Expressing Congratulation Exercise

Expressing Congratulation Exercise

kalimat expressing congratulation!

Daftar Isi

1. kalimat expressing congratulation!

congratultion on your successed;) 
congratulation on your new job
congrats for your new house;)
im so happy to hear thatcontohnya badu yang menang kontes pidato
congratulation badu !! on your success in the speech contest
 sekian :) :) maaf kalo salah

2. kalimat expressing congratulation

Congratulation for your 15th anniversary.Answer:

I would like to congratulate you for becoming the first winner of an English speech contest.


3. How to expressing congratulation and expressing compliment


1. "Your really good at mathematics, your so smart"

2. "Amazing, you sang the song really beautifully"

3. "Wow, Congratulations teacher, you did good on that competition"

Semoga menolong :)

maaf kalau salah ^^"

4. exercise expressing compliment

wow you look gorgeous
that's amazing

5. What is the function of expressing congratulation?

Kelas : X
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Complimenting and congratulating
Kata kunci : Congratulation expressions

What is the function of expressing congratulation?
The function of expressing congratulation is to express our happiness about someone's achievement.

examples of congratulation expression:
- Congratulations. You deserved it man. 
- I am very happy for you.
- That's wonderful.
- Good for you. Good luck. 
- Well done. 
- That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement. 
- Please accept my warmest congratulations, Sir. 
- I must congratulate you on your success. 

6. Make 5 expressing congratulation and complemeting

To congratulate someone :
- Congrats!
- Congratulations!
- I'd like to congratulate you on ...
- Let me offer you my warmest congratulations.
- Congratulations, you deserved it!
- Congrats, I'm so proud of you!

To compliment someone :
- You look dashing!
- I like your haircut.
- Your outfit suits you well!
- You've done a brilliant job!
- Your smile is contagious!

7. Buat dialog expressing congratulation. Berisi 4 orang di dalam dialog.


Jake: Michael, congratulations. I'm proud, I heard you won badminton in the district

Michael: Haha, need training for that, thanks Jake.

Freddy: You're so great Michael, I want to be like you.

Madilyn: Congratulations Michael !, even though I got second place is okay

Michael: Thank you all for always encouraging me, without you maybe I won't be like this

Artinya :

Jake: Michael, selamat. Aku bangga, aku dengar kamu memenangkan badminton di kabupaten

Michael : Haha, butuh latihanbuntuk itu,makasih Jake.

Freddy : Kamu hebat sekali Michael, aku ingin sepertimu.

Madilyn : Selamat Michael!, walau aku mendapat peringkat kedua tidak apa apa

Michael : Terimakasih untuk kalian semua yang selalu menyemangati aku, tanpa kalian mungkin aku tidak akan seperti ini


semoga terbantu:)

8. Exercise of Congratulation​


i can't do it.


karena Gatau bahasa enggress

9. 1. what is the definition of expressing congratulation ( according to you ) 2. write down exemple sentences of expressing congratulation 3. make a short dialogue of expressing congratulationbantuin pliss:(​


1. Congratulation is a greeting that gives appreciation to people who have achieved success.

Expression of Congratulation is an expression used to congratulate someone who has succeeded in achieving their goals.

2. Happy new year (Selamat tahun baru)

Congratulation (selamat)

Have a nice dream ( Selamat atau semoga bermimpi indah)

Have a good trip (selamat berpergian)

Congratulation on passing your exam (selamat atas lulusnya ujian anda)

Congratulation on your success (Selamat atas keberhasilan anda)

3. Andreas: Hi, George.

Andreas : Hi, it is nice to have you back. I heard you won the science Olympiad. (Hai, senang melihat kamu kembali. Aku dengar kamu menang olimpiade sains.)

George : Yes, that’s right. (Ya, benar.)

Andreas : Great! Congratulations. (Luar biasa. Selamat ya.)

George : Thank you. (Terima kasih.)

Andreas: You are welcome, you deserve it. (Sama-sama, kamu memang pantas mendapatkannya.)

Semoga membantu >.<

10. create a short dialogue of expressing congratulation

A:congratulations my best friend,you won in mathematics Olimpiade
B:thank you
sekianA:congratulation bob. you have win the contest
B:nah. that was lucky

11. dialog bahasa Inggris tentang expressing compliments dan congratulation​


Aiko: Congratulation on winning the dance competition Steven!

Steven: Thank you very much! how's your drawing contest?

Aiko: I'm still working on it, this is my drawing.

Steven: Incredible! it looks nice. I hope you can win it. Good luck!

Aiko: Thanks, I appreciate it.

12. 10 contoh soal expressing congratulation beserta jawaban

Expressing Congratulation adalah ungkapan yang disampaikan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan selamat atau penghargaan verbal kepada seseorang atas suatu hal atau prestasi yang telah dilakukannya.

Berikut adalah 10 contoh expressing congratulation beserta respon dan terjemahannya.

