Contoh Refusing

Contoh Refusing

contoh refusing help

Daftar Isi

1. contoh refusing help

 Sorry. i don't need your services now.
 Sorry, i don't need your help now.
 Thank for your offers, but i don't needNo, it's okay.
No need. I'm fine thank you.
Thank you for your consideration but I can handle it.

2. Contoh kalimat refusing help?

A : Hey, will you lend me a hand over here?

B: No, I am sorry, buddy. I am currently on my way to extra course. Maybe next time okay?
The bold word, is the answer

3. Contoh kalimat refusing suggestion

•) I don’t think that’s a good thing to do
•) Sorry, but I think I can’t do that/this

I don't think im into it

I think the other is better

4. contoh dialog offering refusing something

Kalimat mengajak, menawarkan, menerima dan menolak sesuatu dalam bahasa inggris.

Jini : Hello Yui, are you busy right now? (Halo Yui, apa kamu sekarang lagi sibuk?)

Yui : Hi Jini. Not really. I am just checking my phone. (Hai Jini. Gak begitu sibuk kok. Aku hanya lagi ngecek-ngecek teleponku.)

Jini: Oh, I see. But I need your help, Man. Would you mind to help me please? (Oh, aku tahu. Tapi, aku membutuhkan bantuanmu, Man. Maukah kamu menolongku?)

Yui : Sure, Jin. What I need to do? (Tentu, Jin. Apa yang harus aku lakukan?)

Jini : I wanna know how to solve this Math question. It’s quite hard for me and I hope you get an idea to solve it. (Aku ingin mengetahui bagaimana cara menyelesaikan soal Matematika ini. Soal ini terlalu sulit untukku dan aku harap kamu punya cara untuk menyelesaikannya.)

Yui : It’s easy Jini. Let me help you. (Ini mudah Jini. Mari aku bantu.)

Jini : Okay, thanks. (Oke. Terima kasih.)

5. Contoh dialog accepting dan refusing

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: acceptance and refusal

Svetlana: Honey, where shall we go this weekend?
Djibril: I haven't thought about it, sweetie.
S: Hmm, shall we go to the beach?
D: Probably not a good idea, it's been raining this week.
S: I guess you're right, honey. Oh, there's a music showcase in Vasya's cafe, why don't we go there?
D: I'd rather go somewhere else, sweetie, sorry. I'm not a fan of live music.
    I've got a better idea. Let's go to the book fair. It started last Thursday.
S: OK, that's a good idea. It's been years since we last went to the book fair.

6. buatlah contoh soal dialog giving,refusing

a: can you give me some candy canes?
b: no problem. here you go
a: thank you, sir
b: you're welcome

7. Contoh Giving for Something dan Refusing for Something

Refusing for something =
Anna : The books look so heavy, can i help you to bring it?
Zaza : No,no. Thank you I can do it my self.

Giving for Somenthing =
Can you give me that eraser? I'm very need it.
Yes, Here you are.

Gitu aja,semoga membantu. Makasihh

8. Contoh dialog b inggris tentang refusing invitations

Chad: Hi Mike! How is everything?
Mike: Hi C! I'm good!
Chad: Would you come to my new place this evening? I'll have a house warming party with the guys.
Mike: So it's true than, you've moved out from your old flat? Congrats! Thanks for inviting me, but truly sorry I cannot join the party as I need to accompany my mom to the doctor for general check up.
Chad: oh I see. well, hope everything is ok with your mom. I really wish you could come to the part Chad.

9. contoh kata dialog singkat refusing suggestion ​


saat berkomunikasi dlm bahasa apapun,penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara yng sopan untuk meminta sesuatu dengan orang lain.

semoga bisa membantu ya

10. 5 contoh dari request beserta accepting dan refusing

1. andi: can you help me to do my home work?(request)
susan: it's okay.(accept)
2. wulan: excuse me please, can i sit here ? ( request)
nani: ofcourse, sit down please.(accept)
3. shinta: could you bring my book now?(request)
lani: okay, never mind.(accept)
4. hani: please explain to me about this task.(request)
lini: sorry, i am busy now.(refusing)
5. vanri: would you go with me to bali?(request)
fian:i am sorry, i have another plan tomorrow.(refusing).


