Contoh Soal Degree Of Comparison Positive Comparative Superlative

Contoh Soal Degree Of Comparison Positive Comparative Superlative

Pengertian dari positive, Comparative, Superlative. degree of comparison.tolong jelaskan lebih mudah di pahami, dan Contoh

Daftar Isi

1. Pengertian dari positive, Comparative, Superlative. degree of comparison.tolong jelaskan lebih mudah di pahami, dan Contoh

degre of comparison: kalimat perbandingan.

positive: kalimat perbandingan positive degree menggunakan "as". cth: he drives as carefully as my father in the residential area.

comparative: kalimat perbandingan comparative di gunakan untuk membandingkan 2 hal. satu suku katanya biasa menggunakan -er dan 2 atau lebih suka kata biasa menggunakan "more". adapun jika suku katanya menggunakan akhiran -y di ganti menjadi -ier. cth: she is taller than me atau she is more beautiful than me dan she is prettier than me.

superlative: kalimat perbandingan superlative di gunakan untuk membandingkan 3 hal atau lebih. satu suku kata biasa menggunakan -est dan 2 atau lebih suka kata biasa menggunakan "the most". adapun suku katanya menggunakan akhiran -y di ganti menjadi -iest. cth: she is the most beautiful girl in my class atau she is the tallest in my class dan she is the prettiest in my class.

2. Tolong kasih contoh dialog comparison degree Positive, comparative, and superlative comparison

positive degree:
Oliver: Daniel is 165 cm and Valention is 165 cm
Gerard: That means Daniel is as tall as as Valentino

comparative degree:
Vic: Kelly is 160cm, Gilbert is 155 cm
Mickey: Kelly is taller than Gilbert and Gilbert is shorter than Kelly

superlative degree
Frank: I bought story book with Rp 15.000, magazine with Rp 20.000, newspaper with Rp 3.000
Ray: So, the magazine is the expensive of them and newspaper is the cheapest of them

3. please write to exlamples of the degree of comparison(positive degree,comparative degree and superlative degree?​

Hi all!

The answer is:

Sofia is a dilligent girl (For Positive degree)His motorcycle is far better than yours (For Comperative degree)Donna is the cleverest student in the class. (For Superlative degree)

The Discussion is:

Degrees of comparison are adjectives that change shape and are used to compare one thing or several people with another.

4. Carilah masing-masing 3 contoh dari positive degree, comparative degree dan superlative degree di internet.


My brother is as tall as me.An apple is as sweet as a pearMy mother is as young as my aunt


An elephant is heavier than an oxDictionary is thicker than magazineCars are more expensive than motorcycles


Giraffes have the longest neckDiamond is the most valuable jewelry in the worldMike Tyson is the famous boxer


possitive degree:

1)i am as good as you(saya sama baiknya dengan kamu)

2)you are as clever as her(kamu sama pintarnya dengan dia(pr))

3)she is as prettu as me(dia(pr) sama cantiknya dengan saya)

comparative degree:

1)i am teller than him(aku lebih tinggi dari dia(lk))

2)you are younger than me(kamu lebih muda dari ku)

3)he is older than her(dia(lk) lebih tua dari dia(pr)

superlative degree:

1)he is the most handsome student in his class(dia(lk)yg paling ganteng diklsnya)

2)she is the most diligent student of all(dia(pr)yg paling rajin dari semuanya)

3)you are the best of your friends(kamu yang terbaik dari teman2mu)


smga mmbntu:))

5. apa itu "positive comparative,superlative,dan comparison of quantity" dan berikan contohnya​

Comparative, Superlative & Comparison of QuantityPembahasan

Menuliskan kalimat dengan bentuk comparative dan superlative berikut ini adalah hal yang harus diperhatikan.

Sebelumnya mari kita pahami apa itu comparative dan superlative.

Comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan dua buah objek, yang salah satu objeknya memiliki sifat "lebih" dari objek lainnya.

Contoh: fast > faster (cepat > lebih cepat)

Superlative digunakan untuk menyatakan satu objek yang memiliki sifat “paling” jika di bandingan dengan objek lainnya.

Contoh: fast > the fastest (cepat > paling cepat)

Namun, ada beberapa kata sifat yang memiliki sifat irreguler. Untuk kata-kata tersebut maka kalian harus sedikit menghafalkan bentuk comparative dan superlativenya. Beberapa kata sifat itu adalah:

Well - better - bestBadly - worse - worstLittle - less - leastMuch - more - mostFar - further/farther - furthest/farthest

Nah, untuk kata-kata dengan dua, tiga atau lebih syllables (suku kata), kita menggunakan more untuk membandingkan secara comparative dan menggunakan most untuk superlative.