1. A: Congratulation for winning the football competition! Selamat atas kemenangannya di kompetisi sepak bola.

B: Thank you. It was nothing without team work. Terima kasih. Itu semua berkat kerjasama tim.

2. A: Congratulation for the salary raise! Selamat atas kenaikan gajinya!

B: Thank you very much. Terima kasih banyak.

3. A: I'd like to congratulate you for your job promotion. Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas kenaikan jabatannya.

B: Thank you so much. Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya.

4. A: May I congratulate you on your first child's birth? Izinkan saya mengucapkan selamat atas kelahiran anak pertamanya.

B: Ohh, that's really special to me. Oh, ini sangat istimewa buat saya.

5. A: You have successfully lead our basketball team. Great job! Kamu telah berhasil memimpin tim basket kita. Hebat!

B: It's not so special actually. I was only part of the team. Tidak begitu istimewa. Saya hanya bagian dari tim.

6. A: You got A for your English examination. You did very well. Kamu dapat A di ujian bahasa Inggris. Itu sangat hebat.

B: I'm very grateful for that. Aku sangat bersyukur untuk itu.

7. A: The room is very clean. You did a very good job in cleaning it. Ruangan ini sangat bersih. Kerjamu membersihkannya sungguh bagus.

B: Thank you, it was a tiring job. Terima kasih, ini sungguh melelahkan.

8. A: I must congratulate you for your victory in the election. Saya mengucapkan selamat atas kemenangannya di pemilihan umum.

B: You are very kind. It was everyone's hard work. Anda sungguh baik hati. Itu adalah hasil kerja keras semua orang.

9. A: Congratulation on finishing your scientific paper. Selamat kamu sudah menyelesaikan makalah ilmiahmu.

B: Thank you. I still have more to learn. Terima kasih, masih banyak yang harus dipelajari.

10. A: Well done, you can finally solve this difficult task. Hebat. Kamu akhirnya berhasil memecahkan soal yang sulit ini.

B: Thank you my friend. Terima kasih temanku.

Demikian beberapa contoh expressing congratulation beserta responsnya. Semoga bermanfaat dan tetaplah semangat belajar bahasa Inggris.

Beberapa contoh soal lainnya terkait expressing congratulation adalah:

Detail tambahan:

Kelas: X

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Expressions

Kata Kunci: congratulation, responding congratulation

Kode: 10.5.2

13. 4. Wnte expressing of compliment andcongratulation!​

1) Congratulations for your success my friend!!!

2) You have done a great job!!!

3) You are the best!!!

4) You are my saviour!!!

5) Thank you for your support!!!



“Congratulations on your wedding. I wish you a happy life ahead.”

Response: “It’s so nice of you to say so.”

“Splendid! I’d like to congratulate for your success at your first time publishing your novels.”

Response: Thank you very much. It’s very kind of you to say so


15. apa pengertian tentang expressing congratulation and hope and dream

Congratulation itu ekspresi ungkapan selamat
Hope itu ungkapan harapan
Kalau dream itu mimpi atau impian yang ingin dia capai

16. buatkan dialog expressing compliment and congratulation, masing-masing 4 compliment dan 4 congratulation dalam satu dialog

dialog expressing compliment

1. Fima drives his modified car and meets his friend.

Tami: What a great car you have, Fima. I really like your vehicle.
Fima: Thank you, Tami. I just finished making it look colourful.
Tami: Do You mean this is the old car that you used to drive to school?
Fima: Yes, it is. You are absolutely right
Tami: Now your car looks more beautiful. What did you do to it?
Fima: Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Tami: Great job!
Fima: Thanks.

2. Bia is wearing a new T-shirt. She meets his friend, Abi. Abi admires Bia’s T-shirt

Abi: That’s a nice and cute T-shirt you’re wearing.
Bia: I appreciate you compliment. It was a birthday present from my mother.
Abi: Where did your mother buy it?
Bia: My mother said that she had bought it for me when she was in Singapore
Abi: Your look beautiful with that expensive T-shirt
Bia: Thank you but this is a really cheap T-shirt.

3. Ricky : “Hello, Matt. How are you doing?”

Matthew : “I’m very well, thanks. What about you?”

Ricky : “Pretty good, Pals. By the way I heard from Jim that you won the English competition last week.”

Mathew : “Yes, I did.”

Ricky : “That was awesome man. You are great.”

Mathew : “Thank you. Would you want some ice cream? I’ll treat you.”

Ricky : “It sounds good. Let’s go.”

Mathew : “Yeah, come on. Let’s go.”

4. Adrian: What a great Motorcycle you have, viktor.
Viktor : Thank you, Harsya. I just finished modifying it.
Adrian : You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Viktor : Yes, it is.
Adrian : It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Viktor : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new ccessories.
Adrian : Great job!
Viktor : Thanks.