11. contoh percakapan accepting/refusing request

accept :
q : Can I have a tea?
a : sure, wait a minute.

q : may i borrow your book?
a : No, sorry. i'm using it

12. Contoh soal refusing help dalam bentuk dialog


A = You seem to be struggling, let me help you"

B = " No, Thank you for offering a help "

13. 5 contoh dari request beserta accepting dan refusing

-Do you want to have a dinner with me?
Accept = sure.
Refuse = i'm sorry, i have to do my homework

-Do you want to have a lunch with me?
Accept = okay
Refuse = sorry, i have a English lesson schedule

-Hi bro, do you want play basketball with me?
Accept = let's go!
Refuse = sorry, i'm tired now.

-Hello, do you want to go to the mall tomorrow with me?
Accept = why not?
Refuse = umm.. sorry because i have to go to Jakarta

-Let's go to the cinema!
Accept = let's go
Refuse = sorry because i have to study for tommorow exam

Sekian, sorry kalau ada yg salah

14. contoh dialog asking giving and refusing opinion

Contoh dialog refusing opinion (menolak pendapat)


A: I think we should improve our performance for tommorow's concert
B: I don't think so, we've done too many practices today, everyone is already tired. Give us a break.
A: Oh sorry guys, I don't realize that, okay, we'll stop for today. Good luck for tommorow!

15. Contoh dialog refusing help

A: hi what are you doing
B: i will get a box to my bedroom
A: may i help you?
B: i can do it my self

16. contoh dialog asking,giving dan refusing

A:What is your name?
B:My name is Bella

A:Please take this

A:Do you want some apples?

17. contoh dialog 30kalimat tentang asking,giving,,refusing

 Loge = "Hello, could you help me to carry my stuff, it's so heavy."
 Greg = "Sure, i can help you."
 Loge = "Thanks dude"
 Greg = "No Problem"

  A = "Hey bro, this is my Gift for your, for your birthday yesterday, i'am sorry   i  can attend."
  B = "That's ok, anyway thanks for your gift, lot of thanks man."

 Z = "Hey, can you buy some ice cream for me ?"
 Y = "Pardon me, but i can't bought some ice cream for you."
 Z = "That's ok"



18. Contoh dialog asking, giving, refusing

A: " hey did you know where is the libary at? "
B: " yes you its on 2nd floor. "

A: " happy birthday to you ! This is my little gift for you hope you like it. "
B: " you dont need to A~ but thank you! "

A: " hey B its recess, do you want to go canteen together?"
B: " sorry A, i need to do my task. Maybe later see you!!"

19. contoh soal asking giving and refusing

1. Librarian : ...
B : Yes, please. I need to found science book
The proper sentence to fill the dialog is...
A. May i help you ?
B. Can you help me ?
C. Could you help me ?

2. A : ...
B : sure, i will help you to solve your Math problem
The proper sentence to fill the dialog is...
A. Can i help you ?
B. What can i do for you ?
C. Could you help me ?

3. A : I will give you a ride to your home if you want
B : ... I can walk on foot
The proper sentence to fill the dialog is...
A. Thank you
B. No, thanks
C. Yes, please

4. What will you say to express that you need a hand ?
A. Can i help you ?
B. What can i do for you ?
C. Could you help me ?

5. What will you say to express that you want to give your hand to someone ?
A. Could you help me ?
B. I need your help
C. May i help you ?

6. What will you say if you want to refuse something ?
A. No, thanks
B. Yes, please
C. Thank you

Read the dialog below to answer number 7 and 8
A : (7)... I lost my pencil yesterday
B : (8)... I am using it
A : oh, okay

7. The proper sentence to fill the dialog is...
A. Can i borrow your pencil ?
B. Could i lend my pencil ?
C. Could i give you some pencil ?

8. The proper sentence to fill the dialog is...
A. Thanks
B. Sorry
C. Here it is

9. A : you look so thirsty, here, you can take my water
B : ... i have my own water
The proper sentence to fill the dialog is...
A. Here it is
B : No thanks
C : thank you

10. What do you say to express that you want to asking thing ?
A. Can i have one of your pencil ?
B. May i help you ?
C. What can i do for you ?

20. Contoh kalimat accepting dan kalimat refusing

1. kalimat accepting (menerima)
Andre : Yudia, can you accompany me to go to bird park tommorow?
Andre : after school
Yudia. : okay ndre..