Contohnya seperti kata-kata sifat berikut:

Thoughtful (2 syllables) => Thought + ful menjadi more thoughtful dan the most thoughtful.Intelligent (4 syllables) => In + tel + li + gent menjadi more intelligent dan the most intelligent.

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh kata sifat dalam bentuk comparative dan superlative:

Bright - Brighter - Brightest => TerangCold - Colder - Coldest => DinginDark - Darker - Darkest => GelapEasy - Easier - Easiest => MudahHeavy - Heavier - Heaviest => BeratLate - Later - Latest => TerlambatSoft - Softer - Softest => LembutSweet - Sweeter - Sweetest => ManisWide - Wider - Widest => LebarBrave - Braver - Bravest => BeraniNew - Newer - Newest => BaruQuick - Quicker - Quickest => CepatSimple - Simpler - Simplest => SederhanaFine - Finer - Finest => BaikCurly - Curlier - Curliest => KeritingPeaceful - More peaceful - Most peaceful => DamaiPleasant - More pleasant - Most pleasant => MenyenangkanCareful - More careful - Most careful => Hati-hatiThoughtful - More thoughtful - Most thoughtful => BijaksanaIntelligent - More intelligent - Most intelligent => Cerdas

Sementara itu, comparisons of quantity digunakan untuk menunjukan perbedaan: more (lebih), less (kurang), fewer + than (lebih sedikit dari)


Countable nouns: more/fewer

Bella has more children than Jasmine.Jasmine has fewer children than Bella.

Uncountable nouns: more/less

Bella has more money than Jasmine.Jasmine has less money than Bella.I spend less time on my homework than she does.Cats drink less water than dogs.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang comparative dan superlative degree:

_____________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMP kelas VII

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Comparative and superlative

Kata kunci : Adjectives

6. Contoh kalimat positive, comparative dan superlative degree

Positive : He run as fast as cheetah
Comparative : Your car is faster than mine
Superlative : Bugatti is the most expensive car in the world
kalimat comperative degree:
siti is tallaer than ana
mona is fatter than nina

7. buatlah contoh comparative degree : positive, comparative dan superlative​



a. i am tall.

b. she is quite.

c. he is good at sports.

d. they are popular.


a. I am taller than him.

b. She is more quite than her.

c. She is better at sports than him.

d. They are more popular than us.


a. He is the tallest person in the class.

b. She is the most quite person in this house.

c. She is the best athelete in this competition.

d. They are the most popular group in this school.

sorry if it's wrong!

8. Berikan contoh Degrees of comparison ( Positive , Comparative , superlative ) tentang global warming

Positive degree:
In this global warming era today is not as cold as in the past

Comparative degree:
Global warming will make the temperature higher than before

Superlative degree:
Scientists believe earth will reach its highest temperature due to the global warming effect 

9. ComparativeSuperlative5. Degree of comparison (Perbandingan)PositiveHotTallMore FamousHappier thanCharming​


Degrees of Comparison disebut juga kalimat perbandingan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Positive Degree adalah jenis Degree of Comparison yang memiliki kata sifat (Adjective) atau kata keterangan (Adverb) dengan bentuk paling sederhana.

Comparative Degree adalah jenis perbandingan tingkat kedua. Comparative Degree digunakan untuk membandingkan dua hal, bisa berupa orang, benda maupun hewan.

Superlative Degree merupakan jenis perbandingan tingkat ketiga. Superlative Degree digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga atau lebih orang, benda maupun beberapa hal.

Banyak peluang emas tak dapat diambil jika kemampuan bahasa Inggris kurang baik.

Selain perubahan secara beraturan, ada juga perubahan kata sifat tak beraturan atau Irregular Form. Tabel berikut isinya lebih sedikit dari daftar Adjective pada subpoin sebelumnya.

Degree of Comparison.


Nino is braver than her elder brother. (Nino lebih berani daripada kakaknya.)

Jackson is as smart as Vernon. (Jackson sama pintarnya dengan Vernon.)

Susanti is the eldest/oldest of the three sisters. (Susanti adalah anak tertua dari 3 bersaudara.)

You play badminton better than I do. (Kamu bermain bulu tangkis lebih baik daripada saya.)

My sister’s dress is simpler than mine. (Gaun adikku lebih sederhana daripada gaunku.)


