Bahasa Inggris Berapa Nomor Teleponmu

Bahasa Inggris Berapa Nomor Teleponmu

bahasa Inggrisnya Berapa nomor teleponmu

Daftar Isi

1. bahasa Inggrisnya Berapa nomor teleponmu

What is your phone number?

semoga membantu :D
what is your phone number

2. untuk apa nomor telepon saya, dalam bahasa Inggris

for what my phone number isfor what, my phone number

3. Apa bahasa inggrisnya: buat apa nomor teleponku untukmu?

For what my phone number for you?

semoga mrmbantu^^

4. Spell this phone number:5417787 (sebutkan angka nomor telepon tersebut dalam bahasa inggris) *​


five million four hundred seventeen thousand seven hundred eighty seven




mudahan berguna

5. percakapan telepon dengan ekspresi menerima dan meningalkan pesan melalui telepon dengan bahasa Inggris​


telephone conversation with the expression of receiving and leaving messages over the phone with

semoga menbantu ^_^

6. percakapan telepon bahasa inggris di bank

B:hello, it's me, B. where are you now?
A:i'm in the bank
B:oh, please come to my home later. I need your help
A:okey, i will come
B:thanks, see you later. bye

7. Apa bahasa Inggrisnya telepon genggam?

Bahasa inggrisnya telepon genggam adalah Handphonehandphone.........................

8. percakapan telepon di kantor bahasa inggris

hello sir. must help me doing do

9. percakapan melalui telepon dalam bahasa inggris menanyakan tentang pr

A = Hello?
B = Hello.
A = Who's speaking?
B = It's Anna. Could I speak with Arisa, please?
A = Oh, it's you, Anna! I'm Arisa. What is it?
B = Is there any homework that was given today? I didn't come to school because I was sick.
A = Hm.. Wait a minute. No, there wasn't. We only took notes today. But, there is an English homework tomorrow, right?
B = I see. Then, can I borrow your notes?
A = Sure. I will bring it for you tomorrow.
B = Thanks, Arisa. Goodbye.
A = Bye!Sony : hello, can i speak with yusuf ?
Ani    : i am sorry, this is yusuf sister. please wait
Sony : okay

then not long after that
Yusuf : Hello, this is Yusuf, can i help you ?
Sony  : right  yusuf, i want to ask, what is english home work ?
Yusuf : the home work yoday, we must do page 116 pathway to english.
Sony  : Okay yusuf, thanks
Yusuf  : okay, you're welcome

semoga membantu dan bermanfaat :) 

10. contoh diari percakapan di telepon bersama sahabat di telepon,,,bahasa inggris dan arti nya

Meminjam Kamus Bahasa Inggris

keneth: Halo….
mitzy: Ya Hallo, mitzy is here.
keneth: It’s me mit, keneth. Can you help me, mit?
mitzy: Oh, keneth. What can I do for you, ken?
keneth: Do you have an English Dictionary? I need one for my English homework.
mitzy: Actually, I have just a dictionary. But, I think my brother has another dictionary. I will lend it for you.
keneth: Thanks mit. I will come to your house this evening.
mitzy: Anytime. I will prepare that dictionary for you. Bye.
keneth: Bye.


keneth: Halo….
mitzy: Ya Halo, dengan mitzy.
keneth: Ini aku mit, keneth. Apakah kamu bisa membantuku, mit?
mitzy: Oh, ken. Apa yang bisa aku lakukan untukmu, ken?
keneth: Apakah kamu mempunyai sebuah kamus bahasa Inggris? Aku membutuhkan sebuah kamus untuk mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggrisku.
mitzy: Sebenarnya, aku hanya punya satu kamus. Tapi, aku pikir saudara laki lakiku ada kamus lainnya. Aku akan meminjamkannya untuk mu.
keneth: Terima kasih mit. Aku akan datang kerumah mu malam ini.
mitzy: Sama-sama. Aku akan menyiapkan kamusnya untukmu. Dadah.
keneth: Dah.

11. contoh telepon handling dalam bahasa inggris

Ms. Anderson (sales representative Jewels and Things): *ring ring...ring ring...ring ring*

Secretary (Mr. Smith): Hello, Diamonds Galore, this is Peter speaking. How may I be of help to you today?