2. kalimat refusing (menolak)
Intan : Dian, can you come to my home now? i have a good news about something
Dian : om sorry intan.. I CAN'T BECAUSE IM SICK .. but can you come to my home?
Intan : ouh okay dian.. i will go now.. get well son
Dian. : sure thank you

ps : yg cetak kapital itu kalimat accepting sama refusing nya ya :)
semoga membantu:)


21. contoh text giving asking refusing something

offering help:
can i help you?
asking help:
would you help me?
refusing asking for help:
im sorry i cant
refusing offering help:
no. theres no need. thanks

22. contoh dialog tentang asking, giving, dan refusing

Budi: "Hy Can I Have Your Underwear Please? " (Asking)
Robin: "Sure, but my underwear is big for you"
Budi: "Okay

Jembot: "Do you want some this candy?"
Kork : "Oh, thankyou but iam gonna eat that with my drink"
Jembot : "Here You go" (Giving)
Kork: "thanks a lot"

Loki : "Give me back my Hammer"
Thor : "this is my hammer, iam not giving to you" (Refusing)
Loki: "okay iam gonna go bathroom now"

Itu jawabannya, maaf sedikit vulgar
#IStillHateNik001a: Can I help you?
b: yes, please. can you I try that blue shoes?
a: okay. Let me help you to open the box of the shoes.
a:No, thanks. I can do it my self.

23. contoh percakapan asking and refusing something

Asking :

A: Hi B, Can you buy me some milk please?
B: Sure A!
A: Thank you very much B!


A: B, do you want some of my snack?
B: No thank you.

24. sebutkan contoh-contoh accepting invitation and refusing invitation !!

Accepting Invitation=
"sure,I will join your party tonight"
Refusing Invitation=
"Im sorry Alex,i've been very busy this day"

25. Contoh dialog tentang refusing to give permission

Jawaban: me : sir, can I call nabila for a second?

teacher : why?

me : because I want to borrow nabila's book, I forgot to bring it

teacher : no, you can't. It's your fault that you didn't check your books.

nabila : sir, it's alright, I don't mind give him the book

teacher : no can do.

me : ok sir, I understand thank you and sorry for this .

teacher : it's alright, but next time make sure to check your books before going to school.

me : alright sir.

26. contoh dialog giving and refusing service & giving and refusing things

Giving for Services.
Inti dati text ini adalah kita sedang menawarkan jasa kita.
Contoh Text:
a. Let me help you 
b. May i help you?
c. May i help you for take your bag to your table?
d. Can i close the door for you?
e. What can i help you?
f. Can i help you?

Asking for Services
Inti dari text ini adalah kita sedang meminta bantuan atau jasa dari orang lain
Contoh Text :
a. Can you Help me?
b. Can you take my bag to my table?
c. Can you close the door for me?
d. Can you turn on the television?
e. Can you turn off the lamp please? 

27. Contoh dialog 2 orang tentang asking, giving, refusing??


A:hi B, can you help my homework?
B:oh hi, of course i can..
A:thankyou very much
B:your welcome


A:hi B, what are you doing?
B:hi A, i just try to answer my math homework
A:can i help you?
B:if you dont mind..


A:what are you doing B?
B:im looking for my keys..
A:can i help you to find your keys?
B:no, thankyou

28. contoh dialog refusing service beserta artinya

contoh :

alta : the box look heavy. let me help you
rifa : thank you

artinya :

alta: kotak itu terlihat berat. biarkan saya membantu mu
rifa : terima kasih

29. contoh dialog yang mrnggunakan asking,giving,refusing


A: who is she?
B: she's our new teacher, Ms. Sinta.


A: ugh! my pen's run out!
B: here, use my pen.


A: would you like to join me on the movie marathon tommorow?
B: sorry, got to go tp the doctor tommorow. 

30. contoh accepting and refusing opinion​

Refusing opinion expression (similar as disagreeing)

1. I don't think so

2. I think that's not a good idea

3. I get you point, but ...

4. I don't think that's a good idea.

5. I disagree with you

kalo accepting kurang tau:(




•that's good idea

•sure,i'll do that

•thank you,i'll try that

•i think you're right



•i think you wrong


•thats not really how i see it

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