Pengertian Degrees of Comparison

Contoh Kalimat Degree of Comparison: POSITIVE

Contoh Kalimat Degree of Comparison: COMPARATIVE

Contoh Kalimat Degree of Comparison: SUPERLATIVE

Perubahan REGULAR pada Adjectives beserta Contoh Degree of Comparison

Perubahan IRREGULAR pada Adjectives beserta Contoh Degree of Comparison

Contoh Soal Degree of Comparison Beserta Kunci Jawaban








Degree of Comparison

Adjective - Positive - Comparative - Superlative

• Hot - as hot as - Hoter - The Hotest

• Tall - as tall as - Taller - The Tallest

• Famous - as famous as - More Famous - Most Famous

• Happy - as happy as - Happier - The Happiest

• Charming - as charming as - More Charming - Most Charming

10. help me please -.- write "degree of comparison" , positive , comparative , and superlative :)

positive degree:
- Hanny is an intelligent girl.
- Hanny drives as carefully as my father in the residential area.

comparative degree
- That girl is higher than this girl. 
- I ran faster than you did.

superlative Degree
- This Island is the largest island in Indonesia.
- I run the fastest in my class.positive = 
she is as beuatiful as my sister.
my bag is as cheap as her bag.

she is more beautiful than my sister.
my bag is cheaper than her bag.

she is the most beautiful girl that i ever meet.
my bag is the cheapest of all

11. Contoh kata positive degree, comparative degree, superlative degree



contoh kalimat positive degree

1. The manggoes are as cheap as oranges.  

2. Moli is as pretty as her mother.  

3. Supriya is as kind as his sister.  

4. Sinta speaks English as well as her brother.  

contoh kalimat comparative degree

1. They are more dilligent than my other friends.  

2. She is better than her brother.  

3. The car goes more quickly than that bus.  

4. She is more beautiful than her mother.

5. He is bravier than his brother.

contoh superlative degree

1. This car is the cheapest among others.  

2. This car is the most expensive among others.  

3. The dictionary is the thickest from others.

4. She is the laziest in this room.

5. We are the best generation.

*jadikan Jawaban terbaik ya

12. tuliskan perbandingan benda yang ada di lapangan sekolah (Degree of comparison) menggunakan positive degree,comparative degree,superlative degree.....​



-a soccer field as big as a basketball court.


-the flagpole is higher than the tree.


-this school field is the biggest of all schools


Positive Degree

Rumus: Subject 1 + to be/V + as ( adj/adv) + as + Subject 2

Comparative Degree

Rumus: Subject 1 + to be/V + (adj/adv) + er + than + Subject 2

Superlative Degree

Rumus: Subject 1 + to be/V + the + (adj/adv) + est + Subject 2

Semoga membantu;") Maaf kalau salah:)

13. contoh 5 kalimat comparison degree. positive, comparison, superlative​


Berikut adalah contoh 5 kalimat dengan tingkat perbandingan (comparison degree) yang berbeda: positif (positive), perbandingan (comparative), dan superlatif (superlative):

Positive: My car is fast.

(Mobil saya cepat.)

Comparative: Her house is bigger than mine.

(Rumahnya lebih besar daripada punyaku.)

Superlative: This is the oldest building in town.

(Ini adalah bangunan tertua di kota.)

Positive: He is tall.

(Dia tinggi.)

Comparative: The blue dress is prettier than the red one.

(Baju biru itu lebih cantik daripada yang merah.)

Joki tugas Anda dengan mudah dan efisien bersama kami! hubungi nomer dibawah ini


14. contoh kalimat positive degree, comparative degree, superlative degree


contoh comparative degree: my house is smaller than yours (rumahku lebih kecil dibandingkan rumahmu)

contoh superlative degree: Bella is the most beautifull girl in the town (Bella adalah wanita tercantik di kota ini)

15. Practicewritingplease make sentences by using the adjectives below into degree of comparison!1. tallpositivecomparative2. youngcomparativesuperlative3. expensivepositivesuperlative4. beautifulpositivecomparative :google5. smallcomparative :superlative​


1. positive : kwangsoo is so tall

comparative : she is taller than me

2. comparative : you look younger than her

superlative : he is the youngest contestant that join this competition

3. positive : i bought new glasses and it is so expensive

superlative : that bag is the most expensive in this store

4. positive : everyday is a beautiful day

comparative : this cat is more beautiful than that one

5. comparative : her eyes are smaller than mine

superlative : this is the smallest gadget i ever know

16. TOLONG SEBUTKAN 5 CONTOH SUPERLATIVE DEGREE                                                  COMPARATIVE DEGREE                                                  POSITIVE DEGREE

superlative :
1. The most beautiful island is bali
2. Caroline is the best student in my class
3. This handphone is the most expensive

