he left the place running. 1 . When the fox asked the stork about the soup, she said .... a. The soup tasted bad and she did not want to eat. b. She had a stomachache and wanted to eat more. c. She did not feel well and could not eat anymore. d. The soup was so good and she wanted more. e. She could not eat with the shallow bowl


b. she had a stomachrche and wanted to eat

maaf klo slh:)

20. fill the past verb 11.He …. the name on the wrong cord, so he had to do them again. 12. Your rudeness...... all the people at the gathering. 13.Two years ago, the old man......... the death of the president but no one believed him. 14.The chattering of the women.......... him, he left the room. 15. Mrs. Chen was so angry with her mischievous son that she......... him.


11. Wrote

12. Disturbed

13. Predicted

14. Annoyed

15. Scolded

Karena gak ada penjelasan disuruh isi kata kerja apa, saya isi yang sekiranya nyambung dengan kalimatnya.

21. 15. “Anonymous” is the … (most famous/famousest) hacker group in the world. 16. This exercise is not as … (simpler/simple) as it seems. 17. He is not as … (malicious/more malicious) as his brother, but he is … (more mischievous/most mischievous) than his classmates. 18. Out of all the code that you’ve ever cracked, this is … (cooler/the coolest) 19. Some people say that cracker is … (most dreadful/more dreadful) than hacker since the hackers are the ethical professionals while the crackers break into the security systems unethically and illegally. 20. Boy : I’ve never seen any car … (gorgeous/more gorgeous) than Jaguar over there. Fatih : That’s because you’ve never seen Lamborghini Veneno, dude! Soal kls 10 smk


15.most famous



18.more mischievous

19.more dreadful

20more gorgeous

rumus cepat




22. PART II Fill the blank with suitable word in the bracket! 11. Make up can make people look … (young) than their real age. 12. At the last moment of debate Mr. Uno gave the … (good) speech as the closing statement. 13. I believe that Indonesian will have a … (good) standard of living than what it has now if we have a new president. 14. I think the candidate president who did not 15. “Anonymous” is the … (most famous/famousest) hacker group in the world. 16. This exercise is not as … (simpler/simple) as it seems. 17. He is not as … (malicious/more malicious) as his brother, but he is … (more mischievous/most mischievous) than his classmates. 18. Out of all the code that you’ve ever cracked, this is … (cooler/the coolest) 19. Some people say that cracker is … (most dreadful/more dreadful) than hacker since the hackers are the ethical professionals while the crackers break into the security systems unethically and illegally. 20. Boy : I’ve never seen any car … (gorgeous/more gorgeous) than Jaguar over there. Fatih : That’s because you’ve never seen Lamborghini Veneno, dude! tolong donggg


11. Youngger

11. Youngger12. better

11. Youngger12. better13.well

maaf cmn bisa jwb segitu ini gk tawu soal kls brp?

23. *NUMBER 1-4* My Best Friend My best friend from elementary school is Chandra. We are good friends since our childhood and still continue. He is a smart boy with fair complexion and dimpled cheeks. He is so handsome, I adore him so much. I still remember that we were met in our elementary school class We became great friends forever. He is very funny, joyful, and helpful. He understands me a lot. He isalways ready to help me in my all bad and happy conditions Now, we are classmates in junior high school We go to school everyday together. In the afternoon, we play sports in the nearby play ground Both of us really like playing basketball1.what is the main idea of paragraph 1? a. the writer tells about his best friend b. the writer adores his best friend so muchc. the writer's friend is a handsome boyd. the writer and his friend become classmates now2.where did the writer meet Chandra for the first time? a. in elementary schoolb. in junior high Schoolc. in Neighbourhoodd. in playground near house 3.why does the writer think that Chandra is helpful? a. because he has fair complexion and dimpled cheeksb. because he is a smart boy and always gets good grades c. because he likes to play sports,especially basketballd. because he always ready to help teh writer in bad or happy conditions4.he is a smart boy with "fair" complexion. the underlined word is antonymous with..a. darib. unjustc. straightd. equal5. i have some friends but you are the...a. goodb. wellc. better d. best6.i love my cousin so,because she is..little girl. a. unfriendlyb. nicec. mischievousd. grumpy7.mom : do you enjoy playing in the park? me :..... a. no, im not enjoying play in the park. b. no, i doesn't enjoy play in the park. c. no, i don't enjoy playing in the park. d. no, i don't enjoying play in the park. 8.uncle jerry :when do you do your home work nicky : ..... a. i have done my homework at 6:00 p.m. b. i did my homework at 6:00 p.m. c. i do my homework at 6:00 p.m. d. i am doing my homework at 6:00 p.m.9.Teacher : how do you go to school? students: we... the bus to school. a. ride b. rides c. riding d. rode10.arrange the jumbled words into a simple present sentence. starts 8 o'clock at the party 1 2 3 4the correct arrangement is... a. 2-1-4-3b. 2-1-3-4c. 4-3-1-2d. 4-1-3-211.Citra :... Dika : no, it doesn't.it arrives at 11:00 p.m.a. doesn't the bus arrive at 11:00 a.m.? b. does the bus arrive not arrive at 11:00 a.m.? c. does the bus arrive at 11:00 p.m.? d. does the bus arrive at 11:00 a.m? 12.the dogs will...if they feel scareda.meowb. chirpc. barkd. shout13.my grandfather has beautiful robin bird.it can... beautifully. a. meowb. chirpc. barkd. shout ​