Ms. Anderson: Yes, this is Ms. Janice Anderson calling. May I speak to Mr. Franks, please?

Mr. Smith: I'm afraid Mr. Franks is out of the office at the moment. Would you like me to take a message?

Ms. Anderson: Uhm...actually, this call is rather urgent. We spoke yesterday about a delivery problem that Mr. Franks mentioned. Did he leave any information with you?

Mr. Smith: As a matter of fact, he did. He said that a representative from your company might be calling. He also asked me to ask you a few questions...

Ms. Anderson: Great, I'd love to see this problem resolved as quickly as possible.

Mr. Smith: Well, we still haven't received the shipment of earrings that was supposed to arrive last Tuesday.

Ms. Anderson: Yes, I'm terribly sorry about that. In the meantime, I've spoken with our delivery department and they assured me that the earrings will be delivered by tomorrow morning.

Mr. Smith: Excellent, I'm sure Mr. Franks will be pleased to hear that.

Ms. Anderson: Yes, the shipment was delayed from France. We weren't able to send along your shipment until this morning.

Mr. Smith: I see. Mr. Franks also wanted to schedule a meeting with you later this week.

Ms. Anderson: Certainly, what is he doing on Thursday afternoon?

Mr. Smith: I'm afraid he's meeting with some clients out of town. How about Thursday morning?

Ms. Anderson: Unfortunately, I'm seeing someone else on Thursday morning. Is he doing anything on Friday morning?

Mr. Smith: No, it looks like he's free then.

Ms. Anderson: Great, should I come by at 9?

Mr. Smith: Well, he usually holds a staff meeting at 9. It only lasts a half an hour or so. How about 10?

Ms. Anderson: Yes, 10 would be great.

Mr. Smith: OK, I'll schedule that. Ms. Anderson at 10, Friday Morning...Is there anything else I can help you with?

Ms. Anderson: No, I think that's everything. Thank you for your help...Goodbye.

Mr. Smith: Goodbye.

12. Apa bahasa inggrisnya telepon



semoga bermanfaat

13. percakapan telepon korespondensi bahasa inggris

Nita : Assalamualaikum Adinda
Adinda : Waalaikumsalam Nita ada apa yaa??
Nita : Aku ingin mengajak mu liburan bersama keluarga ku
Adinda : memangnya liburan kemana dan jam berapa??
Nita : liburannya ke Puncak jam 03.00 sore
Adinda : maaf aku tidak bisa karena aku ingin les menari selama 2 jam
Nita : memang nya mulai menarinya kapan??
Adinda : jam 03.00 sampai jam 05.00
Nita : oh yasudah aku ngajak teman ku yang lain saja
Adinda : Baiklah
Nita : Bye adinda
Adinda : bye nita

14. Bahasa inggrisnya " Saya tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris, jangan telepon tapi whatsapp saja "

i don't speak english, please don't call me but chat me with whatsapp instead

maaf jika ada kesalahan

15. penjelasan percakapan telepon dalam bahasa inggris ?

rena:how are you?
huka:i'm fine
rena:im fine too
maaf salah
a     : Hello. Dana      : Hello, Mia. This is Dana. May I speak to Andre, please? Maya     : I’m sorry but he has gone out. Would you like to leave a message? Dana      : Yes. Please tell Andre that I won’t be able to come for football practice tomorrow morning. I have sprained my ankle. Please tell him to inform Mr. Indra Syafrie that I cannot have the practice for at least two weeks. Maya     : Oh I am sorry to hear that. I hope your ankle gets better soon. Dana      : Thank you, Maya. Maya     : Hold on, please. Have you seen a doctor? Dana      : I haven’t. I don’t think it’s that bad. Maya     : I think you’d better go to the doctor to check your ankle. Dana      : Thanks for the advice, Maya. See you then, bye. Maya     : You’re welcome, bye.