Cemparative :
1. A is prettier than B
2. pizza is better than noodle



Positive : He run as fast as cheetah

Comparative : Your car is faster than mine

Superlative : Bugatti is the most expensive car in the world



18. tolong ya jawab tentang degree of comparison (positive degree, comperative degree dan superlative degree)​


3. Longer

4. The Largest

5. Larger

6. The Highest

7. The Driest

8. The Wettest

9. Colder Than

10. The Most Dangerous

11. The Lowest

12. Deeper


kalo perlu penjelasan, bilang di komen ya, lagi sibuk. maaf nih

loveya <3


19. Tuliskan perbandingan benda yang ada di lapangan sekolah (Degree of comparison) menggunakan positive degree,comparative degree,superlative degree.....​


Positive degree= The pink flower is beautiful

Comparative degree= The pink flower is more beautiful than the yellow flower

Superlative degree= The pink flower is the most beautiful flower in my school yard

20. degrees of comparison. Setelah itu buat 5 kalimat positive degree, comparative degree dan superlative degree. Tolong ka bantu buatin 5 kalimat itu

1. Postive degree: She runs fast.

  Comparative degree: She runs faster than you.

  Superlative degree: She runs the fastest in the school.

2. Positive degree: I am good at swimming.

   Comparitive degree: I am better at swimming than him.

   Superlative degree: I am the best swimmer in the city.

3. Positive degree: This video game is difficult.

   Comparitive degree: This video game is more difficult than that.

   Superlative degree: This is the most difficult video game I've ever played.

4. Positive degree: Jeremy's house is far.

   Comparitive degree: The distance from Jeremy's house to school is further than the distance from my house to school.

  Superlative degree: The distance from Jeremy's house to school is the furthest in compare to all of his classmates.

5. Positive degree: My grandma fell ill.

   Comparitive degree: My grandma's condition is worse than before.

   Superlative degree: My grandma is at the worst condition in compare to other patients in the hospital.


21. Makes 3 sentences of comparison degree:1. Positive (sama/serupa)2. Comparative (lebih)3. Superlative (paling)​


1. positive

- China is a big country.

- The maths exam last week is hard.

- Her painting is good.

2. Comparative

- China is larger than Japan.

- The maths exam last week is harder than physics exam.

-Her painting is better than mine.

3. Superlative

- China is the largest country.

- The maths exam last week is the hardest exam.

- Her painting is the best.



- I am tall

- This house is big

-This flowers is beautiful


- I am taller than you

- My hair is longer than you

- Your cake is more delicous than me

3. Superlative

-He is the smartest student in the class

-The house is biggest in this area

- she is most beautiful in this class


Moga membantu'-'

Maaf kalo ada kurang kata atau ada kata kata yg salah :')



Positive Degree

1. Our father is as old as his friend

2. My house is as beautiful as yours

3. Mr. Iqbal is as generous as Mr. Mahmud

4. The yellow bag is as good as the red one

5. The Last Empress is as interesting as Encounter

6. Ameera's car is as expensive as Ammar's car

7. The elephant is as big as my car

8. Ameera is as diligent as Siska

9. Ammar runs as fast as Ameera

10. Mr. Paino is as rich as Mr. Amroo

Comparative Degree

1. Our father is older than our mother

2. My house is more beautiful than yours

3. Mr. Iqbal is more generous than Mr. Mahmud

4. The yellow bag is better than the red one

5. The Last Empress is more interesting than Encounter

6. Ameera's car is more expensive than Ammar's car

7. An elephant is bigger than tiger

8. Ameera is more diligent than Siska

9. Ammar runs faster than Ameera

10. Mr. Paino is richer than Mr. Amroo

Superlative Degree

1. Our father is oldest among his friends

2. My house is the most beautiful in my village

3. Mr. Iqbal is the most generous in his office

4. The yellow bag is the best among another bags

5. The Last Empress is the most interesting film that I have ever watched

6. Ameera's car is the most expensive among her friend's cars

7. An elephant is biggest animal in the world

8. Ameera is the most diligent in her class

9. Ammar runs fastest in the race

10. Mr. Paino is the richest man in this city

Positive DegreeKegunaan (Usage):

Positive degree digunakan pada saat kita ingin menyatakan ada 2 obyek yang sama persis dalam sesuatu hal.