Di perbaiki lagi ya kalau kurang tepat jawabannya :)

17. Kalian susun percakapan yang menggunakan:1.Expressing Intention 2.Expressing Congratulation​


1. Passenger : I would like to cancel my ticket for next week flight, because my schedule suddenly changed. Can you help me, Sir?

Ticketing Officer : Of course, Sir. Please give me your booking code and identition card

2. Dina : Chris, would you like to try these cookies?

Chris : Sure, thanks. What is the occasion?

Dina : I just graduated at last grade on my French course,

Chris : Well done! Congratulation!

Dina : Thanks. Let’s go celebrate it.

Chris : Good idea.

18. unsur kebahasaan congratulation expressing


+I’d be the first to congratulate you on…._It’s very good of you to say so+I’d like to congratulate you on….._How nice of you to say so+Please accept my warmest congratulations._Thank you very much for saying so+May I congratulate you on…_I’m glad you think so+I must congratulate you._Oh, it’s nothing special actually+It was great to hear about…_Oh, I have a lot to learn yet+Congratulations!_Oh, not really+Congratulations on….!_Oh, nothing to it, actually+Well done! / Fantastic!_Oh, thank’s

Maaf kalo salah :3

19. What Is Expressing Congratulation? (5 Contoh)


ucapan selamat ( expressing Congrats )

1. Congratulation on getting scholarship

2. Happy new year

3. Happy Birthday Too You

4. Congratulation on passing your exam

5. Congratulation on your getting title

20. expressing congratulating and complimenting other exercise

- hey riana,i hear that you win the english olympiad,congratulation!
-that's a wonderful dress,you are so preety if you use it.

21. mentioned expressing of congratulation? ​


congratulation for your achievement


*semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban tercerdas, dan follow kami untuk membantu perkembangan kami

22. What is the definition of expressing congratulation?


The act of expressing joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another. often congratulations An expression of such joy or acknowledgment: sent him my congratulations on winning the award.


smoga membantu

23. Soal Exercise of Congratulation​


the winner of the story teeling competicion in the class is Lina!

congratulation's Lina!

24. 20 contoh kalimat tentang expressing congratulation beserta respondnya


Congratulations brother you win!


1.Congratulations on your wedding. I wish you a happy life ahead.”

Response: “It’s so nice of you to say so.”

2. “Please accept my warmest congratulations on your success.”

Response: “Thank you so much.”

3. “I’d like to congratulate you on the opening of your new store.”

Response: “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

4. “Congratulations on your new business.”

Response: “Thank you.”

5. “Congratulations on your new position as the manager in your company.”

Response: “Thank you for your kind guidance.”

6. “Good job on your promotion!”

Response: "Thanks!"

7. “Congrats on your wedding.”

Response: “Thanks a lot.”

8. “I saw your performance on the dance show tonight. That’s so fantastic!”

Response: “Thanks! I’m so happy to hear that.”

9. “Congrats on your graduation! You did a good job.”

Response: “Thank you.”

10. “Good job!”

Response: “Thank you.”

maaf cuman bisa jawab segini

25. kalimat tentang expressing wishes, expressing congratulation,expressing about belongings dan appearance dalam satu paragraf

Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your team go home with the trophy?
Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.
Rahel : Wow that’s a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success!
Daniel : Thank you very much for saying so, Rahel. So, how about you and your team in astronomy competition?
Rahel : Unfortunately, I and my team didn’t get the first place. We got the third place but I was really happy since we had won over many other teams and gone that far.
Daniel : That’s the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well. I congratulate you on your great success.
Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the first like your teams did.
Daniel : Cool! Let’s fight for the next competition!

26. contoh dialog tentang expressing complient gratitude dan congratulation

A: Congratulation for you can pass the math exam
B: Thanks

maaf kependekan dialognya

27. buatlah contoh expressing congratulation.......??

Samuel = Hi Va

Diva = Hi, how are u? I heard you just graduated from HHJ, right?

Samuel = Yes, you are right. I just graduated two weeks ago

Diva = Congratulation for your graduation, dear. Wish u all the best!

Samuel = Thanks Va

28. perakapan tentang expressing congratulation untuk 4 orang

A: congratulations for your graduation!
B: thank you.
C: good job!
D: well done!
B: thanks everyone.

29.  dialog tentang expressing of complement dan congratulation  dalam satu dialog????

A : Good morning, Byan!
B : Good morning, Alifa! Wow, what a cool shoes!
A : Really? Thanks. My father gave it to me as a prize of my winning. 
B : Ah! I heard that you won at poetry contest. Congratulation!
A : Thank you, Byan. How kind you are..
B : Thanks... Uhm, I think I have to go to toilet.
A : Ok, bye.A : Hi, B!
B : Hi, A! you get a highest score on your exam, don't you?
A: Yeah, I did
B: Congratulation, my friend. You've done the best. By the way, how much score do you get on your exam?
A: Thank you so much. Oh, I get 9,8
B: How clever you are!
A: Not really, my friend.

30. Make a conversation by using expressing congratulation

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