16. percakapan telepon dengan ekspresi menerima dan meningalkan pesan melalui telepon dengan bahasa Inggris ​


menerima pesan =

dim : who's calling?

jim : hey is me jim your cousin lets go bowling

dim : okay i will come at 3 pm

meninggalkan pessan =

tim : hello is tim im not home now please leave a message here

gimmy : hey tim lets play football tomorrow


salah maaf

kalau salah koreksi di komen

17. Bahasa inggris No telepon ibu saya

My mother's number
My mom's number

Semoga membntu :)

18. buatin dialog bahasa inggris tentang telepon?!

hera: Hello..
sinta: helo..sinta speaking
hera: hello sinta, this is me hera
sinta:hera?oh i remember, how are you?
hera: im fine thank you, how about you?
sinta:im fine too thank you
hera: oh good, by the way can you attend to my birthday party?
sinta:ofcourse, whynot? but when?
hera: tommorow at 07.00pm, at my home, i hope you come
sinta: sure, i will come to your birthday party, thanks for inviting me
hera: thank you sinta, im glad you came. no problem, see you later
sinta: oke bye see you later too

19. cara menerima telepon dalam bahasa inggris

you jast youst the telepon You just take the telephone, then talk to the phone
Sudah selesai

20. memutus sambungan telepon dengan bahasa inggris

disconnect the phone

semoga membantu ya!

21. bahasa inggris telepon​




semoga membantu


telepon = telephone

jangan lupa follow ntar gua back, like, jadikan jawaban tercerdas

22. bahasa inggris nya penemu telepon. ... ​

telephone inventor. ...


maaf klo salah

23. dialog telepon bahasa inggris

Anji : Hello, good morning. Can I speak to Ridwan?
Mrs. Ira : I’m sorry, may I know who is in on the other end? I am Mrs. Ira, Ridwan’s mother
Anji : Oh, I’m sorry, Auntie. My name is Anji. I am Ridwan’s classmate.
Mrs. Ita : Oh, you are Ridwan’s classmate. Um, it seems that Ridwan is in his room upstairs. Would you wait for sometime while I get him?
Anji : That’d be okay, Auntie.
Mrs. Ita : Huh? That’s him. It seems he’s coming down from his room. A second please, I’ll get Ridwan for you.
Anji : Yes, thank you, Auntie.
Mrs. Ita : Ridwan! It’s your classmate Anji on the phone.
Ridwan : Alright, I’ll get it, Mom. Thanks. Hello… Hey, Anji, is it you?
Anji : Oh, hello there, Ridwan. It’s good to hear your voice again.
Ridwan : Hahaha it sounds you really miss me around.
Anji : Yeah, Bro. By the way, I heard that you were hospitalized. I’m so sorry, Buddy. I could not be there to see your condition. I was not in town. What made you get hospitalized anyway, Rid?
Ridwan : its okay, Buddy. I’m so healthy now. I just had a minor accident when I was riding my motorcycle on the road that day.
Anji : What happened, Rid? You got crash?
Ridwan : Um, no, I think it wasn’t a crash. That day was raining and the road seemed quite slippery. I was careless, I forced my motorcycle to the high speed and then when I found some other motorcycle riders suddenly passed by in front of me from other way, all of a sudden I wasn’t able to control my motorcycle in order to avoid running over them and I ended up running against the sidewalk.
Anji : Oh, Man! You should have been more careful, fortunately you didn’t get a fatal crash. So, people in there must have taken you into the hospital then?
Ridwan : No, I just had some scratches then I got up and rode my motorcycle home.
Anji : Wh..what?! Didn’t you get hospitalized from that accident?
Ridwan : Ahahaha my story really tricked you! I didn’t get hospitalized from that accident, Buddy. I was hospitalized because of typhus.Anji : So, you’re telling me that your motorcycle accident had nothing to do with your hospitalization?
Ridwan : Yes, Buddy. [laughs]
Anji : Oh, Man! You really got me with that story. [deeply sighs]
Ridwan : Ahahaha. Because of that typhus, I had to be hospitalized for three days.
Anji : Haha, okay. It’s good to have you back. Are you home at 10 AM tomorrow by the way? I’d like to come over.
Ridwan : Alright, I’m free all day tomorrow.
Anji : Good! Okay, don’t miss me, I’ll be there tomorrow. Good bye, Buddy.
Ridwan: Haha, okay, Good bye.
Angel : Hello, Antonio! good morning
Antonio : Hello too, who is this?
Angel : this is angel. your friend.
Antonio : oohh!! angel! i'm so glad to see you!
Angel : yah,, how are you today friend?
Antonio : i'm so very well. how about you?
Angel : i'm fine thank you.
Antonio : angel, i'm so miss you.
Angel : yah, i miss you too. but, sorry antonio i have to go now. i'm very sorry. bye
Antonio : okay, no problem. bye