Positive degree memiliki 2 pola:

1. As + Adjective + As

2. As + Adverb of Manner + As

~She is as pretty as Maria Carey. (Dia secantik Maria Carey.)He walks as slowly as a snail. (Dia berjalan selambat siput.)That person is as strong as my uncle. (Orang itu sekuat paman saya.)The exam is not as difficult as you you imagine. (Ujiannya tidak sesulit yang kamu bayangkan.)Alex is as handsome as Jovan. (Alex sama tampannya dengan Jovan.)My sister is as tall as me. (Kakak perempuan saya setinggi saya.)Fira’s voice is not as good as Kia’s. (Suara Fira tidak sebagus suara Kia.)My money is not as much as your money. (Uang saya tidak sebanyak uangmu.)The weather today is as hot as yesterday. (Cuasa hari ini sama panasnya seperti kemarin.)This bag is as expensive as that one. (Tas ini sama mahalnya dengan yang itu)

Comparative DegreeKegunaan (Usage):

Comparative degree digunakan pada saat kita ingin menyatakan ada 2 obyek yang berbeda (baik dalam bentuk kualitas maupun tingkatan) dalam sesuatu hal.

Comparative degree memiliki 2 pola:

1. Adjective + /-er/ + than

/-er/ adalah akhiran (suffix) yang ditaruh tepat dibelakang kata sifatnya.

2. More + adjective + than

~The box is smaller than this one. (Kotak itu lebih kecil daripada yang ini).I am younger than you. (Saya lebih muda daripada kamu)Mauryn is more beautiful than Alexxa. (Mauryn lebih cantik daripada Alexxa)This English dictionary is more expensive than that one. (Kamus bahasa inggris ini lebih mahal daripada yang itu)Jane writes more quickly than Jevon. (Jane menulis lebih cepat daripada Jevon.)Hoshi is smarter than you. (Hoshi lebih pintar daripada kamu.)My house is bigger than yours. (Rumah saya lebih besar daripada rumahmu.)Math is easier than physics. (Matematika lebih mudah daripada fisika)Jaebi is more diligent than Selgie. (Jaebi lebih rajin daripada Selgie.)Her condition is worse than yours. (Keadaannya lebih buruk daripada keadaanmu.)~Note (Catatan)

(i). Gunakan pola adjective + /-er/ + than jika suku kata dari kata sifat (adjective) tersebut kurang dari 2 suku kata.

(ii) Gunakan pola more + adjective + than jika suku kata lebih dari 2 atau sama dengan 2 suku kata.

(iii). Bila adverb of manner digunakan dalam pola comparative degree ini maka, gunakan pola more + adjective + than

Superlative DegreeKegunaan (Usage):

Superlative degree digunakan pada saat kita ingin menyatakan bahwa hanya ada 1 obyek yang ada dalam suatu kelompok tertentu yang paling tinggi tingkatannya dari lainnya. Ini disebut tingkat paling.

Pola Superlative degree ini ada 2 bentuk:

1. The + adjective + /-est/ + in/of

/-est/ adalah akhiran (suffix) yang ditaruh tepat dibelakang kata sifatnya.

Note (Catatan)

huruf /y/ pada kata /easy/ akan ter-infleksi menjadi huruf /i/

manakala huruf /y/ pada kata /easy/ tersebut bertemu dengan akhiran dengan struktur vokal + konsonan + konsonan (atau, est).

2. The most + adjective + in/of

Note (Catatan)

(i). Gunakan pola the adjective + /-est/ + in/of jika suku kata dari kata sifat (adjective) tersebut kurang dari 2 suku kata.

(ii) Gunakan pola the most + adjective + in/off jika suku kata lebih dari 2 atau sama dengan 2 suku kata.

(iii). Bila adverb of manner digunakan dalam pola comparative degree ini maka, gunakan pola the most + adjective + in/off. Akan tetapi, diperbolehkan juga menggunakan pola the adjective + /-est/ + in/of

(iv). preposition "in" atau "of" tidak bersifat mutlak atau dengan kata lain bersifat opsional. Bisa digunakan bisa tidak tergantung pada pola konteks kalimatnya.