1. D. The writer and his friend become classmates now.

2. A. In elementary school.




6. B. nice.

7. B. No, i doesn't enjoy play in the park.

8. B. I did my homework at 6:00 p.m.

9. A. ride

10. B. 2-1-3-4.

11. D. Does the bus arrive at 11:00 a.m?.

12. B. Chirp.

13. D. Shout.

24. which one includes adjective in each sentence1. tickets to the lively play were sold out2. my mischievous puppy bit my feet3. the wet towel was left outside4. the shaggy dog wagged his tail5. i slipped on the fluffy rug6. the fried fish cost theee dollars7. the faux fur was for sale8. the rich man was saved​

1.the lively play

2.micchievous puppy

3.the wet towel

4.the shaggy dog

5.the fluffy rug

6.the fried fish

7.the faux fur

8.the rich man

25. fill the past verb 7. The master ....... his servant with food and lodging. 8. The noise...... blind child. He did not know what to do. 9. The pipe......... Yesterday and flooded the kitchen. 10. The tourist .......... a car and drove all over the city. 11.He... ... ... the name on the wrong cord, so he had to do them again. 12. Your rudeness...... all the people at the gathering. 13. Two years ago, the old man......... the death of the president but no one believed him. 14.The chattering of the women.......... him, he left the room. 15. Mrs. Chen was so angry with her mischievous son that she ......... him.


maaf gatau


maaf ya

26. Princess MeridaKing Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sonsand one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous!Queen Elinor tried to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked toslip away from the palace to practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archer.One night, the queen announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present asuitor to compete for Merida's hand in marriage. Merida was horrified. “I won't go through withit!” she shouted. To Merida's dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Merida sat waiting on herthrone for the archery contest to begin. She knew she could handle a bow and arrow far betterthan the suitors could!Once the suitors had taken their shots, Merida marched onto the field. The queen yelled for herto stop, but Merida didn't listen. She fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. She hadwon! Now she wouldn't have to marry anyone!​


Putri Merida

Raja Fergus dan Ratu Elinor memerintah kerajaan DunBroch di Skotlandia. Mereka memiliki tiga putra

dan seorang putri, Putri Merida yang cantik. Keempat anak itu nakal!

Ratu Elinor mencoba mengajari Merida bagaimana berperilaku seperti putri yang sempurna. Tapi Merida menyukainya

menyelinap keluar dari istana untuk berlatih dengan busur dan anak panahnya. Dia adalah pemanah yang terampil.

Suatu malam, ratu mengumumkan bahwa tiga klan akan datang berkunjung. Masing-masing akan hadir

pelamar untuk bersaing memperebutkan tangan Merida dalam pernikahan. Merida merasa ngeri. “Saya tidak akan melakukannya

ini! Yang membuat Merida kecewa, pelamar datang sesuai rencana. Merida duduk menunggunya

tahta untuk kontes panahan dimulai. Dia tahu dia bisa menangani busur dan anak panah dengan lebih baik

daripada yang bisa dilakukan pelamar!

Begitu pelamar mengambil fotonya, Merida berbaris ke lapangan. Ratu berteriak untuknya

untuk berhenti, tapi Merida tidak mendengarkan. Dia menembakkan anak panahnya dan mengenai setiap target mati di tengah. Dia punya

won! Sekarang dia tidak perlu menikahi siapa pun!

Penjelasan: nggak ada pertanyaan nya jadi di translate aja ya

27. IV. ESSAYRead the text and answer the questionPrincess MeridaKing Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sonsand one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous!Queen Elinor tried to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked toslip away from the palace to practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archer.One night, the queen announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present asuitor to compete for Merida's hand in marriage. Merida was horrified. "I won't go through withit!” she shouted. To Merida's dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Merida sat waiting on herthrone for the archery contest to begin. She knew she could handle a bow and arrow far betterthan the suitors could!Once the suitors had taken their shots, Merida marched onto the field. The queen yelled for herto stop, but Merida didn't listen. She fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. She hadwon! Now she wouldn't have to marry anyone!46. a. What is the writer's intention to write the text?b. What is the text about?c.“ Merida was horrified." The word horrified means...BHS. INGGRIS/IX/K.20136​

a. to tell readers about princess merida
b. princess merida
c. afraid

Semoga Membantu ^_^

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