24. percakapan di telepon dalam bahasa inggris

Arief      : hello this is Arief speaking.
Agung   : Hi, arief. I’m Agung. How are you?
Arief      : I’m fine thanks. Agung,  I’m very sorry as I told you last week that we are going to have sightseeing tomorrow, but I’m not sure. It is because my father and mother are going to see my uncle at the hospital, and I kit, must stay at home to do a lot of work.
Agung   : What is the matter with your uncle?
Arief      : He got an accident this morning. I am awfully sorry.
Agung   : It doesn’t matter.
Arief      : Will you go on sunday next week if you dont mind?
Agung   : no at all. Is your  uncle seriously injured?
Arief      : I don’t know yet. I think so. Well, see you next week. Good night.
Agung   : Good night.
rey:" hello, good morning. Am i speaking with vit?"
vit :" yes, it's myself. who're you?"
rey:" i'm rey ,vit. "
vit :" oh rey, rey what happening ? suddenly you call me on my phone?"
rey:" vit, you will bring the comic is title COMICSTAR for tomorrow yes?"
vit :" okkay rey, i'll bring it "
rey :" okkay, nice to meet you. bye"
vit. :" yeaah rey, nice to meet you too ,. bye too"

25. Buatlah percakapan melalui telepon dengan bahasa inggris

Ammy : Hello this is Diaz? Diaz : Hello. Yes iam Ammy : How are you Today? Diaz : Im fine. Thanks. And you? Ammy : Pretty well Diaz : Can you meet me now? Ammy : Im sorry Diaz.. I have to do my homeworks Diaz : Its OK, Ammy. I have to go now. See u! Ammy : Yeah. See u too!A : Hello ,
B : Hello ,
A : How are you today ?
B : I'm fine ,
A : Nice to meet you , good bye

26. Bagaimana cara memperpanjang percakapan di telepon ?(Dalam Bahasa Inggris )

How to make conversations on phone more longer?

How to make conversations on phone more longer?

27. tidak boleh menyalakan telepon bahasa inggris nya

should not turn on the phoneMust not turn on the phone

#maaf kalo salah

28. bagaimana cara membuat undangan menggunakan telepon dalam bahasa inggris, pelajaran bahasa inggris

Percakapan melalui telepon(Jika percakapan)
A = Hello? May i speak with C please?
C = Yes, i'm C
A = C! I want to invite you to a pool party tomorrow morning! Can you come?
C = When the pool party is starting? And where?
A = At my house, tomorrow 4 pm
C = Okay, thanks for the invitation A
A = Your welcome!

29. percakapan telepon dalam bahasa inggris administrasi

Alex : Good morning, Kelly.
Kelly : Good morning, Alex.
Alex : You look very tired. Did you work overtime last night?
Kelly : I did. I have a lot of works to do, so I worked overtime last night.
Alex : Have you finished all your works?
Kelly : Not yet, I still have 2 or 3 more reports to do.
Alex : Oh, when is the deadline?
Kelly : Tomorrow.
Alex : Do you want me to help you?
Kelly : Yeah but don't you have any works to do?
Alex : I did all of them last night. I worked overtime too.
Kelly : Oh haha.
Alex : So do you want me to help you?
Kelly : Yeah if you don't mind.
Alex : Don't worry, I'll help you.

30. buat ke percapakan telepon dalam bahasa Inggris ​


sinta: hallo

irma: ya hallo,sinta is here.

sinta: it's me ir, sinta. can yao help me, ir?

irma: oh, sin, what can I do for you tik?

sinta: do you have an English Dictionory?

I need one for my English homework.

irma: acatually I have just a Dictionory.I wil leen it for you

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