~Math lesson is the easiest in all subjects at my school. (Pelajaran Matematika paling mudah dari seluruh pelajaran yang ada disekolahku).I am the tallest girl among my friends. (Saya yang paling tinggi diantara teman-teman saya.)Suho is the richest man in this town. (Suho adalah orang paling kaya di kota ini.)Hanna is the cleverest among her classmates. (Hanna adalah yang paling pandai diantara teman-teman sekelasnya.)Husein is the most handsome boy in this school. (Husein adalah pria paling tampan yang pernah saya temui.)My mother is the best woman in the world. (Ibu saya adalah wanita terhebat di dunia ini.)Mr. Lele is the funniest man I have ever seen. (Pak Lele adalah orang paling lucu yang pernah saya lihat.)Riena is the most beautiful girl in the university. (Riena adalah gadis yang paling cantik di universitas itu).One of the biggest mall in this city is the Mega Mall. (Salah satu mal terbesar di kota ini adalah Mega Mall).Randy are the politest boy in this village. (Kamu adalah anak laki-laki yang paling sopan di desa ini).

23. tolong exercisenya tentang superlative degreedan buatlah 2 contoh kalimat positive degree, comparative, dan superlative degree​


1).Nia is cutest girl in my school

2).this prize is the best present here

3).Nichole is richest man in America

4).she is the most beautiful woman in this room

5)my mother is kindness hearted in this world

24. buatlah contoh degres comparison positive comparative superlative

My brother is as tall as I.
My sister is as beautiful as I.

My brother is taller than I.
My sister is more beautiful than I.

My brother is the tallest in our family.
My sister is the most beautiful girl in the world.

My sister is as short as I.
My sister is as beautiful as I.

My sister is shorter than I.
My sister is more beautiful than I.

My brother is the shorthest in our family.
My cousin is the most handsome boy in the world.

25. A BCDMakes 3 sentences of comparison degree:1. Positive (sama/serupa)2. Comparative (lebih)3. Superlative (paling)​

1. He is as smart as you

2. My clothes is smaller than yours

3. I am is the most handsome guy in this world

26. Buatlah contoh dari degree of comparison (tingkat perbandingan)*Positive degree 5 kalimat*Comparative degree 5 kalimat*Superlative degree 5 kalimatmasing-masing 5 kalimat ​


Allie has a big lipsLana's sister is smallJane's brother is smartThat kid is youngMy grandmother is old


Kate's book is bigger than minehis eraser is smaller than yoursEllie is smarter than ScarlettI'm younger than Vellyn You're older than him


Carey's Ice cream is the biggestShe was the smallest Cassian is the smartest Billie is the youngest among usLady Rene is the oldest

Noted : Maaf jika ada yang salah, semoga membantu :)

27. tolong buatkan contoh kalimat tentang degree of comparison comparative 3 dan superlative 3 

kata dasar         comparative            superlative
big                    bigger                     biggest
beautiful            more beautiful          most beautiful
fast                   faster                      fastest

28. 5. Complete The table Using Degree of comparison.Positive DegreeComparative degreeBetterYoungSuperlative degreeMost ExpensiveCrowded​


positive comparative superlative

good better best

young younger youngest

expensive more expensive the most expensive

crowded more crowded the most crowded


1 silabel ditambahkan er

lebih dari satu silabel ditambahkan more


1 silabel ditambahkan est

lebih dari satu silabel ditambahkan the most

29. make degree of comparison sentences using the adjective vocabulary of “difficult”. starting positive, comparative, and superlative​


buatlah derajat perbandingan kalimat menggunakan kosakata adjektiva “sulit”. mulai positif, komparatif, dan superlatif




30. Superlative5. Degree of comparison (Perbandingan)PositiveComparativeHotTallMore FamousHappier thanCharming..​


1. Hot (Adjective)  Hotter than (Comparative)  The hottest (Superlative)

2. Tall (Adjective)  Taller than (Comparative)  The tallest (Superlative)

3. Famous (Adjective)  More Famous than (Comparative) The Most Famous (Superlative)

4. Happy (Adjective)  Happier than (Comparative)  The happiest (Superlative)

5. Charming (Adjective)  More Charming than (Comparative)  The Most Charming (Superlative)


Rumus Degrees of Comparison:

ada tiga tingkat perbandingan untuk kata sifat dan kata keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

Positive degree digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu dalam keadaan selevel:

Contoh : I am as happy as my parents. (Aku sebahagia kedua orang tuaku)

Comparative degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran "-er"

Contoh : Tony is younger than i am. (Tony lebih muda dariku)

Superlative degree dengan menambahkan akhiran "-est" dan memiliki arti sebagai yang paling sehingga tidak bisa dibandingkan lagi.

Contoh : I am the youngest person in my family. (Aku adalah orang termuda / yang paling muda di dalam keluargaku)

Semoga membantu ya.

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